Will Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bomb Syria (alone?


Really Experienced
Apr 25, 2013
As of this date does looks like O has no coalition (beyond his deepest fawners), Congressional support, or support of American people to singlehandedly bomb Syria. Likewise, no concrete proof that Assad ordered the chemical attack has been released.

Will he do it (to save face, look credible)? What's your bet?

Tough call, he's not predisposed to doing anything of consequence, making decisions, etc. (Golf club selection notwithstanding), so good chance he'll let it ride.

I'd respect a statement from him saying he wants to wait for UN investigation to be completed and acknowledging his bravado, his ego won't allow that though.
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Reading your previous posts, you apparently require a lot of it.

My rates are reasonable...if you ask nicely.

That's very kind of you. I'll be sure to ass nicely.

So what's your bet on chucking a few bombs at Syria?
So what's your bet on chucking a few bombs at Syria?

My bet is that the vocal right fringe will fault Obama no matter what decision he makes on Syria. He's made them butthurt for life, which is worth all the Obamacare the nation can handle.
My bet is that the vocal right fringe will fault Obama no matter what decision he makes on Syria. He's made them butthurt for life, which is worth all the Obamacare the nation can handle.

The vocal right fringe...are those the people that control the American media and produce so many unflattering stories about O-bama?

To clarify, it's the American people who will be butthurt by the PPACA. If/when that ill conceived economy killer goes into effect (he keeps delaying parts to it), Democrats are not going to benefit from it.
The vocal right fringe...are those the people that control the American media and produce so many unflattering stories about O-bama?

^^^^^ I happily pay big $$ in taxes to hear this sort of whining from the Right. :cool:
^^^^^ I happily pay big $$ in taxes to hear this sort of whining from the Right. :cool:

You just pay taxes? Why not pay more of your big $$ to the govt for Obama & cronies fine (incompetent) work? The US Treasury accepts "tips" for the "great" service.:cool:

Always find it hypocritical that lefties who are so in favor of higher taxes take every deduction they can find. (Not of course suggesting you do that.)
You just pay taxes? Why not pay more of your big $$ to the govt for Obama & cronies fine (incompetent) work? The US Treasury accepts "tips" for the "great" service.:cool:

The right will continue to lose elections until they learn how to focus on their real problem: the fringe element of folks who vote the same way they do. Their aging, old-world-attitude whackadoodles are what get Dems and "undecideds" fired up to vote against Republicans, and get the Obamas of the nation elected. It's that simple.

But, continue attacking the symptom instead. See how that works for 2016. ;)
The right will continue to lose elections until they learn how to focus on their real problem: the fringe element of folks who vote the same way they do. Their aging, old-world-attitude whackadoodles are what get Dems and "undecideds" fired up to vote against Republicans, and get the Obamas of the nation elected. It's that simple.

But, continue attacking the symptom instead. See how that works for 2016. ;)

Thanks for regurgitating the party line. Tell me honestly, do they e-mail or text you the position and talking points on the issues of the day? Because if nothing else, Dems consistently recite from the same hymnal, it's impressive, tedious, but impressive.

2016 will be tough for R's. Aways away, but running against a powerhouse economy, full (part-time) employment, low cost health care for all will make it an uphill battle to be sure.
Thanks for regurgitating the party line. Tell me honestly, do they e-mail or text you the position and talking points on the issues of the day? Because if nothing else, Dems consistently recite from the same hymnal, it's impressive, tedious, but impressive.

Both sides spew rhetoric. (Typical right-blowhard hypocrisy.)

Difference is, my guys and girls are getting elected. So, yours is failing.
He's screwed either way. The man is indecisive, spineless, and has no leadership ability and it's biting him in the ass. I've been saying it for five years: the man is a complete fraud.
He's screwed either way. The man is indecisive, spineless, and has no leadership ability and it's biting him in the ass. I've been saying it for five years: the man is a complete fraud.

Bitter Butthurt much, Miles Ben Zonah?

He kicked your ass. Twice.
Get over it. Twice.
He's screwed either way. The man is indecisive, spineless, and has no leadership ability and it's biting him in the ass. I've been saying it for five years: the man is a complete fraud.
At least you call him a man instead of a boy, like Ishmael does.

So were you expecting him to be a Messiah or something? That he could dangle his Nobel prize over Syria and make them stop fighting?
And he ...............PUNTS

Takes the politically safe route and heads for the links. Shocking!

Leadership you can believe in:rolleyes:
Hey, you smug brown son of a bitch! If you don't stop being so fucking arrogant I'm gonna order out. For Sweet n Sour Poodle!
Has a Nobel Peace Prize winner ever called a cruise missile strike before? How about a B52 raid?