Why I am thankful for hurricanes in America


Really Experienced
Sep 25, 2012
As you may know, I am a fully atheist Communist, and as such, do not believe in the concept of a "god". However, if there were such a thing, I would think it safe to assume that hurricanes are its way of cleansing the earth of the wealthy leech that sucks the lifeblood of the working class.

Before you blindly repudiate me, consider this: hurricanes mainly strike the coast, which is where the wealthy often choose to nest. This year, Hurricane Sandy descended on the American East Coast like a honeybadger on a termite mound. It was a glorious thing to see the images of all those town- and penthouses swept into the ocean. The very best part was that the State was able to help the few non-wealthies with disaster relief checks.

This entire affair proves that the iron will of the proletarian will always strike down plutocracy, even if some help from nature is required.
Interesting if cold hearted

Noun: statist stey-tist
1.A follower of statism

2.A statistician

3.[archaic] A statesman; a politician; one skilled in government
Derived forms: statists
As you may know, I am a fully atheist Communist, and as such, do not believe in the concept of a "god". However, if there were such a thing, I would think it safe to assume that hurricanes are its way of cleansing the earth of the wealthy leech that sucks the lifeblood of the working class.

Before you blindly repudiate me, consider this: hurricanes mainly strike the coast, which is where the wealthy often choose to nest. This year, Hurricane Sandy descended on the American East Coast like a honeybadger on a termite mound. It was a glorious thing to see the images of all those town- and penthouses swept into the ocean. The very best part was that the State was able to help the few non-wealthies with disaster relief checks.

This entire affair proves that the iron will of the proletarian will always strike down plutocracy, even if some help from nature is required.

Monty Python is alive and well :)
Interesting if cold hearted

Noun: statist stey-tist
1.A follower of statism

2.A statistician

3.[archaic] A statesman; a politician; one skilled in government
Derived forms: statists

I am the first. Ever since my horrific childhood spent in the bowels of British Honduras, I have looked toward the State to accomplish what the capitalist swine can and will not.
Then why are you on a porn board?

Simply to spread the virtues of Statism to the filthy, unwashed masses. My every word does a little more to chip away at the capitalist crust that has calcified upon the minds of the brainwashed horde.
Simply to spread the virtues of Statism to the filthy, unwashed masses. My every word does a little more to chip away at the capitalist crust that has calcified upon the minds of the brainwashed horde.

Not really, no.

Now if you had a mascot... children might pay attention to you
Simply to spread the virtues of Statism to the filthy, unwashed masses. My every word does a little more to chip away at the capitalist crust that has calcified upon the minds of the brainwashed horde.


Lighten up!

And my name is Francis.:)
So you are angry Peter the Great introduced decorating Christmas trees to Russia?

You are a tsarist? That does not surprise me. They are the ultimate symbol of the bourgeois aristocracy. While they played with their jewel-encrusted Easter eggs, the citizens of Mother Russia starved in the fields, breaking their backs for the kulak succubi. That is, until the glorious October day that the proletariat bayonet was finally thrust into the back of the tsarist, the kulak, the bourgeoisie and other enemies of the State.
To bad you were not here for "Redwave" he was another communist fucker but likable.
Simply to spread the virtues of Statism to the filthy, unwashed masses. My every word does a little more to chip away at the capitalist crust that has calcified upon the minds of the brainwashed horde.

I'm pretty sure most of us bath or shower regularly.

Capitalist unwashed masses do that a lot.
My every word does a little more to chip away at the capitalist crust that has calcified upon the minds of the brainwashed horde.

It's all been said many times before, here in the GB.

Stale ideas are stale.
Not really, no.

Now if you had a mascot... children might pay attention to you

My mascot is the child starving in the street, while the capitalist plutocrat looks on, unwilling to spare a penny or deny his corpulent gullet even one piece of food so that the worker may satiate his growling stomach.
My mascot is the child starving in the street, while the capitalist plutocrat looks on, unwilling to spare a penny or deny his corpulent gullet even one piece of food so that the worker may satiate his growling stomach.

Fine, but it has to be a cartoon child with hopeful eyes.
It's all been said many times before, here in the GB.

Stale ideas are stale.

Still, I persevere. If only one free market fool sees the error of his ways, I have succeeded.
That won't happen.


I will never give up, and I will never surrender. Just as Comrade Lenin gave his blood to liberate Mother Russia, I will give my time to liberate the hearts and minds of these pathetic fools. Where others have laboured with a rifle, I labour with a keyboard and a revolutionary zeal that will never diminish, no matter the abuse hurled at me at the hands of the capitalist menace.
So I have heard of the "Red Horde" and the "Yellow Horde" sometimes called the "Pink Horde"...

Are you the "Brown Horde"?