Will it come down to using neutron bombs?


Lit Class of '02
Apr 17, 2002
Neutron bombs are nasty weapons. They, for the most part, destroy all life but leave infrastructure standing. Is it just a matter of time before they are used?

E-bombs are being talked about as well. Similar to a neutron bomb, but done through a chemical process. Destroying electronic devices and fusing metal to metal. Think they will be used soon?
The Australians are there...

Anyone here if they brought Olivia Neutron Bomb with them?
Lancecastor said:
Oh sure; first the Iraqis...now you want to bomb the Neutrons.

Don't worry Lance, you'll be safe...you are neutron free right?
Bob_Bytchin said:
Neutron bombs are nasty weapons. They, for the most part, destroy all life but leave infrastructure standing. Is it just a matter of time before they are used?

E-bombs are being talked about as well. Similar to a neutron bomb, but done through a chemical process. Destroying electronic devices and fusing metal to metal. Think they will be used soon?

I think the E-bomb will be used...it will be the most effective without taking life...or too much of it.
We can get this over with in about 15 minutes.

We air drop sexy girl into downtown Baghdad.

Then we give Grandmaster Cockgobbler (Hanns) on the outskirts of town.

I think it'll work.
HeavyStick said:
We can get this over with in about 15 minutes.

We air drop sexy girl into downtown Baghdad.

Then we give Grandmaster Cockgobbler (Hanns) on the outskirts of town.

I think it'll work.

And send Frimost on a covert operation to join the Iraqi army.
Bob_Bytchin said:
And send Frimost on a covert operation to join the Iraqi army.

I don't believe he'd be able to meet the rigorous physical standards for running away while shedding a full pack and weapon.
I'm kinda partial to giant space stations with enough firepower to destroy an entire planet. I call it the Death Star.

And now... presenting Literotica's own Patriot Sisters singing their newest hit "Neutron Bomb"

I don't want to see it anymore
Reality tv is now just about war
Al Jezeera shows us all the gore
But which Saddam is which -who's keeping score?

And it's hard to say
What Baghdad looks like today
And it's hard to pine
O'er a really good French wine

Iraq's just burning, doing the neutron dance
Iraq's just burning, doing the neutron dance