Would this story have been suitable for Loving Wives?


Out To Lunch
May 15, 2022
I've never posted a story in the LW category, but my latest story, about a "brief encounter", with suggestions of cuckolding, seems to me like the kind of story that could have been posted there. I ended up posting it in the "Mature" category, simply because the characters are their fifties and sixties.

Would this story be out of place in LW?

I'll second EB, even with just a quick skim because I'm on my way out in a couple of minutes, I can see this story would be a total waste in that troll pit. Leave it where it is, its better than that category and its readers.
I wouldn't put that piece in LW, not for a second.

Your story is delicate, well seen, sensitive. Why on earth would you want to subject it to the hostility of LW? Have you not seen what goes on there?

I'll second EB, even with just a quick skim because I'm on my way out in a couple of minutes, I can see this story would be a total waste in that troll pit. Leave it where it is, its better than that category and its readers.

Ok. I can't see much to cause hostility in any of the story, maybe irritation and boredom with the lack of sex, maybe...

...but, after reading your repsonses, I'll take them as indicating that I did the right thing by "chickening out" of posting it there :)
Ok. I can't see much to cause hostility in any of the story, maybe irritation and boredom with the lack of sex, maybe...

...but, after reading your repsonses, I'll take them as indicating that I did the right thing by "chickening out" of posting it there :)
Man, there is nothing rational in LW.
I've never posted a story in the LW category, but my latest story, about a "brief encounter", with suggestions of cuckolding, seems to me like the kind of story that could have been posted there. I ended up posting it in the "Mature" category, simply because the characters are their fifties and sixties.

Would this story be out of place in LW?

It would have belonged there, but I don’t think it would have done well ratings-wise. Still beautiful, though.
Thanks. It was mainly because of your essay on LW that I considered posting it there.
I would have loved to see it there, but I do think EB and LC are correct; it would have unjustly gotten a bunch of haters riled up.
I would have loved to see it there, but I do think EB and LC are correct; it would have unjustly gotten a bunch of haters riled up.
Would the hate be because the wife went behind her husband's back and he asked the MC to be a bull, and nobody got retribution? Or because it's too awfully british, mannered and understated and basically doesn't have any dirty hotness?

(Don't be fooled by my own "nice" moniker BTW, it's actually ironic, and a reminder to myself not to be too assholish myself around here - I can certainly handle dumb trolls, and can even become one myself, when the situation calls for it).
Would the hate be because the wife went behind her husband's back and he asked the MC to be a bull, and nobody got retribution? Or because it's too awfully british, mannered and understated and basically doesn't have any dirty hotness?

(Don't be fooled by my own "nice" moniker BTW, it's actually ironic, and a reminder to myself not to be too assholish myself around here - I can certainly handle dumb trolls, and can even become one myself, when the situation calls for it).
A little of each, maybe? Not about the lack of hot sex; the ones who'd be angry about it would probably be more angry if you did include it. I think the one that would upset them the most is that there's no retribution, but what would probably make them even angrier is that there's not even a hint of retribution; what I mean is that the husband is, perhaps, a little sad or disappointed, but that's the extent of his negative reaction. He's not enough of a "real man" for the crowd that would be angry about that type of thing.
He's not enough of a "real man" for the crowd that would be angry about that type of thing.
Ok. Yes, well, definietly too narrow-minded a crowd for that story. I'm guessing they're basically just a very vocal minority. I think EB and LC make a point -- I thought at first that they (and you) wanted to protect the little sensitive, delicate writer that I am, which is why I explained that I'm actually pretty tough when it comes to abusive comments, trolls, etc).
But now I get it: They (and you) are actually saying that the story is too nuanced, value-free and amoral (as opposed to immoral) for that category.
But now I get it: They (and you) are actually saying that the story is too nuanced, value-free and amoral (as opposed to immoral) for that category.
Correct. You've heard the expression, "Don't cast pearls before swine"?

It's one of things you need to make your mind up on Lit, whether to cross the bridge over the great divide. It really is a different place, and you either decide to write there or you don't. It's not like bouncing around the other categories, where a story is a story with a different kink. It's a completely different dynamic, and I'm not sure nuance comes into it.

If you stick with Mature for stories like yours, the whole cuckolding thing doesn't even need to come into play.
I posted my very first story in Loving Wives and while some people enjoyed it, some comments were so incredibly off the wall and mean that I deleted them. I am all for criticism if it is real and genuine but if you are saying mean things about me personally for a story I wrote...bye bye. I wish you luck...Loving Wives was a tough category for me...lol.
Can you post a link to your story? Or better still, you add a link to your stories in your signature. I'm interested as to why you chose to post there -- was it because it seemed the approriate category?
I've never posted a story in the LW category, but my latest story, about a "brief encounter", with suggestions of cuckolding, seems to me like the kind of story that could have been posted there. I ended up posting it in the "Mature" category, simply because the characters are their fifties and sixties.

Would this story be out of place in LW?

Don't whatever you do post a story, in LW.untill you make sure it meet's the criteria ie
no husbands cock will be longer then 2" unless he's black.he never gets satisfaction,
untill his wife tells him just what a loser he is and how much bigger her new lover is.
Are there any actual LW stories posted in LW anymore? Every story of the 13 posted today is about cuckolding. Why not just make it a separate category at this point? It would save readers the trouble sifting through all the cuck shit.
Are there any actual LW stories posted in LW anymore? Every story of the 13 posted today is about cuckolding. Why not just make it a separate category at this point? It would save readers the trouble sifting through all the cuck shit.
What exactly is it you're looking for? Also, what metric are you using for "cuckolding story?" I looked at the first half-dozen, and while there is a hard denial cuckolding story in there, the others all show the husband being involved in some way, i.e., sharing or swapping. There's a marital drama one in there further down, too. Are you wanting a cheating wife story where the husband never knows? There's one of those, too.