Why don't we have sex w/ everyone we like?

Sep 29, 2002
I was watching 6 degrees of separation the other day, and it struck me how Will Smith's character fucked everyone he liked. If they had a good time together, he tried to have sex with them. Why is that approach to life so wrong? Would the world be a better or worse place if we jumped into bed and had (safe) sex with everyone we had chemistry with?
strange stuff

It sounds like what you're proposing is that everyone forget about self-control and do what they feel like. That sounds like anarchy to me.
LennyKravitz75 said:
Would the world be a better or worse place if we jumped into bed and had (safe) sex with everyone we had chemistry with?

Better. Definately.

Let's start a cult and see how many followers we can get. :D

*edited cause I didn't even see the 'or worse' part. :D
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You know, there was a time in the sixties and early seventies, when I tried to do just that. (Well, with my my female freinds, anyway.)Bear in mind that I was a horny teenager, the pill had liberated girls from the worries of unwanted motherhood, (and abortions were eaisly available) the new super antibiotics had "conquered" STDs (we thought), and AIDS had never been dreamed off. It was a dream world. Sex was very causal and recreational.

All that fun came with a price, though. We never really learned the simple pleasures of intimacy. We were too busy lining up our next fuck to get to know the one who we ewere with at the time. When we did settle down into more permanent relationships we had a lot of trouble really bonding to our mates. We seperated sex from love and thereby misplaced the emotional content of what should be the supreame emotional interaction. Finally, we "demorcatized" sex. It was our "right", and everyone should have as much as possabile as often as possable, with who ever we could talk into it. If you didn't you were "repressed' and "anal".

The ironic thing is that we paid this staggering price for sex that was really mediocure. You see, great sex, like great music, is the product of much study and practice. Any one can make noise, and if that is all you want to settle for, I won't be able to disuede you. really good sex, though happens when a couple have invested the time and effort in learnig thier partner's hot spots (and their own , for that matter), and then committing to practice, and more practice, and more practice. The end result of the emotional, spirtial bonding is an high that reaches into heaven itself. to bad so many of the buddies that I grew up with missed it. I very nearly did.
Samuari said:

All that fun came with a price, though. the buddies that I grew up with missed it. I very nearly did.

So so true, there is the answer to your question LennyKravitz75. All what Samuari said. :)
All aboard

I'm on board this train!

Finally, a revolution with minimal injuries.

I hope there are beheadings though. Just a couple.
It is a wonderful concept and certainly something to think about but unfortunately it will only be a fantasy for most of us. I maintain that most women can get sex any time they want it. The problem is for both men and women is that not everyone you wanted to have sex with would be willing to oblige. There is a certain young lady I know that I would do anything to be with, anything. She is beautiful inside and out and there would be few men who once they met her would not feel the same way I do. Again, women have the opportunity to bring this plan to fruition much more easily and often than most men do. Thank goodness we can have our own thoughts and fantasies so even though I can't have Angie in real life I do in my thoughts and dreams.

Another problem is dishes would pile up. Laundry, too.
I would, I could, I might...

I had some self control and didn't fuck my coworker last month when we went out for drinks after work. I couldda though.

I still might :D

Or not. Fucking moral conflicts.
I wish I were your co worker. Being a woman you could have done it then if you wamted to, last night or right now. The guy on the other hand most often does not have that luxury. Some guys have it all and some of us have none or very little no matter what we do. If reincarnation exists PLEASE let me come back as a female.
What the hell are you thinking, fucker.....

Oooops wrong thread.....

Self-control is very useful at the craps table.

Otherwise, it should be eliminated.
Sure! I could do it. Then I could get that nice warm feeling that he's told everyone at work that I fucked him. No thanks. This guy isn't relationship material, so it's just not worth it to me.
Amazingly enough, being a convenient set of holes isn't something I aspire to.
Personally, I feel that sex should be based on more than like although I would have to like them in addition to the intangible qualities I find sexually attractive.
We are afraid to ask or act on it because we don't want to be rejected.
LennyKravitz75 said:


Why is that approach to life so wrong?

It's called self control, and it's one of the things that separates us from the animals. I mean sure we could just go around screwing anything we want. After that what what be your next thrill, perhaps crapping on the carpet just because you "feel" like it.

However it has been brought to my attention that some people actually live this way (ie. screwing whomever they want). This either is due to an addiction, no self control, no morals, or just completely not giving a fuck. I will not lower myself to that level.