Wow, Being A Washed Up Unemployed Actor Must Wear On A Person!

Bob Peale

angeli ribelli
Sep 4, 1999
CSI: Miami

David Caruso is looking a little long in the tooth. Throw the man a steak!
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Desert Amazon said:
Okay, I agree but then I've never been a fan of David Caruso...he's nasty looking and not my type.

I'm only posting to beg Bob to bring back the chest avatar....

Pretty please? With cream and whatever your heart desires!

Sweetie, I would if I could.

But I can't. So I won't :(
I can give him a sandwich and a blanket, how's that?

I'm saving the steak for someone good.
Oh, I thought you were describing Dixon Carter Lee. My mistake.
OMG not another dixon troll!!! come on he has been trolled by the best....go away
I want to wash up with him....
oh shit i misread it..damn no bathtime with Dixon i guess
And I thought this thread was going to be about Dixon.
ummm sorry Kotori but a troll beat you to we must beat you:)