Will idiots and retards gradually outnumber normal people?


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Will idiots and retards gradually outnumber normal people through the world?

This message has been brought to you be Carl's Jr. Fuck you I'm eating!!
Will idiots and retards gradually outnumber normal people through the world?


Why did you call and ask me that question?

Are you insinuating something?

Of course you are!

You and your cat can go the Hell...

Average or above average intelligence, no deformities, no diseases, no genetic defects, etc...

You do get what "average" means, right? Since you seem to be concerned with intelligence as consider it measurable, an idiot is technically someone below the mental age of 3. Someone is considered mentally retarded when their IQ is below 70. Since IQ follows a bell curve, is it by definition impossible, for "idiots and retards" to outnumber normal people.

You've just been e-math-culated.
well.. now that we've settled that.. do we have another question?

(did you consider, even for a moment, that the standard distribution curve is wrong and the only point to statistics is to keep normal people out of college? huh? did you consider THAT?)

(just kidding.. I'm sure my test scores will be fine)
probably with all the shit in the air and water not to mention the food.

did you know that the body expels prozac and birth control. and municipal water is taken from the water your waste treatment plant expels waste into? prozac and birth control isn't filtered out.
met a waste treatment plant operator. he filtered out the mercury from waste for one year as an experiment. he got 5 pounds of it. he quit doing it because he had no way of disposing of the mercury in a cost effective way. this was from a plant that handled waste from about 1,000 homes.
one of the problems with legislating good, clean living is that there are usually incentives to get the plans rolling, but not much in the way of maintenance. While it was a good fix in the 70s, updates probably need to be made.

What would you propose as the new Clean Water Act?
Originally Posted by Boxlicker101
Probably not, but that depends on your definition of "normal."

Average or above average intelligence, no deformities, no diseases, no genetic defects, etc...

In that case, retards and idiots already outnumber "normal" people. Of all the billions of persons in the world, there is one person whose intelligence is exactly in the middle. He or she is average. Half the rest of the population is below that and half is higher than that. Of the latter group, some of them are psychos or cripples or drunks or junkies or readers and writers of porn. :eek:
Maybe we should stop letting them have guns.

Maybe we should stop letting them watch R-rated movies or buy alcohol. They aren't responsible enough to understand violent or raunchy entertainment in its appropriate fantasy context and certainly not capable of drinking in moderation.

Why single out guns? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Maybe we should stop letting them watch R-rated movies or buy alcohol. They aren't responsible enough to understand violent or raunchy entertainment in its appropriate fantasy context and certainly not capable of drinking in moderation.

Why single out guns? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Because loonies kill people with guns, not with DVD's or beer bottles.