Will Ovaries Explode And Panties Be Soiled On The View?

It's cold, there's snow on the ground. We'll be seeing more of the same off and on for the next couple of months until old Mother Nature smiles on us again.
I imagine the grey squirrel population is mighty thinned out by now.
Have you and your fellow scavengers begun guerilla raids on the local potato storage sheds yet?
I imagine the grey squirrel population is mighty thinned out by now.
Have you and your fellow scavengers begun guerilla raids on the local potato storage sheds yet?
There are no "scavengers," this is big country and we have real law enforcement out here and it's such a long lonely drive to jail.
The poll trend reverses: Biden trumps Trump among latest poll. Women turning more pro-Biden over Trump's declining popularity.

Quinnipiac University National Poll

Even CNN was surprised by this news, tonight.

And what's up with the neck-breaking reactions of Republicans over the proposed border solution? That's absolutely stunning idiot-thinking partisanship. Hang a sign around their necks: 'Kick me where it hurts!' at the voting booth.

The truth was always destined to break through to voters the more they got a good look at the obstructionist "republicans" controlling the House of Representatives, and the details of the many crimes the corrupt orange traitor committed.

This latest move by obstructionist "republicans" (under orders from the corrupt orange traitor) to block a bipartisan agreement on immigration reform and border security is really breaking through with voters.

The emperor and the MAGAt toadies in congress have no clothes.

And now EVERYBODY sees it.

The truth was always destined to break through to voters the more they got a good look at the obstructionist "republicans" controlling the House of Representatives, and the details of the many crimes the corrupt orange traitor committed.

This latest move by obstructionist "republicans" (under orders from the corrupt orange traitor) to block a bipartisan agreement on immigration reform and border security is really breaking through with voters.

The emperor and the MAGAt toadies in congress have no clothes.

And now EVERYBODY sees it.

Sees all through a cloud of dope smoke.
Sees all through a cloud of dope smoke.

This ^ weak rebuttal is more evidence that the RWCJ "members" KNOW they’re LOSING.


Side note:

If and when Taylor Swift endorses President Biden, I expect maaaaaany more weak efforts from the RWCJ "members” to deflect from the fact that they’re LOSING.

Vanilla Ice performs at Mar y Stinko, on a stage made of boxes of confidential documents. Not a problem.
Taylor Swift tells people to register to vote. Keep out of politics!
Vanilla Ice performs at Mar y Stinko, on a stage made of boxes of confidential documents. Not a problem.
Taylor Swift tells people to register to vote. Keep out of politics!
Does Dipshit Vanilla Ice have proof all of those cartons he's making reference to had classified documents in them? Just wonderin'.
Does Dipshit Vanilla Ice have proof all of those cartons he's making reference to had classified documents in them? Just wonderin'.
They weren't there for bedtime reading. Trump never read anything more complex than the chyron on Fox the entire time he was in power.
They weren't there for bedtime reading. Trump never read anything more complex than the chyron on Fox the entire time he was in power.
How many classified documents did Jack Smith allege Trump had in possession? I'll give you a hint a single box would be too big to store them in.:rolleyes:
Personally I'm not excited about either one. Is this the best America has to offer? Kennedy had my ear for a while, but he got ran out of town.
How many classified documents did Jack Smith allege Trump had in possession? I'll give you a hint a single box would be too big to store them in.:rolleyes:
I'm pretty sure one top-secret nuclear document was found - not alleged.

Numerous mentions of the submarine documents that Trump shared with the Australian billionaire were announced. Besides, it's not the box size that is important, nor the quantity of classified documents found. The importance of the matter is that ANY classified at ALL were found, including those on the unsecured ballroom stage, bedroom, unlocked storage rooms, and the damn bathroom: that's just shitty.:mad:

[I might add it rose to a drama level all because he refused to return them when asked, lied about more being there, tried to hide them from his attorney, and ... Donald Trump just acting like Donnie Trump as a toddler.]

Rightguide, this was just your blatant attempt to justify some crappy illogical point of view. Obfuscation unbecoming the thread's discussion.
Can't wait to see how progressive marxist democrats handle a loss.
Probably the way Democrats always handle a loss: by licking their wounds and getting back to work.
Most democrat talking heads are already pushing their *Trump is a dictator* alibies, anything and everything goes to save democracy. 🤣 :eek:
The man himself said he would be a dictator on day one, remember?
But I've got to give credit where it's due: the "there you go again" strategy - letting the Dems tell the truth about the Republicans and then saying aw, golly, folks, we can't be that bad - has always worked with low-information voters. But right now the polls suggest it won't be enough.
There are no "scavengers," this is big country and we have real law enforcement out here and it's such a long lonely drive to jail.
okay, "scavengers" is no longer politically correct....what, then, is the opposite of "apex predator"?
"Beta hunter"?
"Vertex predator"?
"Opportunistic parasite"?

I'm sure you have tight "real" law enforcement out there in Idaho, someone has to write the reports when you guys shoot each other, or get drunk and drive into trees, or commit indecencies on the random female of the species.
Probably the way Democrats always handle a loss: by licking their wounds and getting back to work.
Load of crap. Dems notoriously challenge elections.
The man himself said he would be a dictator on day one, remember?
But I've got to give credit where it's due: the "there you go again" strategy - letting the Dems tell the truth about the Republicans and then saying aw, golly, folks, we can't be that bad - has always worked with low-information voters. But right now the polls suggest it won't be enough.
More lies by omission: except for day one not on day one which would imply he would start being a dictator on day one.

"Former President Donald Trump said at a Fox News town hall Tuesday that he would not be a dictator "except for Day One" if he is elected president next year."

Trump's comments at the taped event in Iowa came in response to host Sean Hannity's asking him whether he would abuse the power of the office to seek revenge.

"You are promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?" Hannity said.

"Except for Day One," Trump responded, repeating the phrase.

Asked for clarification, Trump said, "I want to close the border, and I want to drill, drill, drill."
Load of crap. Dems notoriously challenge elections.

More lies by omission: except for day one not on day one which would imply he would start being a dictator on day one.

"Former President Donald Trump said at a Fox News town hall Tuesday that he would not be a dictator "except for Day One" if he is elected president next year."

Trump's comments at the taped event in Iowa came in response to host Sean Hannity's asking him whether he would abuse the power of the office to seek revenge.

"You are promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?" Hannity said.

"Except for Day One," Trump responded, repeating the phrase.

Asked for clarification, Trump said, "I want to close the border, and I want to drill, drill, drill."
I actually agree that media is exaggerating trump’s dictator statement to extend beyond day one.

In a big HOWEVER, though, it would be foolish to ignore what he’s done and what he’s signaled. I do think he’s a threat to democracy.
okay, "scavengers" is no longer politically correct....what, then, is the opposite of "apex predator"?
"Beta hunter"?
"Vertex predator"?
"Opportunistic parasite"?

I'm sure you have tight "real" law enforcement out there in Idaho, someone has to write the reports when you guys shoot each other, or get drunk and drive into trees, or commit indecencies on the random female of the species.
We don't shoot each other and violent crime around here is almost non-existent, zero murders and rapes. Every once in a while somebody will get punched in the face or knocked on their ass for bad manners but that's about it.
I'm pretty sure one top-secret nuclear document was found - not alleged.

Numerous mentions of the submarine documents that Trump shared with the Australian billionaire were announced. Besides, it's not the box size that is important, nor the quantity of classified documents found. The importance of the matter is that ANY classified at ALL were found, including those on the unsecured ballroom stage, bedroom, unlocked storage rooms, and the damn bathroom: that's just shitty.:mad:

[I might add it rose to a drama level all because he refused to return them when asked, lied about more being there, tried to hide them from his attorney, and ... Donald Trump just acting like Donnie Trump as a toddler.]

Rightguide, this was just your blatant attempt to justify some crappy illogical point of view. Obfuscation unbecoming the thread's discussion.
You are simply ignorant of the fact that Trump had every right to possess classified documents for all of the legal reasons I have posted on this subject in the past, like the Federal Court decision in the Bill Clinton case which I will post here again for your edification:

"In the Court’s view, plaintiff reads too much into this statement. Under the statutory
scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential
records is made by the President, during the President’s term and in his sole discretion, see 44
U.S.C. § 2203(b)"

"Thus, the PRA requires the President to “maintain records documenting the
policies, activities, and decisions of his administration,” but “leav[es] the implementation of such
a requirement in the President’s hands.” Id., citing 44 U.S.C. § 2203(a). The court underscored
that Congress “presumably relied on the fact that subsequent Presidents would honor their
statutory obligations to keep a complete record of their administrations.”

"The Court notes at the outset that there is broad language in Armstrong I stating that the
PRA accords the President “virtually complete control” over his records during his time in
office. 924 F.2d at 290. In particular, the court stated that the President enjoys unconstrained
authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents: “[a]lthough the President must
notify the Archivist before disposing of records . . . neither the Archivist nor Congress has the
authority to veto the President’s disposal decision.” Id., citing H.R. Rep. No. 95-1487, at 13
(1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. at 5744. Since the President is completely entrusted
with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it
would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less
authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records."

Also there is this applicable language from Barack Obama's Executive Order 13526 (Barack Obama)
Classified National Security Information:

The President Executive Order 13526 (Barack Obama)
Classified National Security Information

"Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority.

(a) The authority to classify information
originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;
(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President; and
(3) United States Government officials delegated this authority pursuant to paragraph The President Executive Order 13526
Classified National Security Information

Sec. 3.5. Mandatory Declassification Review.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, all information classified under this order or predecessor orders shall be subject to a review for declassification by the originating agency if:

(b)Information originated by the incumbent President or the incumbent Vice President; the incumbent President’s White House Staff or the incumbent Vice President’s Staff; committees, commissions, or boards appointed by the incumbent President; or other entities within the Executive Office of the President that solely advise and assist the incumbent President is exempted from the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section."
In the end, Donald Trump will be allowed to keep his records classified or not classified. Just like Barack Obama and every other President has been allowed to do.
I actually agree that media is exaggerating trump’s dictator statement to extend beyond day one.

In a big HOWEVER, though, it would be foolish to ignore what he’s done and what he’s signaled. I do think he’s a threat to democracy.

ineedhelp1 seems to think the number of days a President is allowed to be a dictator is more than zero.



The easy, correct, and obvious answer to Sean Insannity’s wiffle ball question, that was worded so even the cognitively impaired corrupt orange traitor could get it right, was “no” - even though that would have been a lie if the corrupt orange traitor had said it.


The corrupt orange traitor IS a threat to America and democracy.

You are simply ignorant of the fact that Trump had every right to possess classified documents for all of the legal reasons I have posted on this subject in the past, like the Federal Court decision in the Bill Clinton case which I will post here again for your edification:
While was president. Not after Biden took office.

In the end, Donald Trump will be allowed to keep his records classified or not classified. Just like Barack Obama and every other President has been allowed to do.
You need to bone up on the difference between how trump kept his records and how the other presidents did
We don't shoot each other and violent crime around here is almost non-existent, zero murders and rapes. Every once in a while somebody will get punched in the face or knocked on their ass for bad manners but that's about it.
No no I know you guys don't INTENTIONALLY shoot each other but as you age your target fire discipline becomes, well, sloppy as all hell. You never hit the target with the first or second shot. That's why your generation requires high capacity magazines. You point in the general direction of a target, squint and pull the trigger multiple times until the target falls down.

Unfortunately, this lack of fire discipline leads to an inordinate amount of "collateral damage", i.e. you shoot your fellow hunting buddies "accidently" (like Dick Cheney did).

Your high capacity magazines lead to school shootings as well, but that's a risk you're willing to take because if you and your "elk" had to depend on single action bolt rifles, you'd all starve to death in two weeks tops.
No no I know you guys don't INTENTIONALLY shoot each other but as you age your target fire discipline becomes, well, sloppy as all hell. You never hit the target with the first or second shot. That's why your generation requires high capacity magazines. You point in the general direction of a target, squint and pull the trigger multiple times until the target falls down.

Unfortunately, this lack of fire discipline leads to an inordinate amount of "collateral damage", i.e. you shoot your fellow hunting buddies "accidently" (like Dick Cheney did).

Your high capacity magazines lead to school shootings as well, but that's a risk you're willing to take because if you and your "elk" had to depend on single action bolt rifles, you'd all starve to death in two weeks tops.
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. Sir Walter Scott's beautiful aphorism describes your Lit life experience to a tee, at least within the historical limits I have witnessed it to be. It's quite clear to me, aside from the possibility of some weirdly expressed humor, that you may be afflicted with Fantasy-prone personality (FFP). You should look that up and seek out professional help. Everything you imply above is the exact opposite of who I am when it comes to the use of firearms.
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. Sir Walter Scott's beautiful aphorism describes your Lit life experience to a tee, at least within the historical limits I have witnessed it to be. It's quite clear to me, aside from the possibility of some weirdly expressed humor, that you may be afflicted with Fantasy-prone personality (FFP). You should look that up and seek out professional help. Everything you imply above is the exact opposite of who I am when it comes to the use of firearms.
Calm your ovaries, Jacqueline.
Load of crap. Dems notoriously challenge elections.
I would ask for an example on this, but we both know you will respond with your laundry list of "myths" that are in fact true (Russian collusion, etc.) and that are not actually examples of challenging elections anyway.