Why does Texas trample all over US citizens' rights...

It's not just Texas. A grandmother was arrested in Oklahoma as well. I don't know how many people have been arrested total through out the US. Speaking of wells, just one "little" accident and their ground water is fucked. Tar sands aren't even taxed, because they haven't been refined.
didn't america steal texas from the mexicans to start the ball rolling?

All the economic refugees from liberal CA that transplanted to TX are doing it....lovin the shit out of that big gov. Hell they even give 100k for college to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FOR BEING ILLEGAL. GI bill? 48k...:rolleyes: un fucking real liberal scum. I wish I could drop them all off in random spots in the middle east so they can see just how amazingly wonderful their friends really are.

And you know what? Fuck grandma...and all you libs crying about it and for her. You wanted and supported big gubbmint....enjoy your eminent domain!!
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didn't america steal texas from the mexicans to start the ball rolling?
Didn't the Angles and Saxons steal England from the Britons, and the Normans steal it from the Anglo-Saxons? And didn't England steal Wales, Scotland, and Ireland?
Didn't the Angles and Saxons steal England from the Britons, and the Normans steal it from the Anglo-Saxons? And didn't England steal Wales, Scotland, and Ireland?

didn't say they didn't, did i? :)
just pointing out a precedence
All the economic refugees from liberal CA that transplanted to TX are doing it....lovin the shit out of that big gov. Hell they even give 100k for college to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FOR BEING ILLEGAL. GI bill? 48k...:rolleyes: un fucking real liberal scum. I wish I could drop them all off in random spots in the middle east so they can see just how amazingly wonderful their friends really are.

And you know what? Fuck grandma...and all you libs crying about it and for her. You wanted and supported big gubbmint....enjoy your eminent domain!!


2012 Federal Candidates who received donations from Koch Industries:

Name Office Total Contributions
Pompeo, Mike (R-KS) House $110,000
Romney, Mitt (R) Pres $81,850
Allen, George (R-VA) Senate $45,000
Mourdock, Richard E (R-IN) Senate $38,500
Mack, Connie (R-FL) House $33,500
Rehberg, Denny (R-MT) House $29,000
Berg, Rick (R-ND) House $26,500
Hatch, Orrin G (R-UT) Senate $26,000
Cruz, Ted (R-TX) Senate $23,750
Heller, Dean (R-NV) Senate $20,500
Brown, Scott (R-MA) Senate $20,000
Mandel, Josh (R-OH) Senate $20,000
McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $20,000
Altschuler, Randy (R-NY) House $15,000
Messer, Luke (R-IN) House $15,000
Barrasso, John A (R-WY) Senate $14,900
McIntosh, David M (R-IN) House $13,500
Graves, Tom (R-GA) House $13,000
Jenkins, Lynn (R-KS) House $13,000
Olson, Pete (R-TX) House $13,000
Bucshon, Larry (R-IN) House $12,500
Pittenger, Robert (R-NC) House $12,500
Walden, Greg (R-OR) House $12,500
Walsh, Joe (R-IL) House $12,500
Roberts, Pat (R-KS) Senate $12,250
Mulvaney, Mick (R-SC) House $12,000
Tipton, Scott (R-CO) House $11,500
Whitfield, Ed (R-KY) House $11,000
Rogers, Mike (R-MI) House $10,750
Johnson, Bill (R-OH) House $10,500
Kingston, Jack (R-GA) House $10,500
Price, Tom (R-GA) House $10,500
Obama, Barack (D) Pres $10,350
Farenthold, Blake (R-TX) House $10,250
Ribble, Reid (R-WI) House $10,250


Tea Party Movement and Funding
An April 2011 report by Tony Carrk of the Center for American Progress entitled "The Koch Brothers: What You Need to Know About the Financiers of the Radical Right," notes, "The Koch brothers use their considerable wealth to bankroll the right wing, including the Tea Party. This serves the purpose of furthering not only their right-wing ideology but also their bottom line. Koch Industries has a lot to gain from gutting government oversight and electing candidates who oppose government regulation, especially in the oil-and-gas industry."[40] Carrk & others have identified "at least $85 million the Koch brothers have given to at least 85 right-wing think tanks and advocacy groups over the past decade and a half."[41]
See also Tea Party movement funding.


2012 Federal Candidates who received donations from Koch Industries:

Name Office Total Contributions
Pompeo, Mike (R-KS) House $110,000
Romney, Mitt (R) Pres $81,850
Allen, George (R-VA) Senate $45,000
Mourdock, Richard E (R-IN) Senate $38,500
Mack, Connie (R-FL) House $33,500
Rehberg, Denny (R-MT) House $29,000
Berg, Rick (R-ND) House $26,500
Hatch, Orrin G (R-UT) Senate $26,000
Cruz, Ted (R-TX) Senate $23,750
Heller, Dean (R-NV) Senate $20,500
Brown, Scott (R-MA) Senate $20,000
Mandel, Josh (R-OH) Senate $20,000
McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate $20,000
Altschuler, Randy (R-NY) House $15,000
Messer, Luke (R-IN) House $15,000
Barrasso, John A (R-WY) Senate $14,900
McIntosh, David M (R-IN) House $13,500
Graves, Tom (R-GA) House $13,000
Jenkins, Lynn (R-KS) House $13,000
Olson, Pete (R-TX) House $13,000
Bucshon, Larry (R-IN) House $12,500
Pittenger, Robert (R-NC) House $12,500
Walden, Greg (R-OR) House $12,500
Walsh, Joe (R-IL) House $12,500
Roberts, Pat (R-KS) Senate $12,250
Mulvaney, Mick (R-SC) House $12,000
Tipton, Scott (R-CO) House $11,500
Whitfield, Ed (R-KY) House $11,000
Rogers, Mike (R-MI) House $10,750
Johnson, Bill (R-OH) House $10,500
Kingston, Jack (R-GA) House $10,500
Price, Tom (R-GA) House $10,500
Obama, Barack (D) Pres $10,350
Farenthold, Blake (R-TX) House $10,250
Ribble, Reid (R-WI) House $10,250



I never said they were the ones pushing for the pipeline....

However their rabid support of big gubbmint oversight, power and control is exactly what supports this kind of shit.....

"Fuck you and your land grandma, gubbmint is taking it from you, the individual, in the name of the common welfare.....the greater good!!"

^^ Liberalism and left wing politic's biting the people in the ass.....it's an inevitable consequence of providing for the common welfare that some individuals are going to get fucked. Which is fine, where that line is drawn is a totally different subject/argument entirely.

What I find amusing about this is now that the other team is using the same rule book, they are baddies.....LMFAO! You can railroad people into obamacare under penalty of law....for the greater good, but if you justify taking grannys land with the exact same argument/reasoning you do for most of the lib intrest...it's an atrocity, but only because it's in the right wing's interest.....BAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA

I bet if they were building a pediatric burn center or women's shelter there not a single fucking tear would be shed for grandma....
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I never said they were the ones pushing for the pipeline....

However their rabid support of big gubbmint oversight, power and control is exactly what supports this kind of shit.....

"Fuck you and your land grandma, gubbmint is taking it from you the individual in the name of the common welfare.....the greater good!!"

^^ Liberalism and left wing politic's biting the people in the ass.

I bet if they were building a pediatric burn center or women's shelter there not a single fucking tear would be shed for grandma....but because now the right wing is using their system to do the exact same thing liberals do, just for their own interest, it's a fucking atrocity!!! :rolleyes: give me a fuckin' break....

it's pretty amazing how you can turn this around and blame liberals, even when faced with big oil lined pockets. you want to bitch about liberals, go for it, but get your shit straight first. keystone owns the energy and commerce committee. women's shelters and a pediatric burn units don't pose environmental threats to the general public. and yes, that damn liberal bill of rights. :rolleyes:
it's pretty amazing how you can turn this around and blame liberals, even when faced with big oil lined pockets you want to bitch about liberals, go for it, but get your shit straight first. keystone owns the energy and commerce committee.

The big oil lined pockets don't mean jack or shit without the government system, a very pro government liberal part of the system, it enables them to do what they are doing.

The pipeline could have NEVER happened without liberal pro government sentiment. Otherwise it would have come down to this...the corporation? Would have had to buy everyone out of their land, plain and simple.

women's shelters and a pediatric burn units don't pose environmental threats to the general public. and yes,

Bullshit...fucking places are a cesspool of diseases and all sorts of bio hazards, your just not up in arms about it b/c that's against your tribal policy....only right wing interest can pose a threat to the public!!! :rolleyes:

that damn liberal bill of rights. :rolleyes:

Liberal bill of rights? BAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAA You couldn't possibly be speaking of modern US liberalism, for it is the anti-bill of rights....liberalism says fuck your rights in the name of the greater good!! No individual right is so important that it can't be sacrificed in the name of the greater good can it?? (dare you to answer that one!)

No...I'm sorry...sure it may be over different things but the left wing is just as narrowly intolerant as the right wing.
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Bullshit...fucking places are a cesspool of diseases and all sorts of bio hazards, your just not up in arms about it b/c that's against your tribal policy....only right wing interest can pose a threat to the public!!! :rolleyes:
You must be really fried today. Burn victims are probably more sterile than you are.
red biohazard disposal systems vs. ground water contamination
big difference.

eminent domain: bill of rights.

water is our most precious resource, and that pipeline is being placed straight through the carrizo-wilcox aquifer in texas. 12 million people depend on that aquifer for water. not to mention the effects it will have on the ogallala aquifer.


instead of sitting on your ass throwing around words like liberal and conservative, why don't you actually do some research.
Eminent Domain is a concept inherited from Britain.

But the UK uses a different system now. There are many more safeguards than we had in the 18th Century.

But if the UK Government wants it - it will happen eventually - but compensation will be paid.
You must be really fried today. Burn victims are probably more sterile than you are.

Oh...look who's never done the hazmat disposal from one!!

red biohazard disposal systems vs. ground water contamination
big difference.

I agree...but they are still a hazard, just like damn near everything else. What about any of the power plants or factories that could cause a major issue should anything go wrong? Why are we not squeezing every drop of blood from our hearts over them?

eminent domain: bill of rights.

Came from Magna Carta...big gubbmint liberals always been around, doesn't change the fact you cheer when (D) does it and cry when (R) does it....

water is our most precious resource, and that pipeline is being placed straight through the carrizo-wilcox aquifer in texas. 12 million people depend on that aquifer for water. not to mention the effects it will have on the ogallala aquifer.

Price of tea in china???:confused: WTF does that have to do with the fact that you cry foul when the system is fucking people in ways you suddenly don't like, but cheer when it's fucking them in ways you think they should to be getting fucked???

Look...I'm not saying I support the oil line...I'm just saying you can't champion the system one day and curse it the next b/c suddenly it's not working to your tribes advantage....it's fucking silly.

instead of sitting on your ass throwing around words like liberal and conservative, why don't you actually do some research.

Do some research over what? Eminent domain and the liberal philosophy that no individual right trumps the common welfare or even the common welfares delicate sensibilities....

I got that, what's to research??
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But the UK uses a different system now. There are many more safeguards than we had in the 18th Century.

But if the UK Government wants it - it will happen eventually - but compensation will be paid.
US Constitution, 5th Amendment: "No person shall be... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
Who decides what's just compensation?

Just compensation isn't the real rub. You use historical market data reflecting value BEFORE the taking.

The real fight, though, is over what constitutes a public use.

I bet if you looked at our resident wingnuts' posts after Kelo v. City of New London, you'd find a lot of dried spittle on posts about big government interference with "natural" property rights.
I pissed a LOT of Americans off by dropping that little factoid on them. Funnily enough, John Wayne never mentioned it in the movie.

HAHAHA no the fuck you didn't...no one gives a shit.