Why antisemitism?


Literotica Guru
Oct 13, 2024
That is, why is such a silly and preposterous thing as antisemitism still a thing, in America today? Why are White Nationalists always talking about the Jews, as being to blame for things?

Here's what I think is going on: Mainly out of admiration for the Nazis, American WNs have adopted the whole Old World package of antisemitism, envisioning Jews as being a lot more powerful than they are -- as behind-the-scenes string-pullers and manipulators.

Only, they've put a distinctly American twist on it -- they blame Jews for the existence and the success of the black civil rights movement.

Why would Jews want to do that?

Because they want to encourage race-mixing -- because a mixed-race population is stupider than a white population, and therefore easier for the Jews to control.

Have I got all this right?
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I admit I do hate the Jews myself, but only because I blame them for the existence of the two worst things in the world -- Christianity and Islam.

But that is an ancient grievance, and applies to no Jew now living. It's too late to hang Abraham.
N.B.: All this is completely irrelevant to anything having to do with Israel, Zionism, or the Gaza war.
"Jews will not replace us!"

What an odd thing to fear!

Yet it appears they really do think in those terms.
"Jews will not replace us!"

What an odd thing to fear!

Yet it appears they really do think in those terms.
Jews will replace them. They will be fired and replaced with more intelligent, better paid Jews who will perform their jobs faster, and with less effort, before being promoted to better jobs.
"Jews will not replace us!"
What an odd thing to fear!
Yet it appears they really do think in those terms.
The Great Replacement Theory is one of the core tenets continually fueling the perpetual White Grievance culture.
Originated in 1892 in the USA, gained new life with the publication of the 1978 novel The Turner Diaries, which AJ and his "elk" (sic) have quoted extensively on Lit over the years
N.B.: All this is completely irrelevant to anything having to do with Israel, Zionism, or the Gaza war.
Zionism is the belief that the Jews should have self-rule in their ancestral homeland. The existence of antisemitism makes Israel’s existence essential. Long, bitter experience has taught us that we can’t depend of the kindness of goyim.
I admit I do hate the Jews myself, but only because I blame them for the existence of the two worst things in the world -- Christianity and Islam.

But that is an ancient grievance, and applies to no Jew now living. It's too late to hang Abraham.
This doesn’t make sense. You blame the Jews for the Christians and Muslims for stealing and twisting the Torah? How does that work?
This doesn’t make sense. You blame the Jews for the Christians and Muslims for stealing and twisting the Torah? How does that work?
Christianity and Islam could not exist if Judaism did not. It's all down to Abraham and his damned false god.
Zionism is the belief that the Jews should have self-rule in their ancestral homeland. The existence of antisemitism makes Israel’s existence essential. Long, bitter experience has taught us that we can’t depend of the kindness of goyim.
Just don't ever accept any help from Christian Zionists. They are not your friends.
What specifically do you dislike about Christianity and Islam? The proselytizing? The violent forced conversions?
The whole false and evil spiritual worldview. The doctrine of Hell cannot be separated from either -- Jesus and Mohammed both preached it. Conspicuously absent from Judaism, but since both derive from the latter there is clearly something rotten in its roots, and that something rotten is YVHV, the Lord God of Israel.

I regard all Yahvists -- all Jews, Christians and Muslims -- in much the same way as Elijah regarded the worshippers of Baal -- they're not merely wrong, they're wicked and intolerable, serving an abomination.
Besides, the Jews bombed Pearl Harbor.

You can tell, because they were shouting "Torah! Torah! Torah!"
The whole false and evil spiritual worldview. The doctrine of Hell cannot be separated from either -- Jesus and Mohammed both preached it. Conspicuously absent from Judaism, but since both derive from the latter there is clearly something rotten in its roots, and that something rotten is YVHV, the Lord God of Israel.

I regard all Yahvists -- all Jews, Christians and Muslims -- in much the same way as Elijah regarded the worshippers of Baal -- they're not merely wrong, they're wicked and intolerable, serving an abomination.
Most atheists are culturally Christian. They don’t believe in God but they still ascribe Christian beliefs to the Jews. As you admit, the Christian/Muslim doctrine of Hell is absent from Judaism, but you still hold the Jews accountable for the fairy tales the new religions tacked onto the Torah. It would make more sense to engage with what Jews actually believe.
The Palestinian cause is entirely about the eradication of Israel. They have repeatedly rejected offers of living peacefully side by side with the Jews.
Eradication of Israel is NOT eradication of the Jews. One can love the Jews and hate Zionism.
The Jews are history's ultimate scapegoats. It's been this way for two millennia, and it's still going on. What's interesting (and sad) is how universal the phenomenon is across the political spectrum, and in particular how negatively the Jews (and in particular Israel) are perceived by people who talk loudly about being "anti-colonialist." "Colonialism" is a strange charge to make against Israel when you consider that the Jews have a claim to that land that goes back thousands of years and there has NEVER been an independent sovereign state of Palestinian Arabs in Palestine. Well, that's not quite true. The UN gave the West Bank to the Palestinians in 1948 but Jordan absorbed it in the war that followed. So who's colonialist?
Eradication of Israel is NOT eradication of the Jews. One can love the Jews and hate Zionism.

This might make sense in a purely abstract theoretical sense, but it makes no sense in the real world.

There are 8 million Jews in Israel. They're not going anywhere, and they're absolutely not going to allow themselves to be subsumed into an Arab/Muslim-majority state given the history of the way they've been treated and the fact that there are no Arab/Muslim-majority states that recognize freedom, pluralism, religious tolerance, and democracy. No people can be asked to accept genocide and persecution, but if you're a Jew in Israel that's a perfectly reasonable fear when you hear people chanting "From the river to the sea." There's absolutely no reason for Jews to believe that if Israel were made part of a greater Arab-dominated Palestine their rights would be secure. Nobody's rights are secure in Arab-dominated countries, anywhere.

So what's the alternative to Zionism? There is none if as you claim you "love" the Jews and believe that they should be able to live in peace and freedom and security. Some way needs to be found for a two-state solution where Israel is secure and the Palestinians get their own state. But that is Zionism. When people today say they are against Zionism, I don't think they quite understand what they are saying, and if they do, that's scary.
Jews have long been the most convenient scapegoat for so many folks (especially wealthy Christian and Muslim elites in various countries), and of course, the pro-Hamas crowd is now using them (I almost said us, but I'm only part-Jewish and not of the Faith), just like many MAGA folks are, as a whipping boy all over again.
This might make sense in a purely abstract theoretical sense, but it makes no sense in the real world.

There are 8 million Jews in Israel. They're not going anywhere, and they're absolutely not going to allow themselves to be subsumed into an Arab/Muslim-majority state
If they granted voting citizenship to the Palestinians, they would still have a Jewish-majority state.

Besides, separating Pakistan from India because of religious differences was always a very bad idea, and separating Israel from Palestine was never a better one.
If they granted voting citizenship to the Palestinians, they would still have a Jewish-majority state.

Besides, separating Pakistan from India because of religious differences was always a very bad idea, and separating Israel from Palestine was never a better one.

That ship has sailed, and it sailed (in the case of both Israel and India/Pakistan) a long time ago.

Israel is never, ever, ever going to accept 5 million Palestinian Arab Muslims from Gaza and the West Bank into a greater nation. That's never going to happen, and it's ridiculous fantasy to contemplate it. No country in history has ever done anything like that or ever would do it. The Arab population is growing faster than the Jewish population, so before long it would be an Arab/Muslim majority state, especially because the Arab/Muslims would undoubtedly encourage immigration of more Arab/Muslims to ensure obtaining a majority. Hamas doesn't want freedom and democracy; it wants a Muslim theocracy. Would what you recommend come to pass, freedom and democracy would be extinguished in the Middle East. The Jews would be at risk of extermination.

This is nutty thinking. It's never going to happen. It's foolish to make demands on Israel that no country in world history would ever accede to.