Why The Fuck Would a Bishop Have a Million Dollars In Jewelry?


Dec 31, 2009

U.S. News // 1 hour ago
NYC bishop robbed of $1 million in jewelry during live streamed sermon
July 25 (UPI) -- A bishop was robbed at gunpoint of more than $1 million in jewelry while in the middle of giving a live streamed sermon at a church in New York City on Sunday, police said.​

U.S. News // 1 hour ago
NYC bishop robbed of $1 million in jewelry during live streamed sermon
July 25 (UPI) -- A bishop was robbed at gunpoint of more than $1 million in jewelry while in the middle of giving a live streamed sermon at a church in New York City on Sunday, police said.



Fuck the church!!!!
Miller-Whitehead, known for his expensive tastes, himself has served five years in prison for a $2 million identity theft scam and was released in 2013. He founded the church after his release and was ordained as a bishop in 2016.
from jafo's first link

might even be a fake robbery for insurance purposes for all we can tell
from jafo's first link

might even be a fake robbery for insurance purposes for all we can tell
he's just another crook using religion to get rich off other people's dollars


in '21 he was accused of stealing 90K off a congregant: he persuaded her to take her retirement savings out and 'temporarily invest' them with him so he could use them to find and fix a house for her. When she was concerned about no income, he said he'd give her $100 a month. She saw one payment, no contract, no house, and was told her money was 'a donation' to his election campaign for Brooklyn Borough President. *sigh* Fools and their money...
According to the lawsuit, as the deal went sour, Whitehead blamed the breakdown on Anderson's son's behavior, calling him a "liar" and the "devil."

"All of this because of what? Because you took money that you refuse to pay back and now you're quoting scripture to serve your purpose! This is so offensive and did you just go there. You said you were a man of integrity!" Anderson texted Whitehead in May 2021, alerting him that she would contact authorities about the alleged scam.
how many others has he been scamming? he'd already served 5 years for defrauding other people and for grand larceny
"My wife has not stopped crying. My daughter has not stopped crying yet. My members have not stopped crying yet," Whitehead said in the conference. "Nobody's empathizing with my church!"
then plays the race card... to the disgust of most people, i'd imagine
He also said that the focus on his lifestyle was tied to his race.

"Why do we always gotta tear Black men down?" Whitehead added. "As soon as a Black man has a tailored suit, he's a criminal."
what a piece of shit this man is.
Religion is one of those fields where the more obviously sleazy you are, the more it actually seems to work. "If God didn't want me to have this fortune, I wouldn't have it, now would I?" makes sense to a lot of people. It's Joel Osteen's message too.
This is all why the tax exemptions need to go.

Might be the time to go for it. People are all about states rights and local rules now, aren't they? Can't have the Big Bad Fed telling locals what they can't do, right? So, rescind the IRS opinion and let states and local governments decide if they want to assess property taxes on churches.
Religion is one of those fields where the more obviously sleazy you are, the more it actually seems to work. "If God didn't want me to have this fortune, I wouldn't have it, now would I?" makes sense to a lot of people. It's Joel Osteen's message too.
Its also a field where there are a lot of good sincere people who want to believe in something...which of course makes them marks for con artists.

Basically religion is no different than politics. Grifters gonna grift from those who put faith in them.

I'm fortunate to have been raised with no religion or political beliefs instilled in me because my parents were to messed up to care about anything but surviving. But because of that I wasn't indoctrinated into any belief system so when I was older looked into things myself and was able to form my own opinions with no bias which led me to
This is all why the tax exemptions need to go
I agree, especially seeing R V W was overturned due to religious bias by a bunch of picks who listen to the God mob, so if they want a say in the Gov, pony up.

Churches bilk their flock for 10% tithes...so I believe the catholic church should be handing over 10% of their weekly earnings to the IRS...hell, we could end the deficit in a few years if we do that to them, Olsteen and all the others
U.S. News // 1 hour ago
NYC bishop robbed of $1 million in jewelry during live streamed sermon
July 25 (UPI) -- A bishop was robbed at gunpoint of more than $1 million in jewelry while in the middle of giving a live streamed sermon at a church in New York City on Sunday, police said.



Fuck the church!!!!
Maybe he's a descendent of Reverend Ike.
poor orphan of cop-strangled father, he got himself an education in accounting
"Mr. Whitehead stole the identities of at least a dozen people. He took out loans in their names and bought cars and motorcycles, according to his indictment in Suffolk County in 2006," NYT reports. "He was very, very good. He's a high roller. He was living the high life. He's got a couple of girlfriends," a Suffolk County detective told the New York Post at the time.But the good times were about to end. According to the Times, Whitehead filed for bankruptcy in 2006, citing as income the $10,000 a month he was earning as a mortgage broker.

Two years later, he was convicted of 17 counts, mostly identity theft, and sentenced to 10 to 30 years in prison. After serving five years in prison, Whitehead was released "with a glowing behavioral record," Times reports. Soon after being released, Whitehead created the church of Leaders of Tomorrow Ministries.

"Court records from New Jersey show that Bishop Whitehead owes more than $400,000 in judgments to a construction company that built his house and the credit union that financed his Mercedes-Benz and Range Rover — revelations that he has dismissed," reports the Times."The reason people can't figure me out is because they're trying to figure me out the wrong way," Bishop Whitehead told the Times. "What you see is what you'll get."

Bus - ted

Bishop Lamor Whitehead indicted on fraud, extortion charges

CBS News|5 hours ago
The Brooklyn pastor who was robbed of expensive jewelry during a livestreamed church service has been indicted on federal charges and is now in custody.

Bishop Lamor Whitehead arrested on federal charges, allegedly swindled parishioner, lied to FBI

The Brooklyn Paper|4 hours ago
Bishop Lamor Whitehead, who ascended to fame last summer when he was robbed at gunpoint during a live streamed service at his Canarsie church, was arrested on

The exact kind of thing I was thinking of when I wrote the following:
The perishing little town of Cedar Station boasted at least five mattress and furniture stores and about a dozen antique stores, none of which seemed like they could stay in business through legal means alone. Almost like those storefront churches you sometimes see in the ghetto, Rev. Lamarcus "Gator" Grimes officiating, which only have six members but which need an armored truck to collect the tithes every Monday. Things like that always made you wonder.
Everyone should know that big religions/churches are some of the richest, if not the richest entities around. They rake in the cash from countless believers and amass monstrous fortunes.

No where near as bad and evil as government, mind you, though they do a pretty good job extorting their believers with scary propaganda.soul.jpg
Everyone should know that big religions/churches are some of the richest, if not the richest entities around. They rake in the cash from countless believers and amass monstrous fortunes.

No where near as bad and evil as government, mind you, though they do a pretty good job extorting their believers with scary propaganda.View attachment 2357487
Great post!
Love the keen and insightful observation.
Question: So you must really hate when the grift of gubbament mixes with the grift of religion, right?

Great post!
Love the keen and insightful observation.
Question: So you must really hate when the grift of gubbament mixes with the grift of religion, right?
Yup, though I totally understand having to appeal to religious voters.
Clarify then…
You sayin religion is a money making scheme
That's one thing it can be really good at.
but its followers who vote are pure
Pure? No idea what that is supposed to mean.
but gullible???🤷‍♀️
Religious people can be very intelligent, same as anyone else. In fact the more intelligent a religious person is, the more capable they can be rationalizing otherwise irrational beliefs.