Will the member who asked me about a month ago for help doing a search...


Ms. Smarty Pantsless
Apr 18, 2000
remind me who you were?

You were looking for someone with a particular background who had posted about it about a year ago. I didn't know then who it was, but someone else remembered so I have an idea now.

PM me, please.
*runs and hides, not wanting to be part of a Cheyenne search*
Cheyenne wouldn't search maliciously. If someone had asked her to do something that would hurt people, she wouldn't do it.
WHEW! feels better now...

*looking over shoulder, just in case*
hehe... and here I thought I'd get all kinds of cracks about my memory being bad! :p

No, I think it was an innocent request for info, just info I didn't know at the time. And now that I think I know, I don't remember who asked! :rolleyes:
The Magic is seeping into your blood stream girl... As nice as it is, I knew that stuff was bad for you, just from the smell of it doing it's thing.

That reminds me, time for a new magisizing (tm) session.
Magic taking my memory? More likely old age!

Gotta run for a bit, but I'll check back in later. I can imagine the conspiracy theory flying by then...
That was me asking you to find the picture of Lil Brandi topless, leaning back.
Uh, in order to assist you in your endeavors, I will remove myself from the enormous list of people you have to work with. Yep. Thats the ticket. Walk away slowly. don't run. ok almost to the door...