Would you sleep with a married person?

I have a few times..... (and no, not talking about my own spouse - b4 him)

I look at it this way, if they know the possible repercussions of the action and I'm willing to get my car keyed/ get slapped, or screamed at in public (possibly shot or stabbed) Then why not?

This said, it might be worth it, it might not, but in today's society I'd rather keep my bits to myself.
Sleeping with a taken person has more possible side effects than most medications out there.

Whatever you choose, just know full and well what can happen.

married women

Wouldn't stop and think twice about it. I've leaned through time, if an attraction is there, play your card and get in the game. Then there"s no "if I had only " involved. You tried, and if it works, great, if itdoesn't, you know you gave the effort, instead of standing there playing pocket pool. There may be a day when your wife feels the same way.:devil:
I agree

as long as you both understand the repercussions.... what business is it of anyone else what you do in your private life.

but only under a clear understanding of the "rules". It is one time good communication is the key and not being afraid to walk away at any time if those alarm bells start.......
i did once, and while it was amazing, i felt incredibly guilty after. he's the father of a high school friend.
a little of both, but mostly the married thing. i would like to be married someday and would hate to have my husband do that to me.

Maybe you could keep your school uniform for those special & naughty occasions
Not only would I, but I have. I've been married several times and I slept with each and every one of my wives.

To get to the gist of your question, yes I have.

I guess the big question is was it worth it? For me at that time I would say yes. Would I do it again? To be honest it really depends.

We were both married to others when we met, none of the 4 of us particularly happy in our situations. Both of those marriages ended, and we got married not long after.

I think I can safely say that 3 of the parties are happier now. Of the repercussions, I think my kids were the most immediately affected. There was a period of adjustment but they've done extremely well, and I'm very proud of them.
married people

lust, passion, emotions, sport-all good reasons to dive into that pool. did it as a single and married guy and can honestly say they were all good experiences. like albany girl says, if you have ideals and integrity that can't waiver-take a pass.
I have and I would again. Something about the fact that he's married is such a huge turn on!
It's easy to say that I would, especially since there is one husband I have my eye on. We flirt and have some serious chemistry, too, but I think the opportunity would actually have to present itself before I'd know for sure if I'd go through with it or not.
Slept with a few married women in my teens and twenties, when I was single. Every time it was great. No hangups or guilt on either part. Lost my virginity to a married woman when I was 18 and she was 19. During my first marriage I only strayed with one woman and it lasted for about two years. If both parties are on the same page and agree on what the relationship is it can be incredible.
I've had my share of opportunities and it's on my bucket list; however it would either have to be a one time sexcapade where I never talk or see that person again or a real life, long lasting love affair.
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I have

and I would again, if the situation was right. The past experiences I've had were all great except for one. I learned early on to NOT sleep with a married woman that is just pissed off at her husband and wants to exact revenge on him, that just ends very badly, usually with her ending up feeling guilty and telling him. Not a good thing especially when he is relative. So having that been said, yes I would again in the right circumstance. :D