Wierd/Funny Laws

If you find a dead body and don't report it, you can be fined 20 kroner. Which was a lot back in the 20's when the law came onto the books, but now, it can barely buy you a beer.

lot's of old laws out there. Here are some others from Denmark, from DumbLaws.com

- Before starting your car you are required to check lights, brakes, steering and honk your horn. You also need to make a visual check to make sure there are no children underneath the car.

- If a horse drawn carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse becomes uneasy, the owner of the car is required to pull over and if necessary, cover the car.

- Attempt to escape from prison is not illegal, however, if one he is caught he is required to serve out the remainder of his term.

- No one may start a car while someone is underneath the vehicle.

- Headlights must be on whenever a vehicle is being operated in order to distinguish it from parked cars. (Not a dumb law, it has been in effect for 25 years in Scandinavia and saves lives)

- When driving, you must have someone in front of your car with a flag to warn horse drawn carriages that a motorcar is coming.

- Any carport added to a building increases the value of the building by 15.5 times the cost of building the addition.

- Restaurants may not charge for water unless it is accompanied by another item such as ice or a lemon slice.
it's illegal for a man with a moustache to kiss a woman in public in Iowa, apparently.

and up here (alaska) it is considered a crime to push a moose out of an airplane. (duuuuuh)
scylis said:
and up here (alaska) it is considered a crime to push a moose out of an airplane. (duuuuuh)

Bugger, there goes the weekend's entertainment. I was looking forward to dropping a few mooses (moosii {?}) onto unsuspecting people from 300O ft
Draco said:

Bugger, there goes the weekend's entertainment. I was looking forward to dropping a few mooses (moosii {?}) onto unsuspecting people from 300O ft

Not to hijack this thread but....why are plurals so strange

One Goose – Two Geese
One Moose – Two Meese?

One Mouse – Two Mice
One House – Two Hice?

One Foot – Two Feet
One Boot – Two Beet?

One Tooth – Two Teeth
One Booth – Two Beeth?