Would You take her leash?


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
"Will you pleeeease by my Master/Mistress?" :p

She is very attractive IMHO...
So would you? Would you grant her the wish of becoming your sexual slave? What kinds of things would you have in store for her, what would be on the day's itinerary? ;)

nope, she doesn't do it for me. I like more ass/hips/thigh. It's the waist to ass curve that sells me. Not much of one going on there. And there isn't enough pigmentation difference from her tit to her nipple. I like that too.

call me picky...
perky_baby said:
nope, she doesn't do it for me. I like more ass/hips/thigh. It's the waist to ass curve that sells me. Not much of one going on there. And there isn't enough pigmentation difference from her tit to her nipple. I like that too.

call me picky...

Sure I would. I have no idea what I'd do with it then but I'm certain I can think of something.
You are pretty picky Perky (say that three times quick)...Hmmm, there was another bisexual women on another board once that liked porn. She liked het. stuff fine and also liked lesbian stuff but the lesbian porn was really specific and the women in it had to fit into her certain parameters for her to get off on it...

Coincidence? :confused: Or are bi women more picky in choosing another woman then men are about looks?

Oh wait, scratch that, I just remembered that it turned out a year later "she" was a guy all along pretending to be a bisexual women! :eek:

Grrrr...:mad: Fucking men... :rolleyes:

All that time and effort spend finding "her" porn, for nothing, wasted.... :(
Has she been to Bitch School yet?

Let's see, she's an expert at takin' it doggystyle and she eats from the floor without using her hands, only her tongue and mouth...I think she has? lol

Wanna make puppies? Woof! :p
Coincidence? :confused: Or are bi women more picky in choosing another woman then men are about looks? I'm more picky when someone pointedly asks me if I would pick a porn picture for a sexual purpose. Real life is different. Touch makes up for a lot. However, I've always said. I pick women of beauty and men of character.

as for the whole "man" thing. I've got balls, but it's not genetic or surgical, just an attitude thing. ;)
"I pick women of beauty and men of character."

Never said:
"I pick women of beauty and men of character."


uh yeah, ummm. I've also said, beauty and character are in the eye of the beholder and I have a duck's taste.

does that make it less "ouchfull"?
“uh yeah, ummm. I've also said, beauty and character are in the eye of the beholder and I have a duck's taste.

does that make it less "ouchfull"?”

Let’s just say someone is more likely to tell me they think I have good character than they are to tell me I’m beautiful. No, let’s just say someone is more likely to tell me that Venusian monkeys wearing propeller hats are flying out of their ass to set fire to Chicago than they are to tell me I’m beautiful.
Never said:
. . . Venusian monkeys wearing propeller hats are flying out of their ass to set fire to Chicago. . . .

Don't tell Busybody or Hanns. They'll start a new paranoid hit list.
"Don't tell Busybody or Hanns. They'll start a new paranoid hit list."

Please, everyone knows about the flying monkeys the US government has hired from another planet to distroy Chicago so they can delcare martial law and take away our right to carry semi-automatic weapons.
