Why would I ever want to post my "personality"


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
Lancecastor is on his own Timothy McVeigh mission. Yeah, I want to post things about myself

Lance, what is your real name? What is your last name? Where do you live?
I assume someone hopes you have one. I suspect that hope is in vain.
"Lance" is a very homosexual name.

Lance Armstrong - cyclist
Lance Alworth – former professional football player
Lance Burton - magician
Lance - character in Shakespeare's classic The Two Gentlemen of Verona

What are your counter-examples? Do they include anything other than one ex-pop star? :cool:
Lance Armstrong - cyclist
Lance Alworth – former professional football player
Lance Burton - magician
Lance - character in Shakespeare's classic The Two Gentlemen of Verona

What are your counter-examples? Do they include anything other than an ex-pop star? :cool:

which name should I use for GB Lance? I have two pages of notes on him, he will be in a future book
Your personality has little to be desired.

Your ass however, it could use my cock you dirt whore.
Lance Armstrong - cyclist
Lance Alworth – former professional football player
Lance Burton - magician
Lance - character in Shakespeare's classic The Two Gentlemen of Verona

What are your counter-examples? Do they include anything other than one ex-pop star? :cool:

No, but it just strikes me as a gay name. I couldn't tell you why.
Post your personality?

What exactly does that mean?

No idea, I'm just going off what someone else said in a different post.

Now, the people pro obama hate me due to the fact that I call them out on the bullshit. Secondly, my comments resonates deep inside their souls and that freaks them out due to the fact that they know I'm right. If only these people spent time improving their lives and spend less time looking for free handouts
No idea, I'm just going off what someone else said in a different post.

Now, the people pro obama hate me due to the fact that I call them out on the bullshit. Secondly, my comments resonates deep inside their souls and that freaks them out due to the fact that they know I'm right. If only these people spent time improving their lives and spend less time looking for free handouts

I'd like to resonate inside you.
No idea, I'm just going off what someone else said in a different post.

This describes your entire Lit existence.

Now, the people pro obama hate me due to the fact that I call them out on the bullshit. Secondly, my comments resonates deep inside their souls and that freaks them out due to the fact that they know I'm right. If only these people spent time improving their lives and spend less time looking for free handouts

That's right, folks - she actually considers herself a capable writer.

Try not to laugh yourselves to death. :cool:
I'm not new.

Just the name, slut.

Cute kid btw.

Wow, so you think its okay to post a picture of child on a porn web site. Great, I see that you are morally bankrupt.

This is why I'm pissed. Lance, with no concept of reality has linked and posted "info" of what he assumed was me.

Lance is a dangerous and very unable mental fucking defect