


Why Are America's Alpha Males All Conservatives?
Oh. I thought you said Alpacas, not Alpha.

How do you characterize an alpha male?
Why Are America's Alpha Males All Conservatives?
Because a) you mistake strutting posers for alpha males, b) you mistake reactionaries for conservatives and c) it takes a more complex thought process to fight for something than to fight against something.
Dear reader,

The old senile, racist shit stain couldn't come up with a comeback in a single post.
Because a) you mistake strutting posers for alpha males, b) you mistake reactionaries for conservatives and c) it takes a more complex thought process to fight for something than to fight against something.

I hate male models too.

If JAMESBPIECEOFSHIT fancies himself an alpha, he's been soaking up too many gamma rays from the sun while out in his garden.
If JAMESBPIECEOFSHIT fancies himself an alpha, he's been soaking up too many gamma rays from the sun while out in his garden.

Come out from behind your alts.

Dear Reader

Zumi cant get a real gang so he makes a virtual gang. But if you bitch slap any of them Zumi is the one gets hurt.
Nothin else goes with self confidence so well.

Self confidence is not the same thing as inspiring confidence.

Consider yourself. Why would anyone have confidence in you? You make up silly stories about your past. After a short conversation with you, no one would trust you with anything important and they certainly aren't going to follow your orders on anything.

What you have here, is self delusion.
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.”
― Bertrand Russell
Come out from behind your alts.

Dear Reader

Zumi cant get a real gang so he makes a virtual gang. But if you bitch slap any of them Zumi is the one gets hurt.

Listen to this motherfucker. Must've gotten a fresh shipment of those blue pills from Pfizer today, he's gettin' all froggy up in here thinking popping one inch means he's the new Rocco Siffredi.

One name, one account, since jump street. Always and forever. Never need an alt or a gang to slap you and your ilk silly like putty. I can do it with just one finger on the keyboard and still run rings around your stupid racist shitstain ass.

So you are just going to keep showing off your Pedo ways by keeping that picture in you sig?

Of course an idiot fuck like you thinks me recognizing Gabby's historic Olympic win with her image in action in my sig translates to pedophilia. Of course you do.

Another conservative Alpha-Bits cereal male, shining for all the world to see. Gonna have to trade in my energy-saving lightbulbs and screw your brain matter in the fixtures instead...I've always loved reading under low-level incandescence.
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Irezumi is just as racist as busybody, but he hides it better, and he only hates white people, which is ok.
So you are just going to keep showing off your Pedo ways by keeping that picture in you sig?

It makes me sad that this is where your mind went. I'm hopeful that you're alone in your inability to recognize Zumi's intent.