Will Canadians and Americans ever understand each other?

I think one big orgy would go far in bringing to two countries closer to each other.
HeavyStick said:
I thought this was the thread we got naked in.

We are naked - well, at least I am. What's taking you so long?

Pete - just read the title of the paper this came from and you should be able to figure it out. :)
I'm use to people just not understanding me :)

But I'm all up for an orgy
Rubyfruit said:
I think one big orgy would go far in bringing to two countries closer to each other.

Judging from the sheer numbers of Canadian Hotties I have seen online in the last year, this would be a great idea........another party I wont attend however.....take pics for me.:rose:
Say 'eh', 'aboot', and French-sounding stuff, and you are in...to go from Canada to America, just be twice as rude as you would be otherwise, maybe shoot someone, and make sure you don't mention universal healthcare, or Americans will think you come from Mars.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Say 'eh', 'aboot', and French-sounding stuff, and you are in...to go from Canada to America, just be twice as rude as you would be otherwise, maybe shoot someone, and make sure you don't mention universal healthcare, or Americans will think you come from Mars.

Ok, I am officially declaring for the record that I do not, and have not ever said "aboot" instead of "about". It's entirely possible that the people down east say that, but they're a bit strange anyways. ;)
Y'know, other than one megolomaniacal canuck and some close-to-the-border vending machines that have been rigged to spit Canadian quarters back out, I've never had a problem with much of anything canadian.

They have good beer, sexy hockey players, and generally think of my accent as "sexy" instead of as a sign of being a total ignorant hick.
KillerMuffin said:
Y'know, other than one megolomaniacal canuck and some close-to-the-border vending machines that have been rigged to spit Canadian quarters back out, I've never had a problem with much of anything canadian.

They have good beer, sexy hockey players, and generally think of my accent as "sexy" instead of as a sign of being a total ignorant hick.

LOL on the vending machines! I had to make a phone call in the US once, and do you think this assholish storekeeper would switch US for Canadians quarters for me? It's not like there's an exchange rate on coins. We like accents, cuz we don't have em up here - except for the afore-mentioned Easterners.

I wonder who that one Canuck could possibly be? ;)
Hi HeavyStick.

I've had mostly negative encounters with Canadian males, but I've found Canadian females to be supercool (not just the ones here, but others I've met on the 'Net and while visiting BC).

Pretty money, though.
The problem with U.S./Canadian relations is the following.

A football field is 120 yards long with end zones. Yours are too big.

Only one person should be in motion at any time on offense. You allow too many people to move at once. Football is not hockey.

The line of scrimmage for the defense is the end of the football. Not one yard away from the end of the football.

Get that right and we can talk.
RosevilleCAguy said:
The problem with U.S./Canadian relations is the following.

A football field is 120 yards long with end zones. Yours are too big.

Only one person should be in motion at any time on offense. You allow too many people to move at once. Football is not hockey.

The line of scrimmage for the defense is the end of the football. Not one yard away from the end of the football.

Get that right and we can talk.

As long as they pat each other on the asses, it's all I need to see in football anyways. ;) Who watches that silly shit anyhow?

Nora - Canadian men are all dolts.
Hell here I thought we were going to all get naked and get to know one another.

When American's can understand Tim Hortons, then and only then will you be on your way to enlightenment.

I spent most of my teenage life "going for coffee, eh".

LaBatts sucks. Molson rules.

Your cigarettes taste like cigars. If I want to smoke a cigar I will buy a cigar!

We don't all say 'aboot', that's like saying all Americans say "Y'all". I only think the Newfies say 'aboot'.

Hey America, the rest of the world uses the metric system, figure it out, its not that hard!

Colour, neighbour and harbour all have 'u's in them!

The biggest different: eh - hu


Spank :D
(A Canadian south of the Mason Dixon)
Freya2 said:
Ok, I am officially declaring for the record that I do not, and have not ever said "aboot" instead of "about". It's entirely possible that the people down east say that, but they're a bit strange anyways. ;)
Down east? :confused:

How can "east" be "down" from anything?
Freya2 said:
As long as they pat each other on the asses, it's all I need to see in football anyways. ;) Who watches that silly shit anyhow?

Nora - Canadian men are all dolts.
