Worlds Apart


Really Really Experienced
Dec 20, 2002
OOC: OOC thread here:

IC: Jeramy Johnson sat at the computer controls, a smile upon his face. Soon they would come. Those that had held him in disregard all his life, calling him wimp and geek and other names that were more damaging and hurtful. "They" had always belittled him, never took him seriously, never thought he could be successful. Well he would show them. He would show them all.

"Arlok!" He called out and instantly the room was filled with smoke and the smell of decaying flesh, a smell Jeramy had gotten used to since he had stumbled upon and broken into the sealed chamber in the mountains of this island. Gotten used to but never gotten to the point of not noticing it.

Wrinkling his nose at the enormous creature that floated beside him, hideous in it's mishappened form the head that of a man but with the horns of a sheep and deep scars criss crossing it's face, it's body only visible from the waist up and it, too, scared and twisted, Jeramy said,"Is all in preparation?"

Bowing low the creature seemed to be groveling as he answered. "Yes, My Lord, everything is ready. When your guests arrive they will be in for many unexpected surprises." As will you the being's thoughts belied his subservient attitude and he had to force himself not to reveal those thoughts through a cruel upturn of his scared lips.

He need not be so careful as the human was not paying attention. He was looking at the monitors that kept watch on all parts of the island where many different 'stages' were set up for the amusement of his guests. He had inherited the island by chance and had come her as a last hope of finding something that would set him up to live the life he always believed he deserved. In a way he had found that. He had found Arlok and freed him after the demi demon had promised to help the young fool realize his dream of becoming famous, rich and the envy of all.

The human had set up the island, with Arlok's help and mystical powers to resemble something out of the medievil times. Villages, castles and farms dotted the land with computer images that could interact with his guests in a way that would make them feel as if they were real. Once Arlok got the hang of the 21st century technology he was quit proficient at transforming the island under Jeramy's watchful eye. As far as the young man knew, everything on the island served one gain him a name and fortune putting into place something no one had ever dreamed of before. It would turn out that the young fool knew nothing at all.

Dismissing the demi demon with a wave of his hand, Jeramy said,"Fine, fine, now be off somewhere. I have plans to make. Guests to greet and jealousy of my genious to stir up." He laughed a harsh laugh knowing that he could not have transformed this land as he did in half the time if ever without Arlok's help. But no one had to know. It was his little secret. And he could not wait to see the looks on everyone's face when they landed on his fantasy land.

Unknowing to him he would never get the chance to see it for plans were being made by someone who had different uses for the island, who had been at his side since the conception of the idea that Jeramy only thought of as his, who was the real mastermind at work, and who would soon be taking his place among the full demons in triumph after reforming not only the island but the rest of the world for their purposes...the slavery of mankind.

Smiling smuggly, Arlok vanished. By the time the boat arrived with the guest all would be in play and nothing could stop it. Not those on the boat, not the man who thought himself in charge, not the gods themselves whom humans had forgotten long ago. The world was about to change and not for the least not for the better if you were human.


Kelly leaned forward against the railing, her chestnut brown hair falling over her eyes so that she had to brush it away. Looking out onto the island before them she thought it was a magnificent sight. Sheilding her eyes, she tried to get a closer look at it expecting to see people there to greet them but as far as she could tell it looked deserted. Maybe it was all part of the act.

Shrugging, she opened up the letter that her boss had given her before he left on his business trip. It was simple and forthright. Her boss had been invited to view a 'pleasure island' for lovers of the medievil genre. It promised fun, excitement and an atmosphere so real that one would think they really lived back in that time.

Her boss had called it 'hype' and ' an old idea rehashed yet again' but knew Kelly had played D&D off and on for years and, who knew, it might be a good prospect. Her boss never let any money making idea slip his grasp even if that potential was a slight one.

Tucking away the letter, she again stared out at the island which was closer than it had been before. Tapping her foot anxiously, she wondered just what was in store for her and the others on board.
Dan stood by the port entrance to the park, a bored expression on his face. He adjusted the heavy leather armor and polished steel helm that made up his security "uniform". He filled it out well, but that didn't mean it was comfortable.

Dan looked to the other guard, "I guess it would be too much to ask for propper uniforms?" he said. His conterpart, a tall thin young man and was a few years younger, Pete was his name, just shrugged and said "I dunno, I think they're kinda cool." He fingered the sword hilt on his belt, dulled of course, and looked out over the ocean. Dan supposed he was imagining himself as a dashing hero, slaying mighty dragons and rescuing beutiful princesses.

Smirking, Dan turned his attention to the yacht that was approaching. "Seems the first guests are arriving," he said to Pete. "Oh?" the younger guard said, for Dan had snapped him out of his fantasy. Hastily, the young man adjusted his ill fitting uniform to some semblance of order and snapped to attention as the yacht pulled into port. Dan just chuckled and leaned against the wall as the guests disembarked.

The sea breeze flew through Jack's unkempt hair as he leaned unimportantly against the side of the boat. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was finally alone. Away from his family, his boss, everything. Away from people.

He opened his eyes to see the others on the yacht. They were scattered about, the closest being a woman leaning on the rail halfway down the ship. He didn't plan on spending much time with these people; this was a time to be alone for a while.

Jack kept his silent, cold demeanor all the way until they reached the port. A duo of rent-a-cops were dressed like guards from the midevil era. Jack was somewhat suprised at how realisitic it looked. Maybe this trip wouldn't be as hokey as he expected.

The boat docked and the group disembarked. Jack waited until everyone left, then followed in the back.
Loki stood there and nodded as the woman kept going on about the neighborhood she grew up in. He wondered if she realised he wasn't really paying her any attention. When she finally paused, he made up some excuse and walked away from her. He looked around to see if there were any other people he might be able to talk to. He noticed some people standing alone at various points around the railing of the yacht, but it looked like they wanted to be left that way.

As he walked around, he noticed that the island was getting closer. He walked over to the railing and watched as the yacht pulled up to shore. He struck up a conversationwith a beautiful blonde-haired woman as they disembarked from the boat. They went their seperate ways, and Loki finally got to take a look at the park. It was magnificent, like he imagined life would be like at that time period. He smiled to himself as he rembered seing pictures of how some of the kitchen wenches were dressed. Oh yeah, he was going to have some fun on this trip.

I stood leaning on the portside rail of the yacht for what seemed an eternity. The feel of the wind running its fingers through my long blonde hair was sensual and refreshing. I paid little attention to the other travellers. This was a time I had long waited for and did not want to get distracted by petty conversation. I was in no hurry, yet eagerly anticipating the experience.
As I gazed out over the waves I had a feeling of eagerness I had not felt for years. My childhood was somewhat repressed and I had very little recollection of any sort of magick then, but now was different. My heart was racing, my breath shallow yet deliberate. It was a feeling familiar, yet unknown.
I had heard of the island from a man I met in the small coffee shop near my loft apartment. He was a very attractive person unlike any I had ever seen in my neighborhood with a gentle yet commanding tone to his smoothe barritone voice. For some reason he was emphatic that I see the Island, that I attend the Grande Opening. So much so that he supposedly wrote a check (without my knowledge) to the mastermind of the project. Shortly after, I recieved my itinerary with a note explaining that, "A man met at a coffee shop seems to be very enamored with you. You are invited to attend the Grande Opening. Enclosed find your itinerary and instructions."
Now I wondered what the man hd to do with the Island, who he was, how it was so important to him that I attend. I looked out over the waves once more to see the Island coming into view.
I was ready...

The last thing I thought I would be is sea sick, yet here I was staying below deck anything to combat the quesiness in my stomach. Finally we docked and I cleaned up before heading up and looking at the island. The hairs on the back of my head tingled as I looked at the island and I rubbed my eyes before looking again.

I thought about why I was here, a book worm at heart, a fencer for fun, had done more than my share of historical costuming. I wore something simple a pale green dress. I had packed a few things and my long auburn hair was twisted back into a long braid. Glasses perched on my nose and I debated about the contacts I had packed.

Being shy i had a long black trench coat over my costume.Thou my broadsword showed out of the back of the neck.Underneath i wore a chainmail my father past down to me from his father.... and so forth. I also wore a pair of leather boots and in the bag i was carrying i had a full silver helm.
As we came into view of the island i felt a strange uneasyness that i felt whnever anything went wrong, but then again i felt that before work too???Oh well.Reaching into my pocket i thumbed the little quartz crystal my mother gave me long ago. Just a little something to remember her by.

'I wonder what this will be like' i thought as we started to dock.
As everyone stepped off the boat they were greeted by a contingent of men and women dressed in period costume. One, a dark haired, dark eyed man stepped forward smiling what seemed to be one of those smile all customer service providers give to people to make them believe they are really glad they are here. In the distance, the boat pulled from the dock leaving a pile of baggage to be picked up by the guests and disappeared quickly over the horizon. What no one knew was that the boat would not be back and, as of that moment, they were stranded upon this pleasure paradise soon to turn into a land of nightmare.


Kelly was jostled as she left the boat and stepped onto the dock. Her simple summer dress blowing around her in the sudden breeze that had sprung up. Looking at the man that had stepped from the others she got a start for a moment as his eyes seemed to change from a dark brown/black to a red, the color of hungry flames. Looking again she shrugged. Must be her overactive imagination or the sun's glare because there was nothing there and all seemed normal enough.

"May I have your attention?" The man called out signaling for those around him to become quiet,"Welcome to King's World. I am Thadeus Brandon, assistant to Mr Jeramy Johnson who will be joining you later. Thank you for being our guests and for helping us to make this grand opening successful."

Gesturing to the men and women around him who were busy passing out keys to and taking invitations from the guests he continued. "You will each recieve a key to one of the guests quarters on the island. Each room is actually a hut with all the luxuries you could ask for. Use them while you can for soon you will only be dreaming of things like running water and air conditioning."

Some of the guests gave a nervous laugh and Kelly thought that the Brandon's face twisted into a sinister smile for a moment but she was sure she was still imagining things and chastized herself for it. It was just the new, exciting and unknown situation she had found herself in was all. She pulled herself out of her thoughts as she realized their host was speaking again.

"I know some of you preferred to bring your own period costumes but for those of you who did not you will find several to choose from in the closets in your suites. I am sure that you will find something you are comfortable with. As promised you can be anything from a wizard to a peasant, it is entirely up to you. Just so you have the adventure of your lifetime.

Kelly could have sworn she saw that smile again and suddenly her stomach was filled with butterflies. Was she really imagining things or was something happening here that was less than upfront? She tried to push the thought away but it kept nagging at her as Brandon finished.

"Each of you will find a personal attendant by your side who will take you to your suites and assist you in anything you may need." Kelly took a look around and saw that men attendants were paired with the women and vice versa. Good marketing tactic She thought with a twist of her lips.

"Dinner will be served at 8 pm," He continued,"and, until then, you will be allowed access to the immediate vicinity of the island only. This is to prevent spoiling any surprises that the rest of our park has in store for you. Tomorrow morning your attendant will wake you and escort you to the starting point for your adventures. Thank you for your patience and cooperation and Happy Adventuring."

With a slight bow, he turned to a man at his side for a whispered conversation and then disappeared into the maze of bungalows and trees behind him.

Kelly turned to look at the handsome attendant who stood beside her. Michael was the name on his tag and she smiled up at him.

"Okay," She said trying to tamp down the butterflies,"I am completely in your hands."

"Yes," The man smiled down at her and she felt no warmth from it,"Yes, you are." Raising an eyebrow he took her elbow and steered her toward her own guests quarters and the start of her adventure.

The edges of things seemed fuzzy and I took my glasses off and cleaned them thoroughly as the attendant picked up my things. I put my glasses back on and noticed how things seem super crisp edged, almost shadowlike and digital all at the same time. I could feel the blood pulsing in my head as a headache formed. I took the proffered key and followed my attendant to the hut. He was well built but there was something lacking in his smile.

I glanced around the hut and saw the blend of technology and medievalism. I told my attendant I would not require him until the morning. He simply nodded and backed away. I felt a wave of relief as he left.

I looked through my bags and found everything there, I wondered if I would need my fencing skills while here. I picked up a favorite book and settled in for the evening. My stomach fluttered and I couldn't have eaten anything even if I had wanted to.
Jack grimaced slightly at the rather snake-like man that introduced himself to the group. He half-listened to the man drone on and on, paying attention only to important times.

All of a sudden, attendents were by everyone's side. Jack fixed his eyes on the shapely girl next to him. Her name tag read: "Natalie".

"Good day, Mr. Phoenix." She said with a smile. Jack ran his eyes up and down her body. "I will show you to your room." Jack nodded and followed her off to his room.

A lone hut was standing along one of the beach and Natalie led Jack in. Jack followed her as she showed him the room. "This is your closet. All costumes you will need will be in here."

"Huh." Jack said. He sat on the bed.

"Well, Mr. Phoenix, I'll be around if you need me. I am her to suit your...every need." Her eyebrow rose up. Jack watched how she bent over to reveal as much cleavage as possible. Jack stared at her for a second.

"Every need, hmmm? Well then, go get me some scotch." Jack said simply. Natalie's seductive smile faded a bit.

"Yes sir." She said and walked out of the hut. Jack smirked inwardly and opened his closet. Cloaks, suits and leather vests. Huh. This should prove interesting.

Listening to the mans voice seemed to irritate me to no degree..AND NOTHING IRRITATES ME.As he finished speaking i put that aside and picked up my own bag before the attendant could. " I Will carry my own bag thank you" i said to the girl attendant. "yes sir, follow me."she said as i followed her to the hut. As we entered she started to show me the closet, but before she could do so i interupted "that will be all you may leave" After she left i threw my trench coat off and repositioned the broadsword so it was comfortable.Looking in the closet i take a wizard staff and robe and put them in my bag, ' It might be fun to mascarade as a wizard' i though as i took out the helm.Dropping it on the bed i was surprised to find it felt quite cold, and yet it was a warm day.Taking it and my bag i walked back to the dock to relaxe and maybe talk with the other guests.

I wasn't really paying much attention to the man who greeted us. I was just thankful to get off that boat. I think I was just too busy taking it all in to listen much. How strange to feel so uncomfortable yet so at home.
I had no expectaions ~ I had learned not to long ago as a defense mechanism ~ so nothing would be a let-down, everything would be new. I liked this.
There were a few women, none terribly friendly. THAT was a relief to me, I hate idle chatter. THere were several men as well, one in particular who seemed to have an aura of confidence and arrogance about him. He intrigued me, but I went on looking around the island.
Suddenly I felt a strong cool hand on my shoulder.
"Miss, this way to your shelter"
He had my bags and was pointing towards one of the huts.
"I would like to look around a bit first, if that's allright" I said to him.
His response was unnerving, yet had a tinge of seductiveness to it , "As you wish, Ma'am. I am here to serve" he purred and after bowing, lifted my bags and went to place them in my quarters.
I went on to explore a bit, to get away from the other travellers.
They all seemed so different than I , and the gap was not narrowing...
Loki stood in the middle of the group, intently listening to the man giving the speech. Loki was trying to find out as much about the island as possible. When the man as done, an Irish beaut walked over to Loki and introduced herself as Mary.

"May I take your bags, sir?" she asked.
"No, that's okay, I can carry them myself." Loki hefted his bags and watched Mary's round butt guide him to his hut. He stepped inside and took the key from Mary. Loki dropped his bags and looked around. The room was just like he thought the living quarters at that time would be. He walked to the closet and opened the door. There were a lot of outfits in there, but one particular viking-like suit really caught his eye.

"Will there be anything else, sir?"
"Not now. But I would like you to escort me to dinner tonight if you would like," he said, winking at Mary.
"If you would like," she said, a rosy tint appearing on her cheeks. She left the hut as Loki started unpacking his bags and thinking about wearing the viking armor to dinner.

I noticed it was close to eight and debated making an appearance at dinner. I supposed it would be a good time to get acquainted with the other guests as I had been isolated during the trip. I glanced in the closet seeing the usual array of peasant clothing with one elaborate gown, some interesting bits of armour, and a sturdy looking cape. I fingered the cape after all it was not like the weather on the island warranted it.

I took a closer look at the cape and realized it was a wizards gard, with hidden pockets. I put it on and explored the secret caches of herbs and powders. "How cool is this," I murmured and decided to take a little stroll around and test the garment.

Never being the one to initiate a conversation, i stood ther pondering what the next day might hold.Idally i unsheath my sword and run my thum along the blade testing its sharpness.Leaning agsinst one of the railings i hold the sword rather fondly. wishing that i wasnt as shy as i am. 'if i wasnt i might have a girlfriend. i thought to myself as i glanced at one of the female guests. 'or atleast someone to share my thoughts with.
Dan was on door duty for dinner that night, which meant he had to greet the guests as they arrived. Since it was somewhat of a formal event, Dan and Pete we decked out in polished silver breast plates and helms, the latter of which sported a large ploom. If anything they were even more uncomfortable then the regular uniforms.

The guests were slowly fileing in and Dan greeted every one with a warm smile and nod. Pete was saying something elaborate, but no one was really listening. Everyone seemed a little nervous, and Dan hoped his friendly demeanor would set them at thier ease. After all, who wouldn't be a little creeped out after dealing with those attendants? There was one of them now. Michael, Dan thought his name was, sleeking around like he was up to something. "Where do they find thies guys?" Dan asked Pete. "I dunno, I think they hire from the government." Pete joked. The two guards shared a laugh and went back to greeting the guests who were entering.

I was so lost in the intensity of it all that I thought it would be exhilirating to just wade out into the churning waves, as far as I could go. At first I lifted up my long,silky, black loose fitting pants so as to not get them too terribly wet, but then a sudden wild urge came over me and I dove as far as I could into the green salty waters.
I felt as though I was being swept away to another time, another place. How liberating it was to be just diving, far away from the people who had so many times betrayed me, left me.
It was so perfect at first. Then suddenly a chill raced through the waters sending a knife through my abdomen to my spine. I could not breathe and I felt myself being carried further and further away from the reality of the world that had so often betrayed me.It seemed so hopeless until.........
Jack broke the barrier of the water as he swam to the surface, one arm wrapped around the girl's waist. He paddled back to shore, dragging the woman in tow.

When he reached the sandy beaches, Jack set her down on the ground. She began to cough and she turned to look at him.

"What? What are..."

"You nearly drowned out there, you crazy woman!" Jack grumbled. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"How did you..."

"I went for a walk and saw you swimming. I also saw you get pulled away." Jack leaned back on his elbows. "I decided I might as well help you." He turned to look at her, his cold eyes showing no emotion. "Although my clothes are quite soaked now. I'll need to change before dinner."
Loki looked at his watch and decided to get dressed for dinner. He went to the closet and pulled out the viking armor and accessories that went with it. He pulled on the thick leather pants and then put on the leather shirt. He then put on the mail armor over the clothes. Loki picked up his lucky leather gloves from the bed and put them on. He picked up the shield and war hammer and put them in their proper places. Last, but not least, he put on the horned helmet. This done, he took a glance at the mirror. He chuckled to himself as he thought about what he was looking at, a black man, nicknamed Loki, dressed in viking armor.

A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. He opened it and saw Mary standing there. She was wearing a long flowing green silk dress that showed off her ample cleavage. Mary blushed a bit as she noticed Loki staring at her.

"You look beautiful in that dress"

"Thank you." she replied.

Loki extended his arm to her and said, "Well would you like to accompany me to dinner now?"

"Sure," she said, linking her arm with his.

The two of them walked to where dinner was being served and talked about a lot of things. They found out that they had a lot in common. When they reached the hall, they were greeted by a couple of knights. The two of them walked around, mingling with other people. Loki thought to himself that he hoped the fun was just beginning.

Jolting myself out of my thought i decide that it might be time to get something to eat.Shoulderin my pack i head to the dinner hall, seeing many of the other guests were already there, i sat down not to far from any of the other guests but just far enough not to be intrusive.Looking over them i feel as tho something unexpected is going to happen, But i felt that when my dog jumped on e to. Oh well' pushing that out of my head i sit waiting for dinner to be served.

As I sunk deeper into the darkness, I felt as if I were being pulled downward at incredible speeds. I felt nothing but a void , blacker than any darkness I had ever experienced.
Nothingness surrounded me and I was lost until I heard a voice over me.
"You nearly drowned out there, you crazy woman"
I tried to see who was talking to me, but could not open my eyes.
"How did you..."
He then said something about watching me being pulled away.
I had felt it, but not until I was completely under the waves. How did he see that? Then he coldly mentioned something abut his clothes and needing to change.
"Thank you so much" I said, although weakly.
"Yea, I couldn't just watch you drown now , could I?"
He sounded cold and uncaring at first, but as I got my wits more about me it almost seemed as if he were hurt or protecting himself in some way.
"Really, I am very grateful. Would you mind helping me back to my quarters? I am feeling quite weak."
He hesitated for a moment, then shrugged it off saying," Sure, I suppose."
I couldn't understand if he was embarrased or just apathetic, but thankfully took his arm when he offered it.
I was starting to notice that he was actually very attractive before I stopped myself.
"Reality check, Jasamine" I said to myself,"Not too close, you know better."
We walked on til we got to my quarters.
Jack was silent for most of the walk back to the hut. So much for this being a lonely trip, he thought dejectedly.

"So do you have a name, or what?" Jack said eventually.

"Huh?" The girl seemed to have been awakened from her own thoughts. "Oh, sorry. My name's Jasamine."

"Jasamine, huh?" Jack said, mostly to himself. It was silent for a few more minutes before Jasamine responded.

"What's your name?"

"Jack." Jack said simply and left it at that.

They reached Jasamine's hut shortly after. Jack walked her up to the hut.

"Thank you again for your help." She said.

"Yeah, do me favor, alright? Don't get yourself into anymore trouble. " Jack turned and began to walk back to his hut.

"Maybe I'll see you at dinner." He heard her say.

"Yeah." Jack responded over his shoulder as he walked away. "Maybe."
"First things first, I suppose," Kelly thought as she went to the closet to look at the wardrobe so thoughtfully provided by the owners. Opening it, she saw many gowns as well as armor and weapons and her breath caught in her throat. Everything was perfect down to the last detail. They really were going all out on this.

Moving the costumes aside, she looked over and discarded each as unsuitable. Everything from a princess' finery to a peasant's rough garments were put aside as she tried to find the one that would strike her as right for her. Suddenly her hand stilled upon an outfit of black. There were black pants, black long sleeved shirt, a long black cloak with a hood and knee high black boots. Something about this costume pulled at her, made her linger over it, touch the softness of it. Looking at the label she found on it she read Thief's Garb.

Laughing, Kelly almost past by it but stopped and looked at it again. "Well, why not," she thought,"It is only a game after all. No one is going to imprison me or cut off my hand in real life and it just might be fun."

All her life Kelly had strived to be the upstanding, good girl and the appeal of a weekend of being the bad girl who had no regard for what others thought of her was very appealing. With an almost guilty smile, she shed her own clothing and slipped into the dark outfit, secretly admiring the feel of it as it clung closely to her. It was almost as if the outfit was tailored just for her.

Looking at herself in the mirror, a mischievious twinkle in her eye, she turned this way and that letting the cloak billow around her as she admired how it clung to every curve and yet let her blend into the dark corners of the room.

She did not know how long she stood there when she was startled by a knock on the door. Giving a guilty start she laughed and opened it. Outside her attendant awaited, bowing before her and offering her his arm.

"Dinner is ready," He said giving her costume a quick once over and raising an eyebrow suggestivly. Giggling, Kelly took his arm and allowed him to escort her to the hall where it was being served.

Outside the hall were security men and, in passing, she gave one a wink as if daring them to catch this thief and then a blush crept up her neck and she was glad for the hood hiding her face.

Inside the hall were empty tables where people were gathering, some alone and others talking in low tones. Infusing everything was an expectant air that almost tingled with awaited anticipation.

A bell chimed and the man who had greeted them at the pier appeared and held his hands up for silence. The mumurs died down and he was able to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, again I welcome you to King's World. The place that makes your every dream come true. I want to complement each and every one of you on your choice of costume. I am sure that you will all will have the adventure of a lifetime."

"But I am sure you are all hungry as well," He continued on and, with a clap of his hands, servants both male and female began to pour in ladening the tables with food of every kind. It was truly a feast and one that could have come from any medieval picture Hollywood had made. In fact she felt sure they all fell short of the production that was being played out before her now. Michael pulled out a chair for her and then stood in back of her ready to fulfill any need she had. The only problem was Kelly was not sure if she should eat the food before her or paint it. It was almost as if a masterpiece was forming before her.

Soon her hunger overcame her artistic senses and she began to pick out and eat from the various dishes around her, determined to try out each and every one of them and feeling as if this was an adventure all it's own.

as i listen to old irritable talk yet again, i start to get irritated,,what a surprise.Blocking him out i am pleasently surrprised by the food that comes out. Platters upon platters of pig, lamb, vegatables, anything i ould think of whas there.
Never having eaten much i filled my plate and began to eat.
as i listen to old irritable talk yet again, i start to get irritated,,what a surprise.Blocking him out i am pleasently surrprised by the food that comes out. Platters upon platters of pig, lamb, vegatables, anything i ould think of whas there.
Never having eaten much i filled my plate and began to eat.