Why Do Men Go To Prostitutes?


Loves Spam
Feb 18, 2012
For example, why would a married man visit a prostitute or a "call girl" and pay money for sex when his wife is available at home? Why would a single man purchase sex when he can be with his girl friend who is more than willing to engage in this most intimate of acts?

Studies suggest that from 16 to 39% of men worldwide visit prostitutes.
The lure of strange is hard for some men to resist.
A prostitute will do anything(almost) you ask and you don't have to see her at the breakfast table.

It's not really a matter of easily available sex. It's a matter of sex the way you want it, without being reminded of it later.
For example, why would a married man visit a prostitute or a "call girl" and pay money for sex when his wife is available at home? Why would a single man purchase sex when he can be with his girl friend who is more than willing to engage in this most intimate of acts?

Studies suggest that from 16 to 39% of men worldwide visit prostitutes.

Variety. No baggage. They want it.
Its much cheaper than a typical courtship....I mean, hookers are a sure thing
I go to prostitutes because I'm single (which by the way means I don't have a girlfriend), because women aren't interested in me in that sort of way. So I either see an escort or completely go without ever putting my hands on a woman. Which is no way to live.
I go to prostitutes because I'm single (which by the way means I don't have a girlfriend), because women aren't interested in me in that sort of way. So I either see an escort or completely go without ever putting my hands on a woman. Which is no way to live.

Put it this way: A prostitute sells the thing a man most desires to have and a woman is most reluctant to give up. Not sex -- many women are at times eager to have sex. But whether a woman is willing to have sex or not depends on a great many factors, many of them at times imponderable to a man, or beyond his control, or both. And that's the problem. What a prostitute sells is the power of deciding whether sex is going to happen or not. That power ordinarily rests with women -- and that is no way for men to live. But a prostitute will throw aside all the imponderables and put a definite money-price on it.

This is all because the male sex drive might not really be any more powerful than the female, but is definitely more urgent, and less discriminate. That's the human condition. But I'm sure I am not the only man who deeply resents living in a world where I have to do all the chasing and the other sex gets to play coy and hard-to-get and stuff.

I sometimes wonder whether this aspect of life is simpler for homosexuals. Not entirely, I suppose, or there would be no such things as gay prostitutes.
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Because you get to skip the hassle of 'wine n' dine', catch your nut and move on with your life.

I never did the prostitute bit but I have frequented a close relative, the bar skank.
Because I'm ugly and women won't sleep with me. But I'm also poor, so hookers won't sleep with me either.
Dating is a soul corrupting numbers game, and 75% of the women are pretty nutty, tho I met 6 or so who were keepers. But its much easier to buy an hour of sex and avoid the bullshit.

That said, a hot blonde moved in across the street recently. She's a good looking woman, but her husband and daughter died in the last year, and she's kinda squirrely...runs hot and cold. One day she'll talk my ear off 'cuz I'm so lonesome', then shell hideout inside for a week and not speak. I'm too old to do the woman math anymore. Girl Puzzles are fun when youre 18, not when youre my age.
For example, why would a married man visit a prostitute or a "call girl" and pay money for sex when his wife is available at home? Why would a single man purchase sex when he can be with his girl friend who is more than willing to engage in this most intimate of acts?
This post presumes a lot.

For instance, that single men have girlfriends. Huh?
Because, generally, they don't seem to get headaches as much as wives and lovers.
Cause internet porn just doesn't get it done 100% of the time.....
Put it this way: A prostitute sells the thing a man most desires to have and a woman is most reluctant to give up. Not sex -- many women are at times eager to have sex. But whether a woman is willing to have sex or not depends on a great many factors, many of them at times imponderable to a man, or beyond his control, or both. And that's the problem. What a prostitute sells is the power of deciding whether sex is going to happen or not. That power ordinarily rests with women -- and that is no way for men to live. But a prostitute will throw aside all the imponderables and put a definite money-price on it.

This is all because the male sex drive might not really be any more powerful than the female, but is definitely more urgent, and less discriminate. That's the human condition. But I'm sure I am not the only man who deeply resents living in a world where I have to do all the chasing and the other sex gets to play coy and hard-to-get and stuff.

exactly. at my age i don't want to play these silly games.
a woman needs 3 things to satisfy her: emotional play , economic standards, and then the looks.
i've been alone long enough now that i'm just not interested in all the bullshit.
when i move north and get around an entirely different demographic, maybe i'll change my mind. but i doubt it.
exactly. at my age i don't want to play these silly games.
a woman needs 3 things to satisfy her: emotional play , economic standards, and then the looks.
i've been alone long enough now that i'm just not interested in all the bullshit.
when i move north and get around an entirely different demographic, maybe i'll change my mind. but i doubt it.

Im always afraid of cops....