why do nice finish always finish last?


Jul 31, 2013
Idk just wondering peoples thought on the subject. Bc it seems like it happens to me a ton.
you hit the nail on the head

females always look for the bad boy or at least someone who is outspoken and bold

fortune favors the brave and the bold
Not all do. Would I rather have a 'bad boy' who treats me like shit or a 'nice guy' who treats me well? Hmmm let me think!!
Well then that sets u aside from other girls.

I don't think so. Many times, I don't think it comes down to who is the nice guy and who isn't. People want who they want. Plain amd simple..there is always some reason that causes one to be chosen over another. Maybe those in your situations, that girl just wasn't the right one for you. Keep your head up, be yourself, and good things will happen when they are supposed to.
Well then that sets u aside from other girls.
Everyone is an individual :) And Scribe is right there are so many reasons why people make different choices. Maybe think about the type of girl you look for or want and make a different choice next time.
Not all do. Would I rather have a 'bad boy' who treats me like shit or a 'nice guy' who treats me well? Hmmm let me think!!

I agree with this. I much prefer the "nice guy". They typically have a better heart. I'd much rather have someone that cares about me and isn't a Douche.
Everyone is an individual :) And Scribe is right there are so many reasons why people make different choices. Maybe think about the type of girl you look for or want and make a different choice next time.

I know what u mean. Im not a bad looking guy i very funny always the life of the party and make peoples day better. But i have had some really nice girls things just didnt work out but there also have been some really fucked up mean girls.
I know what u mean. Im not a bad looking guy i very funny always the life of the party and make peoples day better. But i have had some really nice girls things just didnt work out but there also have been some really fucked up mean girls.
There are mean people everywhere, male and female. It's learning to recognise them that's sometimes hard but go with your gut instinct. Someone who cares for you wouldn't want to hurt you intentionally.
There are mean people everywhere, male and female. It's learning to recognise them that's sometimes hard but go with your gut instinct. Someone who cares for you wouldn't want to hurt you intentionally.

Very true. Everyone on here seem very cool. I understand that the women on here get tons of pm's and cant get back to everyone. But if someone compliments someone a simple thanks would be nice just saying
Not all do. Would I rather have a 'bad boy' who treats me like shit or a 'nice guy' who treats me well? Hmmm let me think!!

you are right. However it usually takes a bad boy or two that does treat the woman like shit before they realize it is better to look for the nice guy

this realization normally also comes with age and unfortunately in most cases experience
you are right. However it usually takes a bad boy or two that does treat the woman like shit before they realize it is better to look for the nice guy

this realization normally also comes with age and unfortunately in most cases experience
Maybe but I think it's more to do with what you are prepared to accept from people. How observant you are and what kind of people you want to surround yourself with :) Just because you are young doesn't always mean you can't be perceptive as to who's good for you and who isn't.
Maybe but I think it's more to do with what you are prepared to accept from people. How observant you are and what kind of people you want to surround yourself with :) Just because you are young doesn't always mean you can't be perceptive as to who's good for you and who isn't.

the bad boy gets noticed not because he is bad at first but because he puts himself out there and does what needs to be done to get noticed

he seems nice enough at first and maybe even sweet to her at first

most nice guys are quiet and introverted

perception has very little to do with age but for a lot of people it does take a while to truly accept and search out the kind of loving relationship they deserve

many people settle not all but many
Very true. Everyone on here seem very cool. I understand that the women on here get tons of pm's and cant get back to everyone. But if someone compliments someone a simple thanks would be nice just saying
I agree but some people are rude in real life and online.
The bad boy /bad girl is like the roller coaster ride, fun exciting, gets you going.
the nice guy/nice girl is the tea cup ride, fun but not dangerous.
then you out grow the need for danger and need someone steady aka the nice guy/girl.
so hang in there .
ah wheres the pictures?
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Idk man. Do they?

I've never heard of that and always considered it more of a generalisation/stereotype.

EDIT: this is in ampics. Where are the pics? I am so confuse. Pls correct this.
the bad boy gets noticed not because he is bad at first but because he puts himself out there and does what needs to be done to get noticed

he seems nice enough at first and maybe even sweet to her at first

most nice guys are quiet and introverted

perception has very little to do with age but for a lot of people it does take a while to truly accept and search out the kind of loving relationship they deserve

many people settle not all but many
Well maybe I'm just weird but the 'bad boys' just make me want to roll my eyes and run in the opposite direction.
you are right. However it usually takes a bad boy or two that does treat the woman like shit before they realize it is better to look for the nice guy

this realization normally also comes with age and unfortunately in most cases experience

But doesn't that right there, mean that he doesn't "finish" last? He eventually gets noticed for the good person that he is.
I am a nice guy... I have been fucked over so many times that at this point I have come to terms with the knowledge I am will be alone...

It used to piss me off.... now, Meh... I'll live.