Why are American such a fat, big arsed bunch of...

Since 1776 you Limey Fucks are pissed your Empire got smaller and America has prospered.

Take the Queen's sceptre out of your ass and have another drink.
He's just pissed off because Tony Blair's popularity numbers are up.....:D
bad kitty said:
Ahh, I just strip when I get drunk.... Well it gets hot.

What's your poison dear lady?:D

You realise p-p' like this with two hours before the pubs close?
bluespoke said:
What's your poison dear lady?:D

You realise p-p' like this with two hours before the pubs close?
Vodka straight... after the baby is born of course.
PP and

here I thought you liked my ass. Jeezzzzz.. Oh well!

From the sounds of it something is bothering you. Psst we are all not losers ya know but we all do have different interpretations of things. Hmmm I think that is what is called human nature.

I hope all is well. Hugs to you!


Voluptuous is a good thing.

"Volumptuous" is even better! :D
Re: Re: Why are American such a fat, big arsed bunch of...

Temptress_1960 said:
You know, there are those people who are quite fond of my ass.

and who wouldn't be? *weg*