Wife Renotified This Day Of Pending Divorce.


We are in for it now.
Dec 10, 2000
I have had way to many of these "Talks" in my life...I do not like them.

If I disappear Y'all know she did it!

It will Probably take a year and a half or so if I have my way.

I like to see her set up so she could make it on her own without to many problems.

First weight reduction someway or the other and knee surgery.

Need to get some debits paid off and a few thousand in cash for her so the transition will be a little easier. With the cabin and half of my 401K she should be ok, as to everything else...we will talk about it.

Sorry, man. Going through it myself. Never divorced someone I was in love with before. You said it all. Damn.
Never been through it, but I watched a good friend of mine deal with her divorce. My sympathies to you both.

It's been close to twenty-one years since I was single.

I was a lot younger,skinner and better looking back then.

But then I'm not looking for another permanent or any other relationship anytime soon...heck I still have one now.

I Think this is the best thing for both of us and I should have started this back in 2008 but I simply didn't have reason enough. Marriage believe it or not, is a serious thing for me. This is my fourth and I don't know if I can try it again.

I may someday talk about the reasons for all of this...then again I may not.
I feel your pain, I hope it turns out for the best for the both of you in the end. there are no winners in divorce. :kiss:
Well, so far so good.

So far things are going well if slow.

The pathway is marked out so we can part ways (may or may not be this year.) friends and with our credit rating intact and not totally broke.

We will sell the cabin on the river...she will get that money as well as for the little boat and the four wheeler and half of my 401k. She gets her weight reduction surgery...maybe on my nickel after insurance, we will see.

So probably around $130,000 . total, I keep my house, my family land and the big Boat, my Time share.

Al bills paid off except my truck.

She will buy a house or condo somewhere around Galveston Bay.

I must say once she thought about everything she has gotten behind it and is actually trying to be helpful in the process.

This is a good thing.
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Well, so far so good.

So far things are going well if slow.

The pathway is marked out so we can part ways (may or may not be this year.) friends and with our credit rating intact and not totally broke.

We will sell the cabin on the river...she will get that money as well as for the little boat and the four wheeler and half of my 401k. She gets her weight reduction surgery...maybe on my nickel after insurance, we will see.

So probably around $130,000 . total, I keep my house, my family land and the big Boat, my Time share.

Al bills paid off except my truck.

She will buy a house or condo somewhere around Galveston Bay.

I must say one she thought about everything she has gotten behind it and is actually trying to be helpful in the process.

This is a good thing.

That is a good thing. I know that divorce is difficult but it sounds like you two are finding a way to work through it and keep some type of friendship intact. I wish you all the best.

Cabin up for sale.

She or I guess "We" are closing on a house for her on the twenty-fifth.

She is home from surgery (weight loss related)

Not separated yet or filed...all in the fullness of time.

Fuck it cost a lot of money to do these things!
Are you done with marriage now? (Serious, curious question, not snarky)

Six months before I was gettig divorced for the first time I made the rash statement that "If I ever got divorced I would NEVER get married again."

Crow doesn't taste any better with salt on it.

This is number four.

I have no serious leanings one way or the other.

I'm in no hurry...I'm not stupid either.

I was single seven years last time.
Why do you feel the need to be married? You can have a serious and committed relationship yet still be autonomous.
I had written several paragraphs on this but somehow I did away with it.

I will try again later. Who know it might show up yet.
Originally Posted by NippleMuncher
Why do you feel the need to be married? You can have a serious and committed relationship yet still be autonomous.

It’s like this…I do not need to get married, however I want all the good things a great marriage between two people who love each other can share.

Will I marry again? If I meet the right woman well than yes.

Am I in a hurry NO.

At this time I am not even separated yet and we have not yet filed.

The first thing I am going to do is get m new life lined out. Routine set down. Make some friends explore some hobbies. Fix up my house. Enjoy life some.

I admit I am at a bit of a loss on how to meet some ladies in real life but past experience has shown me it will happen all in the fullness of time. I’m sure I can find some who would like to have a good time occasionally with a nice guy they can trust.

I will get my playroom fixed up; My cabin cruiser operational and I have a time share with several weeks space banked.

I’m not a spring chicken anymore but I don’t scare children and small dogs either.

I will survive!:)
So sorry about this, it is always a difficult thing. Sounds like you are being civil,which is the best way. My husband I divorced awhile ago and honestly, after the dust died down, we are actually pretty good friends.
So sorry about this, it is always a difficult thing. Sounds like you are being civil,which is the best way. My husband I divorced awhile ago and honestly, after the dust died down, we are actually pretty good friends.

It's not her fault she can't be what I need. I should have maned up ten years ago or more and divorced her. Instead I waited until I found myself getting into a position that I can not and will not put up with.

Life is too short.

She will no doubt thrive on her own and it's better that way.

I owe her and I always pay my debts if possible.

I hope we can stay friends.
It's not her fault she can't be what I need. I should have maned up ten years ago or more and divorced her. Instead I waited until I found myself getting into a position that I can not and will not put up with.

Life is too short.

She will no doubt thrive on her own and it's better that way.

I owe her and I always pay my debts if possible.

I hope we can stay friends.

I'm afraid of feeling this way someday...
I'm afraid of feeling this way someday...

It sucks.

I'm 58 years old and getting divorced.

Yet I'd rather live and die alone if necessary then live in misery and a good chance of abuse when I get older and in ill heath.

I'm am going to live some good life ( God willing) and find someone I deserve if life works out that way.

An extended burden on the body is expected, but of the mind and sprit is intolerable.

Don't make the mistake and think I have not prayed about this constantly for many months...I have.

I know it is the right choice because it feels right and just and it seems to be working out rather smoothly all thing considered.
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I don't know you but you seem like a very grounded and sensible guy doing the right thing.Good luck and best wishes.

Closed on the house in La Porte, TX.



Fuck it cost lots of money to do anything!

Insurance, taxes, and assorted crap for the duration of the loan came out to $106,000.00+ change.

The cabin I gave her hasn't sold yet so I'm still paying for everything.

It will probably be a month or more before she can move. Her house needs a new A/C unit, interior painting and stuff...and utilities turned on.

Somehow I have to come up with the money to roof MY house this coming week!:eek:
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It's not very safe to post the address of ones's home on line, is it? Am I missing something?