Working out at the gym

I can always appreciate men who take care of their bodies. I really love being in business settings and realizing a guy has a nice body underneath the boring work 'uniforms' we all have to wear. A dead give away is the slightly bulging bi-ceps and a nice round tush.:D

Nicely put. :)
I've found that I get stared at a lot because I'm one of the few women at my gym who actually does squats and deadlifts.

I work out at my husband's work gym because I have 24-hour access, it's three miles from home, and it's free. I could also work out for free at my employer (a college), but I don't always want to work out around students.

Unfortunately, not too many people are at my gym right now, but I bet that'll change next week.
every day monday through is my mental therapy...and starting Jan 5th my gym will be packed with people i have never seen before..maybe one or two will get the gym bug and keep at it!!
Been slowly getting back into working out. It's been a few years, had a major surgery and followup surgeries that sidelined me for a year and well one excuse after the next followed that. Life's finally stable enough to pick it back up, damn forgot how good a shower feels after a workout.
I've been working out regularly for over 34 years and always get a laugh when I see the newbies coming in at the beginning of the new year only to drop out after 3 or 4 weeks. Love to watch the lovely gals running on the treadmills working up a sweat and huffing and puffing as they work off their excess pounds. A few make a point of getting on the machine right in front of me so I can watch their jiggling ass as they run while I'm trying to watch the latest on CNN. Funny. A few even fall into the category of being attractive enough and approachable enough that we are able to converse regulary, but I have only been approached once and have myself not suggested anything sexual with any of the ladies I'm friendly with. Maybe have to change that. ;)
Does it count to "work out at the gym" when I am an employee?
I'm a regular gym goer myself and the last wee while have noticed a much older fella checking me out. It's become more and more obvious so I've started wearing lower cut tops just for his benefit. I have large breasts anyway so may as well give him a decent view :devil:
Never found the gym to be a turn-on. However when I see a tight female body it motivates me to get that extra rep in!
I'm a regular gym goer myself and the last wee while have noticed a much older fella checking me out. It's become more and more obvious so I've started wearing lower cut tops just for his benefit. I have large breasts anyway so may as well give him a decent view :devil:

That is the proper attitude. The extra incentive you are providing may just be enough to staff off the heart attack for a bit longer for an old codger. You are welcome to come too my gym anytime.
That is the proper attitude. The extra incentive you are providing may just be enough to staff off the heart attack for a bit longer for an old codger. You are welcome to come too my gym anytime.

Haha. I hope so. I hope I at least help him get a good start to his day! And anyone else's day :)

Oh hello
bouncing boobs and moving butts

bouncing boobs and moving butts
For me sometimes the gym is just like being in a dance company. It's normal. It's just bodies. No real turn-on. Other times I do get turned on by the exertion, sweat, etc. On the other side of the coin though I've been approached at gyms a lot.
For me sometimes the gym is just like being in a dance company. It's normal. It's just bodies. No real turn-on. Other times I do get turned on by the exertion, sweat, etc. On the other side of the coin though I've been approached at gyms a lot.

With a face like that I can understand why. :)
Please someone tell me I'm not the only perv that enjoyed this story.

Water/swimming...that's a whole other level of arousal.
You are did I. However, I would have asked her age and if over 18, go have coffee!!!
That is the proper attitude. The extra incentive you are providing may just be enough to staff off the heart attack for a bit longer for an old codger. You are welcome to come too my gym anytime.

Legs...why not go have coffee with the fella? The 'after workout workout' might prove even MORE BENEFICIAL for ALL parties concerned!!!!
Legs...why not go have coffee with the fella? The 'after workout workout' might prove even MORE BENEFICIAL for ALL parties concerned!!!!

I'm sure it would be. He has nice .... hands from what I've seen. However I don't think Mr Legs would be much impressed so he'll just have to keep looking at what he can see but can't have! I'll be sure to keep wearing the correct attire just for his benefit though :devil: