Why do women in groups appear so bitchy?

It's all the hormones. Almost like a territorial thing. Contrary to what most people think, women love to dominate sometimes. Some more than others, but I agree with glam that they really should be loving each other.

Tis the times.
I can be just as bitchy on my own, thank you very much.

I don't need a group or a back up. I say what I think and if others agree and comment or join in, then that's their choice.

Women, are sooooooo catty.

Thus....most of my friends are men.

Men don't dish out the same bullshit.
Actually, probably not. If something irritates me to the point where I get bitchy, doesn't matter if I have an ally or not.

I usually carry on until I'm satisfied or bored :)

But yes, woman are more bitchy/for the jugular than men are. I think it is hormonal or the fact that women are more emotionally ruled than men.

Maybe. ;)

I am a total Alpha female. Must be why I don't run with the pack.

But...out of the very few female friends I have...they are also alphas types. And we get along smashingly.

I like my friends to be as equally strong, I don't have time for someone who can be pushed around.
*bratcat* said:
So she who casts the first insult has lost??

No, when the person sways from a legitimate argument or bitch session into mindless name calling with no point.
*bratcat* said:
If you were to talk to a woman one on one, most likely nothing bitchy would be said or if it was, both parties would just walk away. But put two or more women against a lone woman, the group gets bitchier and bitchier. The arguments change from the actual topic to downright vindictive name calling. Do women feed off of each other?

This one is easy, not all women are as sweet as you:D
Hanns_Schmidt said:

It makes a chick like that thinks she's better than me.
Slam her ass in a ditch....cos a bitch is a bitch

That almost sounds like a song