Why do my comments need to be reviewed on my own stories

It's primarily a spam checker. So far as I'm aware, there's no human-eye moderation of comments in that first pass. It's clear that the site does run a hate speech scan, but that's a separate process. Also, comments get reported. So you've got several cycles going on.
It seems to me that in the last few months, my comments on my own stories have been posted through right away. Maybe it's something to do with having an account for a few years or something?

This can have some weird effects, however, as it still gets threaded with the other comments according to when they were submitted, not posted. So if there's a lot of comment activity, I may end up to responding to earlier stuff, while not responding to things that, it would appear, I "should have already seen"

but nothing's perfect
My own comments on my own stories can take as little as a few hours to post, or as much as a day. I had assumed that, in addition to some kind of automated checking, some human is at least skimming them and releasing them in batches, as there wouldn't be much need for such a lengthy (and irregular) delay if the process was entirely computerized. A few people who have both favorited and commented on my stories have had those two things happen within minutes of each other, which suggests that some users do seem to get a free pass for whatever reason. On the side of 'no human eye,' of course, is the fact that comments that easily violate the allowable limits get through with some degree of regularity, which suggests either skimming at most or else an attitude that it's principally up to the author and/or readers to flag abuse that doesn't set off hate speech filters, etc.
It's quick. They post within like five minutes.
Not for all. For me, it was always anywhere between 12-30 hours, even on my own stories. As someone suggested some time ago, there are likely tiers where Laurel puts all commenters, and it seems I am in the maggot-tier 😁
The time discrepancies between when one person's comment posts and another's could very well be due to where the task is prioritized. Post during the day when few heavy tasks are running, it may not take long at all. Post in the wee hours ( U.S. ) when all the intensive tasks are running, or when sweeps are running, and comment batches may not be a priority.
Mine get posted immediately. Then I think Laurel has a naughty and nice list.

I think also, because I reply to most comments I get, I am a high volume commenter. I guess not many if them get reported (or reporting upheld), so I’m probably seen as low risk.

I think also, because I reply to most comments I get, I am a high volume commenter. I guess not many if them get reported (or reporting upheld), so I’m probably seen as low risk.

Like elevator music.
I wasn’t aware there was a delay on posting comments or a need to moderate them. It’s a clear option on AO3 but here I thought it was always just allow or disallow. Did it change during my 13 year hiatus? It’s welcome if yes, I just am not sure if I need to activate it or something. My own recent author comments in response to other comments have always gone up in a few minutes. Including the responses to perceived trolls.
I wasn’t aware there was a delay on posting comments or a need to moderate them. It’s a clear option on AO3 but here I thought it was always just allow or disallow. Did it change during my 13 year hiatus? It’s welcome if yes, I just am not sure if I need to activate it or something. My own recent author comments in response to other comments have always gone up in a few minutes. Including the responses to perceived trolls.

A spam finder process was introduced three or four years ago, after Comment spam attacks ground the site to a very slow crawl.

At first, all comments went through a batch process, several times a day. That's how it sat for a long time. The last site upgrade brought in improvements, and the process is a lot quicker now (minutes rather than hours).

To the best of my knowledge the process catches links embedded in comments, it doesn't address content at all.

There's a separate background process, from what I can see, that trawls a word-bot to detect hate-speak through the dataset, which runs all the time. That, plus reports, appear to be the site's tools to address inflammatory content. Plus, author moderation, according to whatever criteria each author chooses to use.
A spam finder process was introduced three or four years ago, after Comment spam attacks ground the site to a very slow crawl.

At first, all comments went through a batch process, several times a day. That's how it sat for a long time. The last site upgrade brought in improvements, and the process is a lot quicker now (minutes rather than hours).

To the best of my knowledge the process catches links embedded in comments, it doesn't address content at all.

There's a separate background process, from what I can see, that trawls a word-bot to detect hate-speak through the dataset, which runs all the time. That, plus reports, appear to be the site's tools to address inflammatory content. Plus, author moderation, according to whatever criteria each author chooses to use.
I see. Maybe I need to enable this author moderation thing here. I’ll look into it when I have time.
I see. Maybe I need to enable this author moderation thing here. I’ll look into it when I have time.
That's easy. In your Control Panel, go into Works. Each story has a Comments bubble on the right - click on it, and you can see each comment. There's a bin icon, so you can delete any comment. You can also report comments to the site (although that might only be from the story page itself, not sure).

You don't need to activate anything, it's all there on the CP.
That's easy. In your Control Panel, go into Works. Each story has a Comments bubble on the right - click on it, and you can see each comment. There's a bin icon, so you can delete any comment. You can also report comments to the site (although that might only be from the story page itself, not sure).

You don't need to activate anything, it's all there on the CP.
Thx. Is there a way to get the system to email me when I get new comments so I don’t have to check constantly? AO3 has a similar system in play and when I checked on my stories a few months back I found all sorts of new comments that took me by surprise.
Thx. Is there a way to get the system to email me when I get new comments so I don’t have to check constantly? AO3 has a similar system in play and when I checked on my stories a few months back I found all sorts of new comments that took me by surprise.
No idea. There might be, but I've suppressed all notifications. Following the last site update, I now have to use another computer to see my CP, so I only check once a week now, anyway.