Why do young men choose to join gangs?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
With the high likelyhood of arrest and prison, possibly for life, as well as premature death, why do so many youth choose to join street gangs and other types of gangs and commit crime? This also goes for more sophisticated organized crime, like the various ethnic mafias. The odds of eventually going to prison are very high.
You'd probably be able to find a more accurate answer if you went out and asked some gang members.
With the high likelyhood of arrest and prison, possibly for life, as well as premature death, why do so many youth choose to join street gangs and other types of gangs and commit crime? This also goes for more sophisticated organized crime, like the various ethnic mafias. The odds of eventually going to prison are very high.

It's because they don't.


You have been just watching too much television.

Then again, I am a liar.
You don't want to actually know why. You want to spout some nonsense that you saw in the movie Colors.

When I was homeless in San Diego, I found it extremely entertaining to go out in the middle of the night to vandalize property.

I would break into parking meters for a few quarters and smash car windows for no apparent reason.

The next day I would walk past the cars that I vandalized the night before and there would be police officers jotting down notes to make a report.

In San Diego, I always found some place that lets homeless people spend the night and take a shower the next day. They even had clothing washers and driers.

I still live there.

It's the best city in the United States for people that are homeless.

There is always a source of revenue and fun things to do in the middle of the night.

For example, I just got done scraping a piece of my broken beer bottle along the full length of some person's brand new Toyota Camry.

Life is good in San Diego.
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When I was homeless in San Diego, I found it extremely entertaining to go out in the middle of the night to vandalize property.

I would break into parking meters for a few quarters and smash car windows for no apparent reason.

The next day I would walk past the cars that I vandalized the night before and there would be police officers jotting down notes to make a report.

In San Diego, I always found some place that lets homeless people spend the night and take a shower the next day. They even had clothing washers and driers.

I still live there.

It's the best city in the United States for people that are homeless.

There is always a source of revenue and fun things to do in the middle of the night.

For example, I just got done scraping a piece of my broken beer bottle along the full length of some person's brand new Toyota Camry.

Life is good in San Diego.

That's an interesting story. However, this thread is about gangs, not anti-social loners.
With the high likelyhood of arrest and prison, possibly for life, as well as premature death, why do so many youth choose to join street gangs and other types of gangs and commit crime? This also goes for more sophisticated organized crime, like the various ethnic mafias. The odds of eventually going to prison are very high.

What do you recommend instead...become an Altar Boy...or join Scouts America....

Why do people join the republican party? Same Question. Same answer.
I see the dextrophic moron brigade has arrived.

Now, back to the thread topic.

LOL The Moron brigade started as soon as you arrived. Ease up brother. Open your mind. It's the same answer. It's the same question.
Why do young people join the Republican party?

They want to feel powerful
They want to have status
They are looking for a sense of belonging
They are looking for friendship or their friends are Republicans
They feel peer pressure to join
They want attention and to be accepted
They want money or other material items
They want to feel like they are part of a family
The media makes it seem attractive to be a conservative and the youth think it's cool
They do not have a mentor to help guide and support them
I could see some glamor to prison if it had men and women in the same facilities.

Being locked away with thousands of dudes and the only women are a few man-hating female prison guards, not very fun even if there was NO same sex rape and male sex slavery.
With the high likelyhood of arrest and prison, possibly for life, as well as premature death, why do so many youth choose to join street gangs and other types of gangs and commit crime? This also goes for more sophisticated organized crime, like the various ethnic mafias. The odds of eventually going to prison are very high.

For the same reason you made this thread because they can.
Chum the waters.

Ain't nothing biting there ruse? Be patient.
With the high likelyhood of arrest and prison, possibly for life, as well as premature death, why do so many youth choose to join street gangs and other types of gangs and commit crime? This also goes for more sophisticated organized crime, like the various ethnic mafias. The odds of eventually going to prison are very high.

There are all kinds of reasons for joining a gang, but like most youth activities, whether criminal or otherwise, most young males and females join gangs for companionship and love.
There are all kinds of reasons for joining a gang, but like most youth activities, whether criminal or otherwise, most young males and females join gangs for companionship and love.

Most gang members are still men. Its one of the only male dominated cultures left in modern society. The number of female gang members continues to increase, but most still serve in supporting roles. Leon Panetta is working to rectify this.
Rap,hip hop and mtv glamorize this type of life. So these people then choose this.


When I was homeless in San Diego, I found it extremely entertaining to go out in the middle of the night to vandalize property.

I would break into parking meters for a few quarters and smash car windows for no apparent reason.

The next day I would walk past the cars that I vandalized the night before and there would be police officers jotting down notes to make a report.

In San Diego, I always found some place that lets homeless people spend the night and take a shower the next day. They even had clothing washers and driers.

I still live there.

It's the best city in the United States for people that are homeless.

There is always a source of revenue and fun things to do in the middle of the night.

For example, I just got done scraping a piece of my broken beer bottle along the full length of some person's brand new Toyota Camry.

Life is good in San Diego.

Sean? Is that really you?
