Women, can you do this?



Her pulse pounded in her ears and she silently squeezed her thighs together, crossing her ankles to apply more pressure to her clit.

If so, how big is your nobhead?
ChilledVodka said:
Her pulse pounded in her ears and she silently squeezed her thighs together, crossing her ankles to apply more pressure to her clit.

Yes driving in the car, standin in line at the supermarket, waiting for the train, reading AND watching the box. It's got zilch to do with the size of the sucker, it's all in the muscle control.
Do you ever think of Rocky punching a nutsack when he was training with whatyoumacallit panch ball thingy?
ChilledVodka said:
Do you ever think of Rocky punching a nutsack when he was training with whatyoumacallit panch ball thingy?

Honestly? no.
Yes, I can do that. Simple mechanics.

The thighs apply pressure to the outer lips, which apply pressure to the clit hood, which apply pressure to the clit. Not so complicated. :)
intrigued said:
Damn, I wish I could do all that. I mean, I can....but nothing happens.:rolleyes:

It's like aiming for Carnegie Hall.....practise, practise, practise.
We're on dangerous ground here. I am using it in the sense of performing a work repeatedl in order o perfect it, understand?

"Practice" -- application as opposed to theory
prac·tice v. prac·ticed, prac·tic·ing, prac·tic·es
v. tr.
To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of: practices courtesy in social situations.
To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill: practice a dance step.
To give lessons or repeated instructions to; drill: practiced the students in handwriting.
To work at, especially as a profession: practice law.
To carry out in action; observe: practices a religion piously.

practice what you preach.


Edited to say don't mind me, I'm just trying to get to 1,000 posts.
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Well, when I was much younger, I thought it was nasty to "touch myself down there" with my fingers... so I'd squeeze my thighs together, sometimes with a pillow between them, sometimes with out... and it gave me good results... my face would flush and I would get a warm feeling in my crotch... Now, though it's much nicer (more intense... ) to let my fingers do the walking... ;) However, if I'm in a public place, I will still sometimes cross my legs and stimulate myself that way, especially if whoever I'm with is turning me on.

...it's not about the size of your thighs, or clit... just pressure in the right places, although I did take ballet for a few years and had pretty strong legs... I think too that doing kegels will make things feel different... There's alot of muscles in the whole groin area... just my 2 cents.
lilpriss said:
Well, when I was much younger, I thought it was nasty to "touch myself down there" with my fingers... so I'd squeeze my thighs together, sometimes with a pillow between them, sometimes with out... and it gave me good results... my face would flush and I would get a warm feeling in my crotch... Now, though it's much nicer (more intense... ) to let my fingers do the walking... ;) However, if I'm in a public place, I will still sometimes cross my legs and stimulate myself that way, especially if whoever I'm with is turning me on.

...it's not about the size of your thighs, or clit... just pressure in the right places, although I did take ballet for a few years and had pretty strong legs... I think too that doing kegels will make things feel different... There's alot of muscles in the whole groin area... just my 2 cents.
So, to make long story short, you love to fist your dripping cunt?