Wish list....


Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
Here you go hotandnasty.

I think this should be sufficient.

Now, what is this for exactly?
Wishes? Of any specific nature?

Well, Here I go...

I wish that I have enough nerve to do what I plan on doing tonight. If I chicken out, I'll blame it on this thread being bunk-o.

Post your wishes here. And don't worry, you won't devalue your wish by typing it, just saying it.
That we had a more entertaining Hans, like Hans Zimmerman, or someone with talent.
I wish I could be as shallow and empty as possible, and slutty enough of a ho to not have standards, so as to be HS's cum dumpster and not hate myslef.
But wait! I know I should just shut up, like a good ho, and remember who the brains are in the relationship, but before I dive into this with you, I need to voice one concern.

Try and make sure you get it all in my mouth or whatever hole you are shooting for, okay? Oh, unless you want to see me slathered in your jiz. That isn't wrong, but otherwise, it is.

Waste not, want not.
No one likes a wastey-pants.
With testicles that large, I think that you'd better try and convince me that you are rich now, because first rule of HOdom...

Never fuck a poor bastard with excessivly big nuts.

You'll end up in a shack and you won't even be able to walk around in it when he is home.
i wish i won the lottery, so i couls ask for my money in used, untracable 20's, in a breifcase with a smiley on the front. then i could go out and buy sean connery. make him turn MY socks inside out...
patient1 said:
I wish we could all learn to use the ignore feature.

Are you trying to tell me something?

I am having fun. What?


Besides, what real harm is this one doing? Of course, I've not been around enough to know what this douche bag is up to, but I sense it is all harmless.... like yayati.

I suppose you want me to ignore yayati too. *pouts more*

FINE. Be that way. I'll just go off and find something with purpose to do. :D
Hanns_Schmidt said:
...but my nuts are more like a motel, sorry I was fucking trying to impress.

AND Impress you did.

Flash large stacks of money and motel sized nuts at a stupid ho, and what'jaya expect? Apathy?

Hell, stupid hoz don't even know what apathy means enough to be it. Proceed with the spunk distribution on and in my various appendages and crevices.
Three commas?

Wow you are gettin pumped up.

Let me show you my tits and you'll get half hard then, k baby?

It is a painting I very recently did.
It isn't meant to turn you on. At all.

It is a very personal, very introspective piece, and maybe what you see is what I am like. Witch bitch, huh? Yeah, maybe.

I think you realize that you can be offensive with me to a point, and it will be taken all in fun, but you if you insult my artistic integrity again, I will just stop talking to you all together and think nothing of it.
No, It isn't a self portrait intended to look like me.

It is sort of a mixture of what I look like now, what I used to look like and some of my good points and traits and some of my major flaws, pertaining to my emotional state.

It is rather complicated to begin to even discribe the motive behind this piece. It is a sort of culmination of my tendancy to hide behind my own warped perception of what is beautiful, so I can delude myself in something other than feeling emotional pain, and my inability to do right because of my frustrations.

In other words, it isn't an erotic piece at all, so I would imagine most people will find it some what of a put off.

That is okay. I am put off.
Okay, but I feel wierd opening up to you like this...

Well, it all began because I didn't get enough cock as a young, teen girl. That is the main problem.

Also, My shaved pussy itches cause the stubble is growing in and it is irriating me.

I need to go shave, wouldn't you say, doc?