Why is America failing? Blame the Atheist.


Evil Genius Incognito
May 15, 2011
The US Declaration of Independence states that God Himself bestowed our rights and liberties upon us. The entire American political experiment is based on that unique premise. No other bulwark exists to safeguard the natural rights of human beings except Divine sanction. Remove God, and you also remove all claims to liberty, rights, meaning and purpose.

As you lose your rights you now know who to blame.
The US Declaration of Independence states that God Himself bestowed our rights and liberties upon us. The entire American political experiment is based on that unique premise. No other bulwark exists to safeguard the natural rights of human beings except Divine sanction. Remove God, and you also remove all claims to liberty, rights, meaning and purpose.

As you lose your rights you now know who to blame.

Praise allah!

I mean jesus...

Or possibly Joe Pesci.
What? I've got to hedge my bets.

I am not arguing the existence of, yet we are guaranteed certain rights by God via our belief in his existence. As we chase God out of the foundation of this country it does appear that many of these rights are eroding as government becomes bigger and more controlling of our lives.

I remain Agnostic; however, I am not antagonistic towards the belief in God or a creator as it is not harmful. Now in no way do I support the crazies who use God as a vehicle for power or evil intent. I find it amusing when Atheists attack Christianity due to "Christians" using God in this way. In this, Atheists are doing the work of Jesus as he did the same which is partly why the Jewish priests moved for his death.
I am not arguing the existence of, yet we are guaranteed certain rights by God via our belief in his existence. As we chase God out of the foundation of this country it does appear that many of these rights are eroding as government becomes bigger and more controlling of our lives.

I remain Agnostic; however, I am not antagonistic towards the belief in God or a creator as it is not harmful. Now in no way do I support the crazies who use God as a vehicle for power or evil intent. I find it amusing when Atheists attack Christianity due to "Christians" using God in this way. In this, Atheists are doing the work of Jesus as he did the same which is partly why the Jewish priests moved for his death.

Meh, believe in whatever you want that gets you through the day.

Pray to the sun, a rock in your backyard, the flying spaghetti monster, your aunt beatrice, or your AR15... I could really care less.

Just don't try to push that shit on me, or anyone else... once you do that, that's where the issue lies.
The United States of America is a very sinful nation and the citizens violate The Ten Commandments and MORE.

I don't think God hates America but God is going to have His say at the end of the day.

He must not rest well knowing that His Children have fallen further and further into the hands of The Dark Lord.

Kind of sad. The nation started off so strongly with a minor bump (The Civil War) as the only real blemish.
Meh, believe in whatever you want that gets you through the day.

Pray to the sun, a rock in your backyard, the flying spaghetti monster, your aunt beatrice, or your AR15... I could really care less.

Just don't try to push that shit on me, or anyone else... once you do that, that's where the issue lies.

Yet you and those like you shove your non belief down theirs.

double standards

can't we all just get along?
Yet you and those like you shove your non belief down theirs.

double standards

can't we all just get along?

I'm not shoving anything on anyone.

Well, that's not entirely true. I did do some shoving last night, but it had nothing to do with belief structures.
The US Declaration of Independence states that God Himself bestowed our rights and liberties upon us. The entire American political experiment is based on that unique premise. No other bulwark exists to safeguard the natural rights of human beings except Divine sanction. Remove God, and you also remove all claims to liberty, rights, meaning and purpose.

As you lose your rights you now know who to blame.
That Divine sanction is doing a piss poor job of safeguarding those rights in other countries, even the more zealous ones.
So? What nation is any different?

Many, many nations are MUCH less sinful:

1. Belgium
2. Italy
3. Estonia
4. North Korea
5. Chile
6. Morocco
7. New Zealand
8. Tunisia
9. Norway
10. Canada

Note that Australia, Japan and Germany are 'ahead' of the US when it comes to being sinful but that does NOT abdicate the US' citizens from their wanton behavior.
Many, many nations are MUCH less sinful:

1. Belgium
2. Italy
3. Estonia
4. North Korea
5. Chile
6. Morocco
7. New Zealand
8. Tunisia
9. Norway
10. Canada

Note that Australia, Japan and Germany are 'ahead' of the US when it comes to being sinful but that does NOT abdicate the US' citizens from their wanton behavior.

I know I'm going to be sorry for taking the bait and asking this. What's your criteria here for sinfulness. What sins are you referring to. How are you measuring and comparing these "alleged" sins on a nationwide basis.

Another thing, you have N. Korea on your "less sinful list". Oh then again you may be right. It's hard to be sinful when your government is trying to starve you.
I know I'm going to be sorry for taking the bait and asking this. What's your criteria here for sinfulness. What sins are you referring to. How are you measuring and comparing these "alleged" sins on a nationwide basis.

Another thing, you have N. Korea on your "less sinful list". Oh then again you may be right. It's hard to be sinful when your government is trying to starve you.

My list comes from combining three separate independent studies on sin. I should have cited my sources. Those studies take different approaches from the objective to the subjective but - surprisingly - the results are similar.

YES, North Korea is an anomaly. Of course it's a brutal dictatorship but the citizens are surprisingly moral and upstanding. Perhaps there is something to learn from this but that's for another debate entirely.
Many, many nations are MUCH less sinful:

1. Belgium
2. Italy
3. Estonia
4. North Korea
5. Chile
6. Morocco
7. New Zealand
8. Tunisia
9. Norway
10. Canada

Note that Australia, Japan and Germany are 'ahead' of the US when it comes to being sinful but that does NOT abdicate the US' citizens from their wanton behavior.

There is no such thing as sin, hog. There is evil, but it's not the same thing.
There is no such thing as sin, hog. There is evil, but it's not the same thing.

YOU would say that and you have the right to say it but SIN not only exists but it will ultimately determine - or help determine - your long-term (like eons long-term) fate.

Yes, I agree evil exists and is a powerful force driving human behavior. But SIN is well-defined and controlled by individuals who are the practitioners of it.
YOU would say that and you have the right to say it but SIN not only exists but it will ultimately determine - or help determine - your long-term (like eons long-term) fate.

Yes, I agree evil exists and is a powerful force driving human behavior. But SIN is well-defined and controlled by individuals who are the practitioners of it.

Is it a sin to covet another man's wife?

If so, why are you on this site?
Is it a sin to covet another man's wife?

If so, why are you on this site?

I do not covet another man's wife nor his maidservant (or anything else that is his, not mine). That is wrong. Yes, there are some tantalizing ladies but they are off limits to my lustful nature.

I am on the site to share The Good Word, have fun and meet others who are humble, self-pleasuring sinners. Additionally, I spend a majority of my day on Lit Chat doing role-play inspired by The Holy Bible's more libidinous characters. I work a night shift at Dunkin Donuts so during the day I play.
I do not covet another man's wife nor his maidservant (or anything else that is his, not mine). That is wrong. Yes, there are some tantalizing ladies but they are off limits to my lustful nature.

I am on the site to share The Good Word, have fun and meet others who are humble, self-pleasuring sinners. Additionally, I spend a majority of my day on Lit Chat doing role-play inspired by The Holy Bible's more libidinous characters. I work a night shift at Dunkin Donuts so during the day I play.

But the real question is, do you tithe 10% of your income.
But the real question is, do you tithe 10% of your income.

Yes. 10% exactly.

However, I don't count any of the money that I make at the casino because gambling is a sin. God does not want my sin-earned money.
The United States of America is a very sinful nation and the citizens violate The Ten Commandments and MORE.

I don't think God hates America but God is going to have His say at the end of the day.

He must not rest well knowing that His Children have fallen further and further into the hands of The Dark Lord.

Kind of sad. The nation started off so strongly with a minor bump (The Civil War) as the only real blemish.

what history book have you been reading? 1st grade level from 1876?

lie cheat murder and steal their way across an entire continent...................