Who's betting on Saddam?


Dec 18, 1999
Right now various sports books have the following odds posted on Saddam:

3-1 He'll be in power on April 30th
10-1 He'll be in power on June 30th
5-1 He'll be in US custody on June 30th
3-2 He'll be dead on June 30th
3-2 He'll be MIA on June 30th
5-1 He'll be a political exile on June 30th
10-1 He'll be in exile in Libya on June 30th

That Libya action looks pretty tempting.
I'll bet on Saddam to be as stubborn as G-dubyah.:rolleyes:
Ok to live past the year then

I mean wasnt Osama enemy number one, has Saddamn taken the title again

Also is there any action on a Bush assasination yet?
Well, let's see....

There's odds posted for North Korea:
5-1 US launches pre-emptive strike before 12-31-03
10-1 Japan launches a pre-emptive strike before 12-31-03
30-1 North Korea launches a nuclear strike against another nation before 12-31-03
150-1 Bush goes on vacation in North Korea before 12-31-03

And Osama too:
1-2 He's dead before 12-31-03
3-2 He's in US custody by 12-31-03
10-1 He's in US custody before 5-12-03

And right now it's 1-3 that Bush will be re-elected in 2004.
Could we have odds on the pens making the playoffs in five years?
Effigy said:
Could we have odds on the pens making the playoffs in five years?

They'll be back in 2.

Next year is gonna be awful, but 2005 will be good.
I cant believe Bush is 3-1 on already even if they dont have an opponent set

I'll take the odds on Osama living past they year
Effigy said:
I cant believe Bush is 3-1 on already even if they dont have an opponent set

LOL... that wasn't a typo up there, the site I saw had Bush at 1-3.
3-1 on is 1-3...

I'd give him even money without an opponent, the war has hurt him more than he thinks.
Yeah, but with the field of Democratic contenders, between Bush and the field, I'll take Bush.

It's like saying Tyson's going to win his next fight if his potential opponent is comprised entirely of flyweights.

Shit, if the fucker doesn't come out of his bunker (assuming he lives past the war) we should fill it up with concrete.
Friends of Saddam.

Redwave and pp Man are betting on Saddam.

So are all the pacifists, peaceniks and treasonous protesters...

I'm damn PROUD to declare that I'm 100% in agreement with President Bush in our war to rid the world of Saddam Hussein..

We shall win...You can bet your freedom on it.

Re: Friends of Saddam.

Jabo 69 said:
Redwave and pp Man are betting on Saddam.

So are all the pacifists, peaceniks and treasonous protesters...

I'm damn PROUD to declare that I'm 100% in agreement with President Bush in our war to rid the world of Saddam Hussein..

We shall win...You can bet your freedom on it.


Why aren't you fighting over there? Jabo, you coward.

Lots of good men and women are being killed while you stay at home applauding.
Jabo isnt real. He is a figment of our collective imaginations.

No one human being could be that moronic. And still be able to operate a computer.