Wonder If This Story Has Any Legs

Interesting story. Reminds me of Illinois.

PS GFY Next time you post a pic on my thread make sure it's you, a classy one that is, or at least with a Mickey hat. A Superman cape would also make a good prop, or a Batmobile.
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Vette doesn't wonder if it's true, just whether or not it has legs. Classic Vette.
The story is already walking dead.

Democrats are the new American Hero, the John Wayne, Jesus...,
I wonder what are the occupations of Harry Reid's progeny and his stepson?

Do they "sell" influence?
As long as it's not Harry Reid's legs, please.
What does the Reid family do to become so freaking wealthy?

Do they not believe in the shared sacrifice that they demand for everyone else?
The "story" didn't even live 12 minutes

I know

Where did the Reid family wealth come from?

Reid is worth 3 to 10 million according to OpenSecrets.com. That's not very much wealth. He's been either a rep or a senator since 1982, making between $100k-$175k every year, plus I assume he has investment income. $3-$10 mil sounds about right.
He did say he had to carry a gun because he had a lot of bad people after him.

"I never touched a gun in my life.
"That and that alone forever doomed me to middle management."

Vincent 'Vinnie' Antonelli
Reid is worth 3 to 10 million according to OpenSecrets.com. That's not very much wealth. He's been either a rep or a senator since 1982, making between $100k-$175k every year, plus I assume he has investment income. $3-$10 mil sounds about right.


he NEVER EVER spent a penny, saved it all and paid no taxes


he NEVER EVER spent a penny, saved it all and paid no taxes


If Reid averaged 150k per year for 31 years, that's $4.65 million. Let's put his capital gains very conservatively at another million for roughly $5.65 million. Let's say his wife makes $75k per year for 31 years so there's another $2.4 million for a grand total of about $8 million.

Tax rate of 20% after deductions and the lower capital gains rate comes to around $6.5 million. Seem about right to you?