Why the hell are you people STILL awake???

I am weak...I need sleep...it is just avoiding me.

Emoodie...hugs, bebe...i am sorry...

MB...:eek: Sorry, can't help ya there! But good luck!
...points at nickname...I only doze when I get too much blood in my caffeine stream.
Quite a day!

I got about 4 hours of sleep the night before, went with my friend, "Pirate" to drive 80 miles south to get a motorcycle rigid frame, and spent about 5 hours at Vintage Motorcycles Northwest. The founder/owner is a great guy that was born in 1919, and he's busy building a 1919 Harley-Davidson "birthday' motorcycle for himself. He specializes in pre-1970's motorcycles, and won't waste time talking to anyone with newer machinery. He's an "old school" biker, used to race way back, and if it's your first time in his shop, you have to have a shot of whiskey for good luck. Upstairs is his collection that he's built over the years, all brands of rare motorcycles spanning 100 years. I really didn't want to go home, but pirate needed to be somewhere else.
I got home about 8pm, started reading my Panhead manual and fell asleep.
Woke up at 11 p.m. and that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :D
Liontamr said:
It's supposed to be owl... but hawk sounds much cooler.

You can say either. I didn't know hawk was Canadian though.

*stalking LT's thighs*

I'm awake because I was asleep earlier and woke up :(