Why are American fascinated by the monarchy?


Loves Spam
Feb 18, 2012
Are they just a tourist attraction? I mean, we have Kim Kardashian.

Don't they pay the Queen like $45 million? didnt she just give herself a raise of $5 milion?? they lead off the NBC news with this baby thing.....

man o man....
Are they just a tourist attraction? I mean, we have Kim Kardashian.


Because we don't have one.

The Kardashians are our rubber-necking at an impending a train-wreck. Everyone loves a good train-wreck.
Why are American fascinated by the monarchy?

... "Americans" aren't. Some idiots are but whatever. They are the same people that are all star-struck when some actor/actress is having dinner in the same restaurant as them. It isn't an American thing, it is an inappropriate understanding of the relative value of social status thing.
Don't they pay the Queen like $45 million? didnt she just give herself a raise of $5 milion?? they lead off the NBC news with this baby thing.....

man o man....

The Royal family are a net contributor to the treasury, that's even before you add in the tourist value. God knows, I'm no monarchist, but this argument is just wrong.
The Royal family are a net contributor to the treasury, that's even before you add in the tourist value. God knows, I'm no monarchist, but this argument is just wrong.

If'n you wasn't supporting them, you wouldn't need the extra tourist money.

Even if it is Monopoly money.
The Royal family are a net contributor to the treasury, that's even before you add in the tourist value. God knows, I'm no monarchist, but this argument is just wrong.

Not my argument, I was just saying....
Why are American fascinated by the monarchy?

Well, not exactly "fascinated" . . . It is of some practical importance to us, actually. There's a little-known clause in the Treaty of Paris (1783), and to date it always has been honored, that when a British monarch dies, we get to use the corpse for Satanic rituals performed by the Supreme Court in the Capitol Rotunda at midnight. It's how we maintain such a high GDP. And they're all cannibals, you know, most American judges are, at least at the federal level.
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Here is a more telling "American" reaction:

“How repugnant it is that people CHOOSE to call someone in the 21st century your highness"?

- Bill Maher
Are they just a tourist attraction? I mean, we have Kim Kardashian.


Mencken said royals obsess Americans because its a status we cant buy or put out for or acquire from merit or inherit.
I'll call RjThoughts 'King RjThoughts' for a week if he were to get rid of that ass-long sigline forever.
What would the response be if say Harry hitched up with an American girl and you lot had your very own Princess - I suspect that we would never hear the last of it.:D
British royalty are the only royalty who use a language that Americans can understand.
Wallis Simpson put out for it and it almost worked, so it's not flatly impossible.

The royals prolly have more American blood than most Americans. And the day is coming when the royals have a dollop of African blood and can dance.