Why they cannot say anything positive about Mitt Romney, or anyone else...


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
The Death of the Left
Michael Ledeen, PJMedia
August 31, 2012

I have a good friend, an Italian who lives in Milano, who for a while was the head of the youth organization of the Italian Communist Party. One day he was walking across one of the major Milanese piazzas, and had an epiphany, which he later described very simply. “I shouted, ‘There is no working class!’”


The epiphany was a fine example of one of Hegel’s basic insights, which is that the world is constantly changing, and ideas must accordingly be updated, or become anachronisms. So it was with “working class...,”

But the world changed, and in the modern postindustrial societies, the working class vanished.


In this process, there are plenty of people who can’t update their thinking. They’re easy to recognize, because they write and talk about a world that no longer exists. The easiest places to find them in contemporary America are Hollywood, college campuses, and the Obama administration with its attendant satellites, the dead tree media and the Democrat Party. Their common bond is anger and frustration; frustration because they can’t understand what’s going on, and anger because their remedies for contemporary problems do not come to grips with the essence of the problems.

Hegel would have well understood one of the most interesting contemporary developments: the old liberal establishment is shrinking, both in numbers and in confidence, and their political/ideological opponents are growing. Several smart people have noticed the extraordinary depth of the conservative political team, many of whose members were on display in Tampa this week. The Ryans and the Romneys, the Christies and the Haleys, the Loves and the Rubios, the Brewers and the Walkers, on and on. They have a much clearer vision of the real world, and they accordingly have more realistic political approaches than those on the left, who are trapped in a world that no longer exists.

Here’s another way to grasp the dialectical process: look at Wisconsin. Long considered one of the wackier leftist places in America, it is now the cradle of creative conservatives. The Progressive mission known as the “Wisconsin Idea” is politically and intellectually dead and buried. Wisconsin now votes for Paul Ryan and Scott Walker (and probably Tommy Thompson in a couple of months).

If you’re one of those leftists, unable to sort out how the world works nowadays and unable to win an honest debate with your political and intellectual opponents, it makes you very angry, and you lash out at them with a violence that often surprises observers who are less engaged in the political or intellectual wars. The left has died as an intellectual force worth taking seriously. Its mission belongs to another time. It is reduced to fighting for political power alone, and its weapons are what we recently called “the politics of personal destruction.” It’s the only way they can hope to win. None of us should be surprised when the leftists accuse the righties of pushing old women off of cliffs, or murdering cancer-afflicted employees, or waging war on women, and so forth. They have to destroy their opponents one by one. They no longer have a “movement” of any significance.

That’s what happens when you become an anachronism.
Nice article.

Expect the Dems to create more lies and baseless accusations. They're going to get vicious.
Oh nice article. The world is always changing so ideas must be updated. That explains why Romney was until very recently pro-choice, pro healthcare mandate, pro-illegal immigrant amnesty, pro-gun control, a believer in man-made global warming, pro gay rights, pro campaign finance reform... I could go on.

That truckload of flip-flops was simply because the world was changing I guess(?). I'm sure it had nothing to do with Romney having to run for office in front of conservatives instead of moderates and liberals... Or the fact that Romney is a noodle-spined wussbag who tells his audience whatever they want to hear.
Nice article.

Expect the Dems to create more lies and baseless accusations. They're going to get vicious.

ThrobDownSouth is even now running from thread-to-thread to specifically prove that point...

;) ;)

:D It makes it all so easy!
Oh nice article. The world is always changing so ideas must be updated. That explains why Romney was until very recently pro-choice, pro healthcare mandate, pro-illegal immigrant amnesty, pro-gun control, a believer in man-made global warming, pro gay rights, pro campaign finance reform... I could go on.

That truckload of flip-flops was simply because the world was changing I guess(?). I'm sure it had nothing to do with Romney having to run for office in front of conservatives instead of moderates and liberals... Or the fact that Romney is a noodle-spined wussbag who tells his audience whatever they want to hear.


And ME TOO! chimes in to help underscore the point...
Nice article.

Expect the Dems to create more lies and baseless accusations. They're going to get vicious.

Which makes you a victim...A VICTIM DAMMIT!

Seems like your vice presidential candidate finally pushed teh envelope a little too much this past week, and teh media finally noticed the disconnect between what Ryan says and the truth.
Throb is a bottom feeding piece of shit, and everyone knows it.


Funny how flip-flops on the part of Obama are so good and makes us want to vote for him, but Romney's are horrible and make us want to vote against him...

;) ;)

Funny how flip-flops on the part of Obama are so good and makes us want to vote for him, but Romney's are horrible and make us want to vote against him...

;) ;)

Show us how Obama's changes of position are at all the same scale as Romney's.
If the left is dead, how come the RWCJ spend all their time screaming about it? Not to mention AJ's outsourced thinker.

Funny how flip-flops on the part of Obama are so good and makes us want to vote for him, but Romney's are horrible and make us want to vote against him...

;) ;)

Obama doesn't flip-flop. His beliefs are constantly evolving.
Romney's not going to stop Obama for the same reasons his old man failed to become president.

Vote Gary Johnon or Virgil Goode.

Have some spine!
ThrobDownSouth is even now running from thread-to-thread to specifically prove that point...
;) ;)
:D It makes it all so easy!

Yes, havin' an opinion that differs from yours just isn't fair, is it? I thoughtlessly disrespected your own carefully constructed reality bubble.
Someone needs to let the Rino Party Leaders know, cuz it looks like Romney & Rove are feeling the angst, too.
That's the sound of them wetting themselves.

Well, depends...

:D ;) ;)

I love it. You submit that they are nasty frustrated name-callers and you get nasty, frustrated name-calling and this is while they are actually winning the election. Gawd help us if they begin to sense a loss...