Write Your Fucking Congress Critter!


Literotica Guru
Sep 21, 2008
Surely you have wanted to, if only to pull their chain and remind then that they represent you and not those ass wipes on the other side.

Well here are a couple of nifty web sites to help you,:D:D

Congress Critters

And to support you arguments how about using the Governments own statistics?
You can get all kinds of interesting data to spice up your zingers there.

Use the Power of the Net to let them know how you really feel. though it will require the use of your real name, so don't copy your GB posts unless you want to talk to the FBI. :eek:

And if you want to write the Obama Usurper

Tell him how much you like his position, or the position you would like him to take! :devil:

Do it for your country, do it for you family, do it for Jesus if you must, but DO IT

Show them the real grass roots.
I gave up writing to those assholes 15 years ago or more. I am now of the opinion that most of them would have trouble understanding of nooses placed around their necks.
I called my Congresswoman yesterday re Obama's chained-CPI budget and did the constituent-caller equivalent of slapping a loaded 45 down on the negotiation table.
I send e-mails, so there is a record of my comments.
Here's what I wrote to them.


I just read this article "It's Official: A Democratic President Proposes to Cut Social Security" see (http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-po...cratic-president-proposes-cut-social-security)

Please oppose this and tell the President that he has to someday come out for the 99% with more than pandering words!

This is not a partisan issue, I believe that it is a class issue and the Republicans can only win one for the 1% if Obama folds his hand before the betting is done.

Considering the demographics of this District you will gain more by vociferously opposing this than you would gain by becoming another "Lap Dog" of the DNC.

With Social Security 54,970 +/-1,248 24.4% +/-0.5
24.4% of your constituency depends on Social Security.

The Democratic Party of California used to stand for the 99%. Are you a old line California Democrat, or are you another Grey Davis wimp?

Take your choice, 2014 is just around the corner and the Party needs a strong advocate to run against the inevitable shill the Republicans will undoubtedly put up. Make a name for yourself Mr. Berra. Make me proud of my valiant Congressman.

Stand on the Steps of the Capitol with what ever like minded Representative you can gather and shout down the Mall to the White House, HELL NO!

Thank you for being my Representative, I have great faith that you are a man who takes his responsibilities seriously. I voted for you for that reason. Please don’t let us down.


I just read this article "It's Official: A Democratic President Proposes to Cut Social Security" see (http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-po...cratic-president-proposes-cut-social-security)

Please oppose this and tell the President that he has to, someday, come out for the 99% with more than feeble words!

This is not a partisan issue, I believe that it is a class issue and the Republicans can only win one for the 1% if Obama folds his hand before the betting is done.

The Democratic Party of California used to stand for the 99%. Are you a old line California Democrat, or are you another Grey Davis wimp?

Stand on the Steps of the Capitol, with what ever like minded Senators and Representatives you can gather, and shout down the Mall to the White House, HELL NO!

So who do you represent Senator, the people of this State or Wall Street puppeteers?

President Obama

I just read this article "It's Official: A Democratic President Proposes to Cut Social Security" see (http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-po...cratic-president-proposes-cut-social-security)

Please change your mind and stand up for the powerless and the poor. You have to, someday, come out for the 99% with more than feeble pandering words! You have to some day show that you truly believe in your oath of office.

This is not a partisan issue, I believe that it is a class issue and the Republicans can only win one for the 1% if you fold your hand before the betting is done. You will have a large following on left and right even if you have to press the Republicans to the brink again, and the Republicans will blink when 70% of the Tea Party sides with holding the line on Social Security cuts if you form the debate in that way.

The Democratic Party used to stand for the 99%. We fought hard to make this country a place where the Rights of Man and Woman are respected and the citizens needs addressed equally. You, Mr. President will have to fight and hard, as the Republicans see you as a lame duck now.

Most of the problems facing our Nation are caused by Congress not representing the needs of the 99%, or believing the Republican and Democratic PR and not the facts. The Facts are that the peoples needs are best served by honesty and realistic appraisal of the situation. I know that the spin misters will say that the you have to compromise, but you do so with the fate of a lot of Voters on the line. Don't take the party down in 2016 by allowing the right wing to sentence our seniors to further cuts when the 1% is raping our country. A Democratic failure in 2016 will only further degrade the gains we have won and may cause our great Nation to fall into the absolute control of the 1%.

You have a strong hand now and the right is loosing support everyday, Please stand up for the powerless against the neo-fascists that are making a mockery of the democratic principles you swore to defend.

Your last term will decide your legacy, please be a Martin Luther King and not a sniveling Uncle Tom for Wall Street.
SO today I see this from the Senator from SC.

Graham said
“His overall budget is not going to make it, but he has made a step forward in the entitlement reform process that would allow a guy like me to begin to talk about flattening the tax code and generating more revenue.”

So the Senator says that if he can get a little cut to our starving Seniors, he just might think about, doing his fucking job to deal with the debt!
How statesman like.:mad: