Why all the threads on Canada? Did US politics get too boring?


Nov 27, 2002
Here are some Canadian Trivia Facts for you:

I can tell you that VanBs ski holiday at Whistler will have knocked his socks off. The mountains have had a continual snow fall for the past week - as a matter of fact, ever since Van wrote the thread about it.

The Vancouver Canucks are the hottest team on the West Coast at the moment.

Speaking of the Canucks, the owner is John McCaw (sp?) who lives in Bellevue, Washington. His brother died in his hot tub the other day.

Canada has some of the most talented dead comedians around - all of whom started at SCTV.

Canadians do not really live in igloos.

Canadian geese make lots of poop.
i think you should be happy to have some canadian bashing ... lisa won't give me any negetive dirt on canada and it sucks so im glad there is some canadian bashing ... every country has negetive points so its interesting to hear them

we have a balance of hearing some good canadian points too on lit
Bah...Canada bashing doesn't bother me in the least.

Hell...Canadians are biggest Canada bashers around. :)
I have American politics to bring up but the Republicans are already reeling---Clinton consistently tells more truth than any of them--I love the guy.


"How do they think they got a majority in the South anyway?" Clinton told CNN outside a business luncheon he was attending. "I think what they are really upset about is that he made public their strategy."

He added: "They try to suppress black voting, they ran on the Confederate flag in Georgia and South Carolina, and from top to bottom the Republicans supported it."

Asked if Lott should be removed, Clinton said, "That's up to them, but I think they can't do it with a straight face."

The former president then said, "He just embarrassed them by saying in Washington what they do on the back roads every day."