Why isn't the KKK a target of the War on Terrorism?


Naked Fool
Aug 13, 2002
A topic in the Author's forum on racism:


Got me thinking, which led me to this question.

If you total the body counts, and compare the tactics; the KKK makes Al-Qa'ida look like a school yard bully.

Yet I don't see anybody getting shipped off to Guantanimo Bay... I don't hear anything at all in fact about wiping out domestic terror. Not even with regards to the militias (and they've even killed whites - for those who make it a racial argument).

Now you could say the back of the militias was broken by the fallout of Tim McVeigh.

But the KKK is still out there, still causing trouble. Still a threat. In fact many in the Neo-Nazi movement use America and it's lax policies on the KKK and Nazism to fund and support Nazi organizations that work to incite trouble from underground in Europe.

No bank accounts frozen there though, no extraditions of any neo-nazis to Europe.

Why the disparity?
Be pretty sweet if those groups where

like KKK, Black Panthers, Greenpeace,Elf etc
I think places don't like to admit they have problems to other countries. To go to war on the KKK would almost make it seem like they are warring aginst themselvs. I do believe that something has to be done about it/them, but I don't believe they can "go to war" over it.
The KKK actually does more than drink beer and appear on Springer every other week?

Just kidding. Wow! That topic has spawned two separate threads today. Maybe us here at Lit can finally solve all the world's racism problems. Nobels might be in order!
actually, I had never considered it.

I freely admitt to not knowing the power the KKK has over US politics (if any) but i wonder if that could be a reason why?

interesting question Tenyari
medjay said:
The KKK actually does more than drink beer and appear on Springer every other week?

Just kidding. Wow! That topic has spawned two separate threads today. Maybe us here at Lit can finally solve all the world's racism problems. Nobels might be in order!

No kidding wtf does the KKK do other than talk like idiots? I haven't heard of a lynching once in my lifetime.
Two seperate threads? What's the other one?

I'm suprised to see Greenpeace on anyone's list.

I understand Black Panthers even if I don't agree, but Greenpeace baffles me.
Who have they killed, burned in a tire, raped, mutilated, or otherwise caused great harm to?

The oil comment probably has some truth to it. A combination of that and not wanting to air your own dirty laundry.

Sometimes the War on Terrorism looks like a distraction against the economy...
Worm said:
No kidding wtf does the KKK do other than talk like idiots? I haven't heard of a lynching once in my lifetime.

Well, they do like to drag black folks from the backs of pick up trucks. But that's not really big news.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I'm more amazed at what mind can even begin to compare Al Queda with the fucking KKK
Translation: Every male member of my family has been a KKK member, I enjoy the group orgies. I especially like it when we use all the cattle.
tenyari said:
Two seperate threads? What's the other one?

I'm suprised to see Greenpeace on anyone's list.

I understand Black Panthers even if I don't agree, but Greenpeace baffles me.
Who have they killed, burned in a tire, raped, mutilated, or otherwise caused great harm to?

The oil comment probably has some truth to it. A combination of that and not wanting to air your own dirty laundry.

Sometimes the War on Terrorism looks like a distraction against the economy...

Industrial sabotage, Support of eco terrorisism.
Blowing up pipelines and the such kind of makes them a terrorist in my book
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Your book is obviously fucked up

A terrorist is someone that will kill non-combatents for a political agenda
Translation: I have no clue what I am talking about. As I have not picked up a dictionary since my websters primer back in second grade.
medjay said:
Well, they do like to drag black folks from the backs of pick up trucks. But that's not really big news.

Ahh I forgot about that one and I'm not even sure if that was the KKK or some hillbilly. I'm not trying to defend the KKK I'm just saying they really are just a spooge stain of what they used to be. I'm all for exterminating them but you can't compare the KKK of today with the terrosim of today.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Your book is obviously fucked up

A terrorist is someone that will kill non-combatents for a political agenda
Jesus but your stupid.

adj : characteristic of someone who employs terrorism (especially as a political weapon); "terrorist activity" n : a radical who employs terror as a political weapon

Threatening to blow up someones house/car/business is an act of terrorism dipshit.
Worm said:
Ahh I forgot about that one and I'm not even sure if that was the KKK or some hillbilly.

Heh. I always thought of the KKK as hillbillys with official uniforms.
tenyari said:
A topic in the Author's forum on racism:


Got me thinking, which led me to this question.

If you total the body counts, and compare the tactics; the KKK makes Al-Qa'ida look like a school yard bully.

Yet I don't see anybody getting shipped off to Guantanimo Bay... I don't hear anything at all in fact about wiping out domestic terror. Not even with regards to the militias (and they've even killed whites - for those who make it a racial argument).

Now you could say the back of the militias was broken by the fallout of Tim McVeigh.

But the KKK is still out there, still causing trouble. Still a threat. In fact many in the Neo-Nazi movement use America and it's lax policies on the KKK and Nazism to fund and support Nazi organizations that work to incite trouble from underground in Europe.

No bank accounts frozen there though, no extraditions of any neo-nazis to Europe.

Why the disparity?
Not to belittle anyone's suffering, but what happened on September 11 made Oklahoma City look like a picnic lunch.

And I have a feeling if some white guy with a crew cut bought 3000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, someone would notice.

How does the KKK make Al-Qaeda look like a schoolyard bully? How many people have the Klan killed? Not that I'm defending them, they're vile scum, but I think focusing on al-Qaeda before the Montana Militia is a better resource priority.
