Why are Dems so shit at negative stuff?

What's that got to do with it being her choice?

I'm fully aware.

Show me who had a gun to her head forcing her to do it.

Bullshit you have to do that comes with the job of being a lawyer =/= force....it's the job, the job she chose to do of her own free will.
I guess you're right. True Americans don't have to do unpleasant jobs. They can let the immigrants do them, and just collect welfare.
I guess you're right. True Americans don't have to do unpleasant jobs. They can let the immigrants do them, and just collect welfare.

Yea, they could.

Most CHOOSE not to though because they prefer not to be poor, so they suck it the fuck up and get the job done.

Or they change careers!!! People get sick and tired of a jobs bullshit all the time, and they go do something else.

Happens every day.
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The Repos have been pushing non scandals as the worst thing since Herod's massacre of the innocents but their candidate is about to go on trial for fraud and child rape. Is there no-one in the DNC with a vicious streak?
Democrats never had a Newt Gingrich to teach them the ropes.
Surprise! Surprise! Botany Boy, clueless about just how easily a judge can make or break a young lawyer's career. Just add that to the list that grows day by day.

He's got an interesting concept with regard to his definition of "choice".

Using his logic, when he was protectin' Murica in Iraq a few years back and his C.O. told his unit to engage the enemy, he technically had a "choice" as to whether to follow a lawful order or not.