Why did Laurel the CUNT delte my thread?

How do you know it wasn't Manu? I suspect Manu the Mischievious.
Ah my dear Hanns, you and I have a deal. No threats, no delety (is that a word?) You agreed to not make any threats or otherwise break the rules. You did promise, after all.

Saying that you are going to burn someone's family could be considered a threat where I come from, wouldn't you agree?

I won't break my word if you don't break yours. Hows that for fair & balanced? :)

Happy Holidays to all, and to all some french toast.
*oh snickers*

this was the best laugh i've had all day!

i *heart* laurel.
Originally posted by Laurel
Ah my dear Hanns, you and I have a deal. No threats, no delety (is that a word?) You agreed to not make any threats or otherwise break the rules. You did promise, after all.

Saying that you are going to burn someone's family could be considered a threat where I come from, wouldn't you agree?

I won't break my word if you don't break yours. Hows that for fair & balanced? :)

Happy Holidays to all, and to all some french toast.
Your problem, Laurel, is that you expect morons to have some integrity. Because you have it, you expect it in others. Sadly, you're occasionally misled.

Perhaps you handled it wrong, though. Instead of deleting his post, perhaps you should have reported a threat to the FBI and let them make the assessment and evaluation.

Then there would be none of the irrational, stupid, moronic claims of suppressing some idiot's freedom of speech. There are thousands of other places these morons can go to spout their mindless drivel.

I find it odd that those who cry loudest about freedm of speech typically have the poorest understanding of the concepts involved with free speech, censorship, curtailment of the right to free speech, etc.

Apparently the morons who cry out that you're censoring them have no concept of the idea of private property, nor censorship nor freedom of speech or anything else dealing with relatively complex concepts.

Literotica is your web site. The servers supporting it are yours. You pay the bills for the connections we all use to access Literotica.

And then some mindless asshole has the temerity to complain that YOU are abrogating HIS right to freedom of speech.

Gimme a fuckin break! This asshole is fortunate that you don't identify his IP address and blacklist him from Literotica altogether. SUBTLE HINT!

Keep up the good work, Laurel. :heart: