Would love editorial help with my 5000-word romcom Halloween story


Really Experienced
Mar 1, 2020
UPDATE: I have an editor! Thanks for stopping by folks!

Hello my lovelies. I have just written a short "romcom" style erotic story taking place at a Halloween party. It's about 5000 words and I could really use some assistance with several things:

1. What category does it go into?

I am thinking probably just your basic, "Erotic Encounters". To me, it's a romantic story, but my understanding is that romances need long, slow buildups over multiple chapters and they need to say, "I love you", etc.

There is also some argument that it might have to go into Fetish, which I would HATE. I really don't want it to go in there but

They have sex at one point when he's wearing a bear costume, but not for furry-fetish reasons, but because it's kind of funny/sexy at the same time, that she doesn't know his identity yet.


2. Does it have too many pop culture references for Literotica? Will I have to entirely re-write it?

They're at a party. They're listening to music. I make reference to the music they're listening to. One of them is dressed as a prominent pop star. There are brand names in there of various types of alcohol, etc.

3. Proofreading for grammatical errors, of course.

4. Feedback on story structure: What works? What's missing?

I have actually been feeling a bit lukewarm about this story. I think I got a bit tired of it and just wanted to wrap it up. Any suggestions for bits that could be expanded for interest, or cut out because they are redundant/don't quite work?

If you have the interest or capacity to help me out, that would be marvelous. It's almost my bedtime in Australia, but if you PM me I can respond in a little over eight hours when I awaken.
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I would be happy to look at this.

I would absolutely love to help with this. I am sending you a PM.