Woman wrongfully "institutionalized" and in the end us locked away and has a habanero/some other hot pepper stuffed in her pussy


Mar 12, 2020
So I don't quite remember how the story started, but the general plot was a woman being wrongfully "institutionalized" somewhere. She is then given a primary care nurse, whom turns out to be the reason she was in there to begin with, in some larger plot to punish her or something. She is tortured through the story and in the end, she is dermed uncurable(done by the nurse) and is locked inside some coffin like thing with her being force fed nutriants through a tube down her throat. The nurse visits her a final time, revealing the plan to put her in there, though I don't remember why. She then stuffs a habanero/hot pepper in her pusse before she leaves.

I do feel like I remember there being some universe/different world/dimension sort of thing going on, but that I am not sure about