Why are Dems so shit at negative stuff?

Why hasn't Hillary been charged ???

Hillary Clinton divulged Top Secret nuclear security intelligence to tens of millions of worldwide television audience viewers Wednesday night during the third presidential debate, according to high-ranking Department of Defense personnel.
Clinton, responding to opponent Donald Trump and a question posed by debate moderator Chris Wallace, boasted specific and “damaging” details about the United States’ nuclear response time to retaliate during a nuclear attack.

But here’s the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.” –Hillary Clinton, National TV Appearance

According to Pentagon sources, the information Clinton disseminated publicly is Top Secret intelligence governed under the U.S. Special Access Program (SAP) which dictates safeguards and protocols for accessing and discussing highly classified and Top Secret intelligence. The specific details of the country’s nuclear response time discussed by Clinton, sources said, are only known by a handful of individuals outside top military brass, including the following “need-to-know” (NTK) officials:

Vice President
Secretary of State
Secretary of Defense
Secretary of Homeland Security
Attorney General
Director of National Intelligence
CIA Director
Deputy Secretary of State
Deputy Secretary of Defense
Special personnel designated solely by the President in writing

U.S. Defense sources said according to developed U.S. counterintelligence, military officials in China, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iran and even actors like ISIS had no previous definitive intelligence to determine the U.S. nuclear response time, especially during an ERO, prior to Clinton’s admission Wednesday night. Sources reluctantly acknowledged her calculations were accurate

Hillary Clinton divulged Top Secret nuclear security intelligence to tens of millions of worldwide television audience viewers Wednesday night during the third presidential debate, according to high-ranking Department of Defense personnel.
Clinton, responding to opponent Donald Trump and a question posed by debate moderator Chris Wallace, boasted specific and “damaging” details about the United States’ nuclear response time to retaliate during a nuclear attack.

Even if it's true....doesn't mean anything.

As we've all seen, the law simply dos't apply to HRC. ESPECIALLY national security laws.

She's not subject to those like everyone else and this behavior is strongly supported by her base who sees nothing wrong with her getting a pass on numerous felonies.

Most of them LOVE it.

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The Repos have been pushing non scandals as the worst thing since Herod's massacre of the innocents but their candidate is about to go on trial for fraud and child rape. Is there no-one in the DNC with a vicious streak?

2. You may not post sexually explicit pictures or stories featuring anyone under 18 years old. Literotica does not allow the posting of underage or animal sex pictures - or links to such, or text/story posts/links to advocation thereof - on the forum. This includes discussions and/or accusations involving pedophilia and/or child sex abuse.


But going negative works. Both campaigns will disagree, but the numbers don't lie. So push Trump the child rapist.

2. You may not post sexually explicit pictures or stories featuring anyone under 18 years old. Literotica does not allow the posting of underage or animal sex pictures - or links to such, or text/story posts/links to advocation thereof - on the forum. This includes discussions and/or accusations involving pedophilia and/or child sex abuse.


How many posts does it take to go from Trump being accused of child rape to Hillary bashing?

Therein lies your answer.

2. You may not post sexually explicit pictures or stories featuring anyone under 18 years old. Literotica does not allow the posting of underage or animal sex pictures - or links to such, or text/story posts/links to advocation thereof - on the forum. This includes discussions and/or accusations involving pedophilia and/or child sex abuse.


Let's not a single mention of the rape charges against Trump from the Hillary bashers. I'm shocked. Bring up his admittingvto sexually assisting wimen and the bash Hillary and women.

How about this?


2. You may not post sexually explicit pictures or stories featuring anyone under 18 years old. Literotica does not allow the posting of underage or animal sex pictures - or links to such, or text/story posts/links to advocation thereof - on the forum. This includes discussions and/or accusations involving pedophilia and/or child sex abuse.


So, child rapist defender, you want lessons?

2. You may not post sexually explicit pictures or stories featuring anyone under 18 years old. Literotica does not allow the posting of underage or animal sex pictures - or links to such, or text/story posts/links to advocation thereof - on the forum. This includes discussions and/or accusations involving pedophilia and/or child sex abuse.


Apparently. Raping children is not a big deal.

2. You may not post sexually explicit pictures or stories featuring anyone under 18 years old. Literotica does not allow the posting of underage or animal sex pictures - or links to such, or text/story posts/links to advocation thereof - on the forum. This includes discussions and/or accusations involving pedophilia and/or child sex abuse.

I'm really surprised that the Clinton people haven't run a single negative ad about Trump's failure to release his tax returns, especially considering that even Trump's supporters haven't really tried to defend that. I suppose they figure it's a moot point now that we know the reason he wouldn't release them, but they weren't talking it up even before then.

Meanwhile, I just saw a Trump ad that accused Clinton of, among other things, giving nukes to Iran, something that obviously hasn't happened.
There is nothing to defend, he said he will release them when the IRS audit is complete, which is his prerogative. Now if the IRS announces on Monday for example the audit is complete, and he does not release them then it's an issue.
There is nothing to defend, he said he will release them when the IRS audit is complete, which is his prerogative. Now if the IRS announces on Monday for example the audit is complete, and he does not release them then it's an issue.

Want to try again? His taxes before 2009 are already out of audit and he hasn't/won't release them. It's nice to have the confirmation that you are that dumb/gullible, though.
Want to try again? His taxes before 2009 are already out of audit and he hasn't/won't release them. It's nice to have the confirmation that you are that dumb/gullible, though.

So you're saying Hillary wants to see 2009 and earlier , not interested in last years? Ok got it.
So you're saying Hillary wants to see 2009 and earlier , not interested in last years? Ok got it.

Want to try again? Trump first announced interest in running for president as a Republican in 1988. From that point forward he was a possible presidential candidate (and, incidentally, a politician). The Clintons have released all of their tax forms for more than the last thirty years.

So, yes, if he wants to be president, he should do what every other president has done--release them at least back to when he first showed interest in running.

He obviously isn't releasing them because they would show behavior he doesn't want to reveal.

It's fun to see you being so dumb/gullible, though.
Not one single HRC supporter has been able to explain why she shouldn't be tried for her numerous publicly documented and FBI verified felonies.

Imagine that.........:D

People with verified felonies from the FBI go to trial. Therein lies your problem.
Post #1 in this thread fits. Just because it is indirect doesn't mean you're not a shill.

Who do you think was responsible for a) the destruction of Libya

b) the destruction of Syria

and c) the 'civil war' in Ukraine?

Also, if you can clear up the 2nd law of thermodynamics that might help your credibility gap.
Anyone who brings up the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics in connection with the WTC collapse is a nutjob.
People with verified felonies from the FBI go to trial. Therein lies your problem.

Oh yeah, the USA is known far and wide as a stickler for the rule of law and for keeping its elite in check.

People with verified felonies from the FBI go to trial. Therein lies your problem.

Not Hillary.

FBI came out and told EVERYONE that she committed numerous felonies.

"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent" -Comey, 05JUL2016

That's 110 counts you're spending the rest of your fuckin life in prison for any mortal. :) But not Clinton, she's above the law.
Why are y'all debating whether Hillary (or for that matter Trump) is a de facto criminal or not? It has sod all to do with the topic of this thread.
Why are y'all debating whether Hillary (or for that matter Trump) is a de facto criminal or not? It has sod all to do with the topic of this thread.

Because that's what the thread turned into.

Besides OP is a worthless piece of shit who isn't worthy of licking the cheese off my sack.
Because that's what the thread turned into.

It sure did. That is self evident. Which is why I asked why that happened.

Why the compulsive need to turn any topic into "b-b-but Hillary"?
It sure did. That is self evident. Which is why I asked why that happened.

Because reasons.

Maybe it's a better topic.

Why the compulsive need to turn any topic into "b-b-but Hillary"?

Because it's fun.

I enjoy watching the delusional try to church her up and defend her highness's honor.
It sure did. That is self evident. Which is why I asked why that happened.

Why the compulsive need to turn any topic into "b-b-but Hillary"?

Trump is a crazy buffoon who isn't going to win. He's not even trying.

Clinton is a heinous, criminal, warmongering danger to humanity.

That the media isn't telling you that speaks volumes. It is propaganda by omission.

“When the truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.”

Yevgeniy Yevtushenko
Trump is a crazy buffoon who isn't going to win. He's not even trying.

Clinton is a heinous, criminal, warmongering danger to humanity.

That the media isn't telling you that speaks volumes. It is propaganda by omission.

“When the truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.”

Yevgeniy Yevtushenko

You know who else people thought was a crazy buffoon who couldn't win? Yeah, the guy most people would go kill if they had a time machine. :JAJ:
The Repos have been pushing non scandals as the worst thing since Herod's massacre of the innocents but their candidate is about to go on trial for fraud and child rape. Is there no-one in the DNC with a vicious streak?

The left is generally more highly evolved on the civilization and spirituality scales.
It sure did. That is self evident. Which is why I asked why that happened.

Why the compulsive need to turn any topic into "b-b-but Hillary"?

It's called the principle of unclean hands.

You're welcome.