Will my story be rejected for violence?

Dec 20, 2012
I was reading over the list of things that can get a story rejected and I need some clarity on one specific part:

"Certain "violence" in a BDSM situation between consenting adults may be allowed, while the same "violence" between strangers in a non-consentual situation will not. Tone and respect for characters, as well as the "violent" scene within the context of the story, are what we make our judgments upon."

The story I have written has no BDSM or sexual violence in it whatsoever, however the main character is a war veteran with PTSD. That being said there are "graphic" descriptions of war mentioned in the story, mostly from my own military experiences.

I am assuming the "violence between strangers in a non-consensual situation" that is not allowed is referring to things like rape, but could it also extend to what I stated above?
I was reading over the list of things that can get a story rejected and I need some clarity on one specific part:

"Certain "violence" in a BDSM situation between consenting adults may be allowed, while the same "violence" between strangers in a non-consentual situation will not. Tone and respect for characters, as well as the "violent" scene within the context of the story, are what we make our judgments upon."

The story I have written has no BDSM or sexual violence in it whatsoever, however the main character is a war veteran with PTSD. That being said there are "graphic" descriptions of war mentioned in the story, mostly from my own military experiences.

I am assuming the "violence between strangers in a non-consensual situation" that is not allowed is referring to things like rape, but could it also extend to what I stated above?

Probably won't have rejection problems with what you describe of yours.
I was reading over the list of things that can get a story rejected and I need some clarity on one specific part:

"Certain "violence" in a BDSM situation between consenting adults may be allowed, while the same "violence" between strangers in a non-consentual situation will not. Tone and respect for characters, as well as the "violent" scene within the context of the story, are what we make our judgments upon."

The story I have written has no BDSM or sexual violence in it whatsoever, however the main character is a war veteran with PTSD. That being said there are "graphic" descriptions of war mentioned in the story, mostly from my own military experiences.

I am assuming the "violence between strangers in a non-consensual situation" that is not allowed is referring to things like rape, but could it also extend to what I stated above?

From my understanding, as long as the violence is not sexual in nature, you're okay.
I was reading over the list of things that can get a story rejected and I need some clarity on one specific part:

"Certain "violence" in a BDSM situation between consenting adults may be allowed, while the same "violence" between strangers in a non-consentual situation will not. Tone and respect for characters, as well as the "violent" scene within the context of the story, are what we make our judgments upon."

The story I have written has no BDSM or sexual violence in it whatsoever, however the main character is a war veteran with PTSD. That being said there are "graphic" descriptions of war mentioned in the story, mostly from my own military experiences.

I am assuming the "violence between strangers in a non-consensual situation" that is not allowed is referring to things like rape, but could it also extend to what I stated above?

There are quite graphic violent sexual scenes in Non Consent that get passed, including rape - take a look.

I don't think the site has any problems with recollections of non-sexual graphic combat experiences that set the background for the protagonist's current mindset.

Sounds like a great story. Stick a link here when you post it.

Good luck.