Why Federal Government wants Gun Control

I think the reaction was an over-reaction. But such is common since the police have been militarized. They have all those fancy new toys and are itching to use them.
I think the reaction was an over-reaction. But such is common since the police have been militarized. They have all those fancy new toys and are itching to use them.

Ordinary Citizens can't be trusted with even SEMIautomatic weapons... but the kind of individual that decides to become a cop is of course psychologically a superior specimen of human being and can be trusted implicitly to use good judgement.

Every time there's a shooting everyone postulates that its some right wing nutjob.... And then when it turns out that the person is either aapolitical or a leftist suddenly his politics don't matter.
Gun control makes the Nigguh hoodlums life easier. Less risky when he jacks you. Gun control don't apply to Nigguhs. Just white folks.
I think the reaction was an over-reaction. But such is common since the police have been militarized. They have all those fancy new toys and are itching to use them.

The waves of "jihadists" never showed up...or ever existed but the federal government has got its army together and now they need something to do...
Can you imagine how our enemies must be taking notes on the amount of chaos, panic, and disruption a single angry person can create in a paranoid town like Washington DC?

Bin Laden won the minute he figured out he could spend a couple grand on one attack and get a few billion dollars response.