
Trump should be executed for treason, so…

And I have zero problem with people who have devoted their lives to the art of governance earning the right to govern after proving themselves capable and loyal to the constitution. There is a reason people USUALLY build a strong resume in public service before running for higher office.

All of you, regardless of political ideology, issues that are important to you, and personal opinions about the man, should vote for Trump - and here’s why:

Trump was probably your last chance to choose a President that wasn’t pre-selected for you by the Power Clique. Neither the Democrat nor Republican leadership wanted him. He wasn’t part of the clique, didn’t have the same objectives, wasn’t in on their brand of corruption. That made him dangerous and they were determined to get rid of him.

If they didn’t destroy him, some other outsider might run and voters might have the audacity to choose their own President again!

So they used every available means to ruin his Presidency - and they kept up the pursuit after he left office. It is as much to scare off others as it is to damage Trump.

We all - even those cheering it on - know the charges are either completely fabricated or are the same things the rest of them are doing. But to the Power Clique, both R and D, it’s crucial to make Trump an object lesson for others lest they try to invade Washington without going through the proper channels and obtaining the proper blessings.

So regardless of what you believe about issues or think about Trump… if you would ever like the opportunity to choose a President yourself instead of picking one of a few choices pre-approved by the parties… you’d be wise to vote for Trump this time.
This is flawed logic and is the worst reason to vote for someone that has stated that they want to rule like a dictator, doesn’t respect the constitution, is an extreme narcissist, is a fraud, a persistent liar and runs his life and administration like a mob boss. Even most his prior administration is warning us not to vote for this man and the harm he will cause to his democracy. He’s a snake oil salesman from the word go. I would never vote for Trump under any circumstance.
The failure of trutH S0cIal should tell trump what his future holds.
All of you, regardless of political ideology, issues that are important to you, and personal opinions about the man, should vote for Trump - and here’s why:

Trump was probably your last chance to choose a President that wasn’t pre-selected for you by the Power Clique. Neither the Democrat nor Republican leadership wanted him. He wasn’t part of the clique, didn’t have the same objectives, wasn’t in on their brand of corruption. That made him dangerous and they were determined to get rid of him.

If they didn’t destroy him, some other outsider might run and voters might have the audacity to choose their own President again!

So they used every available means to ruin his Presidency - and they kept up the pursuit after he left office. It is as much to scare off others as it is to damage Trump.

We all - even those cheering it on - know the charges are either completely fabricated or are the same things the rest of them are doing. But to the Power Clique, both R and D, it’s crucial to make Trump an object lesson for others lest they try to invade Washington without going through the proper channels and obtaining the proper blessings.

So regardless of what you believe about issues or think about Trump… if you would ever like the opportunity to choose a President yourself instead of picking one of a few choices pre-approved by the parties… you’d be wise to vote for Trump this time.
As I always say, any time you see someone using a “both sides” argument it’s always to excuse misbehavior on the right.

A vote for Trump is a vote for fascism. It’s deplorable that so many conservatives want an authoritarian strongman in power, but we’re lucky they settled on a hapless figurehead to lead their totalitarian movement.
Because what is another Trillion dollars on the nation debt?
You take the word of people who only want to control you and enrich themselves… on what’s best for you.

I had no illusions about changing anyone’s mind here. You are too deep in the party/ideology mindset. It’s too big a part of “who you are” to start thinking freely now.

Nevertheless, you’ve been told.
I listen to his own words. Grab them by the pussy, I want to rule like a dictator, I want use the justice department for my revenge, i lied about the dangers of the pandemic. He’s always the victim. Doesn’t respect our veterans and berates almost his entire prior administration. Just Stacy the books that have been written about that are favorable as unfavorable from his family and administration that he picked and let show you what a disaster this disputable man is. Even his own aids for wife doesn’t like him.
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All of you, regardless of political ideology, issues that are important to you, and personal opinions about the man, should vote for Trump - and here’s why:

Trump was probably your last chance to choose a President that wasn’t pre-selected for you by the Power Clique. Neither the Democrat nor Republican leadership wanted him. He wasn’t part of the clique, didn’t have the same objectives, wasn’t in on their brand of corruption. That made him dangerous and they were determined to get rid of him.

If they didn’t destroy him, some other outsider might run and voters might have the audacity to choose their own President again!

So they used every available means to ruin his Presidency - and they kept up the pursuit after he left office. It is as much to scare off others as it is to damage Trump.

We all - even those cheering it on - know the charges are either completely fabricated or are the same things the rest of them are doing. But to the Power Clique, both R and D, it’s crucial to make Trump an object lesson for others lest they try to invade Washington without going through the proper channels and obtaining the proper blessings.

So regardless of what you believe about issues or think about Trump… if you would ever like the opportunity to choose a President yourself instead of picking one of a few choices pre-approved by the parties… you’d be wise to vote for Trump this time.
You're certainly allowed your reason to vote for a Narcissistic Authoritarian, who is not the least interested in the ideals of this country. Nor of improving the lives of its citizens. Rather his sole purpose in life is himself, consolidating power and riches, destroying those not devoutly loyal to him, and thereby destroying this experiment in democracy.

I commend your goal of wanting to choose a President from outside the system that inspires you and fills you with hope - we all want that. But you'd get better traction if you could delineate, obviously in your opinion, how this man might be able to improve this country, improve our individual lives. Even then you'd have an uphill go of it....

But, to vote for someone as damaged as him just because he is from outside the system? Good luck...
That failure might also be explained by the fact that I’d never heard of it until someone here mentioned it a few days ago.
You're empirically saying that you never heard of the social media platform that the man who was President of the United States of America for a single term launched two years ago as a conservative/right-wing alternative to Twitter and has been extensively profiled in both print and online by every news media on the planet during those two years due to the media exposure of that same man who launched it?

and you want us to vote for this same dude that you yourself had no knowledge of his own shit about?


All of you, regardless of political ideology, issues that are important to you, and personal opinions about the man, should vote for Trump - and here’s why:

Trump was probably your last chance to choose a President that wasn’t pre-selected for you by the Power Clique. Neither the Democrat nor Republican leadership wanted him. He wasn’t part of the clique, didn’t have the same objectives, wasn’t in on their brand of corruption.
Trump has convinced his poorly educated minions that he is somehow their tribune against "the elites." Nevertheless, Trump serves the only elite that matters: the wealthy elite. He cuts their taxes and produces what only they can afford.
The existence of this thread means that I’m inviting you to see things in a different way than the Party/media approved version.

If we shouldn't trust them, why should we trust you? (Not an endorsement of them - more a critique of you claiming legitimacy.)

it’s crucial to make Trump an object lesson for others lest they try to invade Washington without going through the proper channels and obtaining the proper blessings.

Ah - got it.

Dumb, unoriginal idea that won't work. Thanks anyway. 🙂
There is zero chance he will win. Yes, he can win, but they will never allow him to win.he will be stopped. Look at Dan Goldman's comment Sunday
I have less than zero doubts that one or both might not be alive in January '25.
The existence of this thread means that I’m inviting you to see things in a different way than the Party/media approved version.

I don’t believe Trump has any chance of winning. The election was stolen in 2020 with the full blessing of the GOP establishment and the Washington bureaucracy, and nothing has happened to correct the system to prevent it from happening again.

And I know that’s just fine with most of you… which is a big reason why America is sliding into tyranny. So… congratulations I guess.

Trump is not the problem that ails our country * JUST A SYMPTOM *

The five hundred pound guerrillas in the room are the intellectual elites, establishment bureaucrats and perpetual race baiters, exclusive clubs consisting mostly self appointed know nothing social engineers that are in a perpetual feeding frenzy consuming, at every opportunity, every bit of the moral high ground while casting their subjects into moral turpitude. They virtue signal from atop the shoulders of the proletariat class promoting the evils of systemic racism while they themselves exist in a delusional state of…better than thou…euphoria. They are the epitome of passive aggressive racism. They preach equity, diversity and inclusion while they discreetly shield the very riches they refuse to part with. Intellectual elites are the common citizen's existential crisis and a cancer on society in general. White intellectual elites are exploiting the hard working middle class promoting surreptitious bumper sticker slogans like *white privilege*, systemic racism and the most caustic of all *diversity, equity and inclusion* while they themselves are the embodiment of privilege. They’re surrendering our wealth as a nation using hypocritical slogans like equity rather than equality, tax the rich while they themselves have the luxury of wealth to keep and expand their wealth while they exploit every one below them. They prefer to spend your money in the name of equity while shielding theirs. Our nation has slowly transformed from a nation of equal opportunity to a band of oligarchs and corporatist pulling our strings. We are being ruled not governed.

Whether you agree or not we are pawns of an administrative state where elected officials white or black are figure heads in a corrupt system. We’re very close to a uni/party system where the privileged hold all the cards and our system of justice is an extension of that power. We all know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are our own worst enemy not Trump. We lack the courage to admit to ourselves that we allowed our government to intrude in every aspect of our lives. Our forefathers crafted a document called the Constitution to protect us from our own government and we choose the lazy way out. We have become subjects of a bloated bureaucracy chucked full of establishment bureaucrats who twist our laws to benefit their Marxist agenda. Where in the constitution does it state that the government can provide debt relief for one class by burdening another class with additional debt. Dependency over personal responsibility, equity over equality. Marxism is at our doorstep. So, here we are, fodder for the white intellectual elites and black perpetual race baiters waiving their scepter of morality from high above pitting us against each other, dividing us into little boxes by class, ethnicity, religion and language, demanding that we stand at attention as we Kow-tow to the authority imposed upon us by the powerful brigades of thought police AKA “ESTABLISHMENT BUREAUCRATS”. I’m not proposing the elimination of establishment bureaucrats, they do serve a purpose, they maintain continuity within our governmental structure but they need to be sternly slapped up side the head and reminded that they work for us the common people.

This shadow elitist government within a government have for decades held their foot on the necks of minorities in urban communities promising a better deal, policies that would lift them out of poverty, provide high quality education all the while these elitist have used educational opportunities outside the corrupt system, managed to create a dependent class forced to genuflect to the façade of altruism, equating to a feudal ruling class throwing crumbs to the less fortunate serfdom expecting nothing short of total loyalty for being allowed to exist.

They create policies that are designed to maximize victimhood and dependency forcing us to exist within a corrupt system all the whiles our political leadership is AWOL. Most of our political cadre is immersed in self preservation, self absorbed in the art of campaigning rather than protecting the interests of their constituents. They allowed establishment bureaucrats to create policies that only Congress can and should legislate, surrendering their lawful authority to govern to unelected power hungry cliques. We are blindly channeled into our appropriate trenches, white bigots against black bigots, atheists against Christians, lower class against middle class, pro life against pro choice all the while the thought police quietly walk away with our country, our freedoms and surrender our sovereignty to perpetuate their globalist agenda. ‘We the people’ is becoming a thing of the past. Self reliance, individual freedoms, striving for individual achievement and greatness has been replaced with diversity, equity and inclusion, propelling us into a downward spiral towards mediocrity. “We the people” have lost the ability to recognize those who would wish us harm, overtly and covertly. We the people need to take back our country from establishment bureaucrats and put our representatives back in charge or fire them! We have agencies that are governments within our government that wield more power and influence than our political leadership.
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The issue isn't voting for Trump can you vote for 17-20% inflation in the last 2 years and the non existent foreign policy's .
The green energy government push that's not ready for prime time they want wind power and solar and no oil production where does the chemicals for the blades come from?? what chemicals go in to the solar panels ????
Trump is not the problem that ails our country * JUST A SYMPTOM *

The five hundred pound guerrillas in the room are the intellectual elites, an exclusive club consisting of mostly white snobs that are in a perpetual feeding frenzy consuming, at every opportunity, every bit of the moral high ground while casting their subjects into moral turpitude. They virtue signal from atop the shoulders of the proletariat class promoting the evils of systemic racism while they themselves exist in a delusional state of…better than thou…euphoria. They are the epitome of passive aggressive racism. They preach equity, diversity and inclusion while dining on the very riches they refuse to part with. White intellectual elites are the common white man’s existential crisis and a cancer on society in general. White intellectual elites are binging on the white middle class veiled in bumper sticker slogans like white privilege and systemic racism while they themselves are the epitome of white privilege. They’re surrendering our wealth as a nation using hypocritical slogans like equity rather than equality, tax the rich while they themselves have the luxury of wealth to keep and expand their wealth while they exploit every one below them. They prefer to spend your money in the name of equity while shielding theirs. Our nation has slowly transformed from a nation of equal opportunity to a band of oligarchs and corporatist pulling our strings. We are being ruled not governed.

Whether you agree or not we are pawns of an administrative state where elected officials white or black are figure heads in a corrupt system. We’re very close to a uni/party system where the privileged hold all the cards and our system of justice is an extension of that power. We all know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are our own worst enemy not Trump. We lack the courage to admit to ourselves that we allowed our government to intrude in every aspect of our lives. Our forefathers crafted a document called the Constitution to protect us from our own government and we choose the lazy way out. We have become subjects of a bloated bureaucracy chucked full of establishment bureaucrats who twist our laws to benefit their Marxist agenda. Where in the constitution does it state that the government can provide debt relief for one class by burdening another class with additional debt. Dependency over personal responsibility, equity over equality. Marxism is at our doorstep. So, here we are, fodder for the white intellectual elites and black perpetual race baiters waiving their scepter of morality from high above pitting us against each other, dividing us into little boxes by class, ethnicity, religion and language, demanding that we stand at attention as we Kow-tow to the authority imposed upon us by the powerful brigades of thought police AKA “ESTABLISHMENT BUREAUCRATS”. I’m not proposing the elimination of establishment bureaucrats, they do serve a purpose, they maintain continuity within our governmental structure but they need to be sternly slapped up side the head and reminded that they work for us the common people.

This shadow elitist government within a government have for decades held their foot on the necks of minorities in urban communities promising a better deal, policies that would lift them out of poverty, provide high quality education all the while these elitist have used educational opportunities outside the corrupt system, managed to create a dependent class forced to genuflect to the façade of altruism, equating to a feudal ruling class throwing crumbs to the less fortunate serfdom expecting nothing short of total loyalty for being allowed to exist.

They create policies that are designed to maximize victimhood and dependency forcing us to exist within a corrupt system all the whiles our political leadership is AWOL. Most of our political cadre is immersed in self preservation, self absorbed in the art of campaigning rather than protecting the interests of their constituents. They allowed establishment bureaucrats to create policies that only Congress can and should legislate, surrendering their lawful authority to govern to unelected power hungry cliques. We are blindly channeled into our appropriate trenches, white bigots against black bigots, atheists against Christians, lower class against middle class, pro life against pro choice all the while the thought police quietly walk away with our country, our freedoms and surrender our sovereignty to perpetuate their globalist agenda. ‘We the people’ is becoming a thing of the past. Self reliance, individual freedoms, striving for individual achievement and greatness has been replaced with diversity, equity and inclusion, propelling us into a downward spiral towards mediocrity. “We the people” have lost the ability to recognize those who would wish us harm, overtly and covertly. We the people need to take back our country from establishment bureaucrats and put our representatives back in charge or fire them! We have agencies that are governments within our government that wield more power and influence than our political leadership.
Tl dr- "I'm the.victim, my political opponents have ruined my life"
It’s incredible that there’s still such adherence to the cult of trump. Perhaps this snippet from an article about comet ping pong offers a hint of an explanation.

“QAnon is an elaborate fiction dreamed up by Trump fans to meet the psychological needs of those who cannot allow themselves to admit what is plain as day to everyone else: that the man they voted for and support is mendacious, narcissistic, incompetent, corrupt and horrifically unfit, both morally and intellectually, for his office. He is so ostentatiously unfit to be president that the only way even his most ardent supporters can justify his position is to elevate their own denial into a baroque theology in which his opponents are Satanic pedophiles, and he is the defender of the children.”