Who's Who of the Oldies pretending to be newbies for the people who don't give a damn


AV invisible to idiots
Nov 14, 2001
Right. Too many newbies are cropping up but are really oldies in disguise. Now I've figured out some of them and few of the other multiname posters.

So for your information:

MsDemeanor is MIAnn with a parking violation.

Naughty Elf is really Killermuffin in snow shows and a woolly hat.

REDWAVE is really RawHumor in a dress.

SINthysist is really p_p_man (Ha! that'll teach Sin to accuse me of being Hanns.)

(Right, that's eight ignore lists I'm on now, so I'd better stop for the time being.)

As for me, it's time to come clean. I too changed my name because I felt that my old name didn't reflect my personality properly. And if you haven't guessed, I used to be mad rabbit jack.

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tis me - I confess - didnt like the name

thought I was being too typecast
I think that Chilled Vodka is really Spinaroonie without the big red rod droopy moustache.

And BBW is stalking me. Very badly.
You didn't capitalize my other name properly. It's REDWAVE, all caps.

:) you guys are funny..

never guess I used to be Lit way back in '99 when it was brand spanking new eh??

I remember when the lists for the stories didnt need to be listed alphabetically, there were only a handful in each category...

and the board was just a dream...

now.. see if u can guess who I was!! lol

oh, i was never mean either
EarthWind said:

:) you guys are funny..

never guess I used to be Lit way back in '99 when it was brand spanking new eh??

I remember when the lists for the stories didnt need to be listed alphabetically, there were only a handful in each category...

and the board was just a dream...

now.. see if u can guess who I was!! lol

oh, i was never mean either


Mad_Jack_Rabbit, half of the newbies on your list aren't newbies. Some of them were here ever before you were.
Re: Who's Who of the Oldies pretending to be newbies for the people who don't give a damn

Never said:
Mad_Jack_Rabbit, half of the newbies on your list aren't newbies. Some of them were here ever before you were.

Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
Right. Too many newbies are cropping up but are really oldies in disguise. Now I've figured out some of them and a few of the other multiname posters.

Please read carefully people. It will save time and confusion.

Thank you.
EarthWind said:

:) you guys are funny..

never guess I used to be Lit way back in '99 when it was brand spanking new eh??

I remember when the lists for the stories didnt need to be listed alphabetically, there were only a handful in each category...

and the board was just a dream...

now.. see if u can guess who I was!! lol

oh, i was never mean either



I am patryn really.

You fucking bitches all of you are really hiding behind the trolls and I have proof to rat you all out.
"Who's Who of the Oldies pretending to be newbies for the people who don't give a damn"

Please select your thread titles carefull people. It will save time and confusion.
Never said:
"Who's Who of the Oldies pretending to be newbies for the people who don't give a damn"

Please select your thread titles carefull people. It will save time and confusion.


Nice to see you're one of the people who don't give a damn about this kind of shit. :)
"I am patryn really."

Say that loudly enough and someone is bound to believe you.

MJR, Just because I'm apathetic doesn't mean I don't give a damn.
Re: Who's Who of the Oldies pretending to be newbies for the people who don't give a damn

Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
Right. Too many newbies are cropping up but are really oldies in disguise. Now I've figured out some of them and few of the other multiname posters.

Naughty Elf is really Killermuffin in snow shows and a woolly hat.


:kiss: :kiss: