Will Someone Write A Story For Me?


Nov 2, 2002
:p I am aking some one to write a story for me that i can give to my boyfriend.
Kenny is a great guy and i want to give him something special for his birthday since i can't be there yet. we met througha mutual friend over the telephone. We talked for months before we met.
I will be moving down there soon to be with him and we should get merried sometime next year. if you are willing to help me please feel free to e-mail me
thanks Dana
Perhaps you'd get a better response in the Story Ideas Forum. Also include what you want the story to be about in your post. Just a rough sketch or some ideas. Good luck. :)
Thanks DP :) Love the av!


Like DP suggested, send it to us in the story ideas forum. I'm sure someone will want to help you...we do need a general story line, physical descriptions and such since it seems like you want a very tailored story. Also, feel free to PM me...I'm in the midst of writers block and might be open to doing this.

errr... a li'l misunderstanding DN. :)

I was talking about my av - she's Hua Mei, lives in San Deigo Zoo. How about your av and my av getting together... extreme!! :devil:
damppanties said:
errr... a li'l misunderstanding DN. :)

I was talking about my av - she's Hua Mei, lives in San Deigo Zoo. How about your av and my av getting together... extreme!! :devil:

sorry, not enough sleep, a little too much to drink....

LOL...I don't know if my av could handle a panda :eek:

But your av is still adorable
deliciously_naughty said:
LOL...I don't know if my av could handle a panda :eek:

Uhoh! I can't believe this. You turned down a once-in-a-lifetime chance..?!!! When was the last time you were propositioned by a panda? ;)
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I'd be happy too.........let me know if you'd like me to do it for you, and then lets get together and work out the specific's.

Don't know if you've read anything I've written...but I have a lot for you to review and chose from. Though I'd be happy to give you one or two of my better stories if you'd prefer.

Either PM me...post here....or email me at:


I look forward to hearing from you.

I remain,
damppanties said:
Uhoh! I can't believe this. You turned down a once-in-a-lifetime chance..?!!! When was the last time you were propositioned by a panda? ;)


Things that only happen on lit ;)
damppanties said:
. . . When was the last time you were propositioned by a panda?

Closest I ever . . . ahem . . . came to it, was a girlfriend in a teddy. :D Does that count?
Quasimodem said:
Closest I ever . . . ahem . . . came to it, was a girlfriend in a teddy. :D Does that count?

only if the fluff between your teeth drove you nuts
wildsweetone said:
only if the fluff between your teeth drove you nuts

No, my nuts drove themselves. :eek:

She propositioned, I prepositioned, and we dangled. :D