Hell Officially Freezes Over: Texas Power Grid to Connect To United States National Grid


You Saw What He Did
Apr 13, 2002
The Texas Freeze of 2021 was bad.

Really bad.

How bad?

All the proud "doomsday preppers" were whining like whiny ass titty babies after three days on TV, shivering in the cold and no propane tank refills left at Walmart.

Enough white people died that Texas agreed yesterday to the unthinkable: it will accept a $1.5 BILLION dollar bribe from the United States Department of Energy to create a new bi-directional power grid connection between Texas and both Louisiana and Mississippi.

This will, of course, surrender Texas' cherished "independence from federal oversight" but $1.5 billion was too big an amount for feckless governor Greg "Hot Wheels" Abbott to pass up.

300+ new permanent jobs will be created. 850 temp jobs installing new transmission lines.

Coincidentally.....or perhaps not conicidentally.....Texas last month surpassed California as the nation's largest provider of solar-array energy. The surplus power was confined to the then-independent Texas Ercot power grid, and electric providers were looking at the very real prospect of decreasing homeowner electric bills as a result.

The new power grid connection will allow Texas Ercot to sell solar power excess to out-of-state customers at premium rates in the summertime whilst simultaneously keep Texas homeowner electric bills high. Win-Win!!
Abbott suddenly take a smart pill instead of a stupid one by accident?
Nah, 1.5 billion simoleons was too big an amount to pass up, even to a "capitalism uber alles" demagogue like Abbott.
Greed overcomes ideology for this guy. Okay, check. I've lived in Texas for just over two years now. There's a lot of nice folks here, there is much that I love about rural East Texas life, but these same nice folks keep voting dunces into office. And there are some really dumbass things about the place. The red tape is insane. It never made sense to me that the power grid was separate from everywhere else. It was just...stupid.
Texas should be charged 40% interest on that “loan” just as a middle finger to that gimpy asshole governor of theirs.

A nice requirement of getting the money is to employ only illegals seeking asylum to properly build out the grid.
The 2003 blackout across several states and Canada indicates there are advantages of firewalls and separate systems in utilities. As energy costs rise, the vast systems with many miles of wires become unsustainable. Scaling down to local electricity will become necessary.
The 2003 blackout across several states and Canada indicates there are advantages of firewalls and separate systems in utilities. As energy costs rise, the vast systems with many miles of wires become unsustainable. Scaling down to local electricity will become necessary.
I'm sure you think that a blackout in another country from more than 2 decades ago that happened for an entirely different reason is relevant here.
I'm honestly surprised to hear that Texas' power grid is joining the rest of America.

Back in January we found out that the main southeastern power generating plants were actually making whatever the electrical equivalent of a "shit-ton" is. They produced 40% more power than they could transmit through the existing high voltage power lines. Replacing high voltage power lines impacted power company profitability, as the cost had to be spread out (depreciated) over several years and Texas billionaire investors would suffer, ergo, it was a non-starter.

Then the Chinese found out you can transmit 30% more power through existing high voltage lines simply by wrapping them in carbon-fiber steel sheathing. That was technically a "repair" and could be treated as an expense. I wonder if there are still plans to do this.
The Texas Freeze of 2021 was bad.

Really bad.

How bad?

All the proud "doomsday preppers" were whining like whiny ass titty babies after three days on TV, shivering in the cold and no propane tank refills left at Walmart.

Enough white people died that Texas agreed yesterday to the unthinkable: it will accept a $1.5 BILLION dollar bribe from the United States Department of Energy to create a new bi-directional power grid connection between Texas and both Louisiana and Mississippi.

This will, of course, surrender Texas' cherished "independence from federal oversight" but $1.5 billion was too big an amount for feckless governor Greg "Hot Wheels" Abbott to pass up.

300+ new permanent jobs will be created. 850 temp jobs installing new transmission lines.

Coincidentally.....or perhaps not conicidentally.....Texas last month surpassed California as the nation's largest provider of solar-array energy. The surplus power was confined to the then-independent Texas Ercot power grid, and electric providers were looking at the very real prospect of decreasing homeowner electric bills as a result.

The new power grid connection will allow Texas Ercot to sell solar power excess to out-of-state customers at premium rates in the summertime whilst simultaneously keep Texas homeowner electric bills high. Win-Win!!
How charmingly woke Abbot has become facing 1.5 B. Meanwhile, Biden is drilling.
The Texas Freeze of 2021 was bad.

Really bad.

How bad?

All the proud "doomsday preppers" were whining like whiny ass titty babies after three days on TV, shivering in the cold and no propane tank refills left at Walmart.

Enough white people died that Texas agreed yesterday to the unthinkable: it will accept a $1.5 BILLION dollar bribe from the United States Department of Energy to create a new bi-directional power grid connection between Texas and both Louisiana and Mississippi.

This will, of course, surrender Texas' cherished "independence from federal oversight" but $1.5 billion was too big an amount for feckless governor Greg "Hot Wheels" Abbott to pass up.

300+ new permanent jobs will be created. 850 temp jobs installing new transmission lines.

Coincidentally.....or perhaps not conicidentally.....Texas last month surpassed California as the nation's largest provider of solar-array energy. The surplus power was confined to the then-independent Texas Ercot power grid, and electric providers were looking at the very real prospect of decreasing homeowner electric bills as a result.

The new power grid connection will allow Texas Ercot to sell solar power excess to out-of-state customers at premium rates in the summertime whilst simultaneously keep Texas homeowner electric bills high. Win-Win!!
So Republicans high and mighty superiority complex has a price.
How charmingly woke Abbot has become facing 1.5 B. Meanwhile, Biden is drilling.
Speaking of drilling, in west Texas Wednesday near I-10 almost to New Mexico, a hot water "geyser" erupted close to the interstate. The overwhelming smell of "rotten eggs" indicated it was a large pocket of hydrogen sulfide gas, pushing fracking wastewater to the surface. Geyser ran for over 20 hours and gas concentration would have prompted evacuation if the area had been populated.

TL,DR: West Texas stinks.
so does this mean they're not seceding anymore?
Secession is the empty threat that Texas waves around every now and then. It's based upon some wild-eyed notion that Texas retained the right to secede, unlike other states, because it joined as a sovereign nation. Nope, pretty sure that the Civil War and the 1869 Texas vs. White court decision determined that was a lie.