Would you like to receive a PM from the above poster?

Why do the guys never want to chat with each other. It is good to have same sex friends you know. Try treating PMs like a bar. Message offering a beer. Sit uncomfortably for a little while and then drop something into conversation. Sports, cars, women, kids, work, art, gambling, moisturising routine, shaving issues, the price of gas. Anything you like. It works!
Why do the guys never want to chat with each other. It is good to have same sex friends you know. Try treating PMs like a bar. Message offering a beer. Sit uncomfortably for a little while and then drop something into conversation. Sports, cars, women, kids, work, art, gambling, moisturising routine, shaving issues, the price of gas. Anything you like. It works!
Hear, hear! And of course I love to get PMs or any kind of message from her!
Ummm? Based on response above sure!
But, realize it’s only to get PrettyLikPussy’s green flag.
Not that I have not chatted with gents here
It’s just that her AV that needs an explanation
And.. thanks to AmberLGreen, may I say that is a great tie ?
Why do the guys never want to chat with each other. It is good to have same sex friends you know. Try treating PMs like a bar. Message offering a beer. Sit uncomfortably for a little while and then drop something into conversation. Sports, cars, women, kids, work, art, gambling, moisturising routine, shaving issues, the price of gas.
Bless you.
But if I wanted that kind of penance of an evening, I'd be sitting with men in a bar.